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About Fluca

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    On the Coast
  1. Fluca

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    @Bill Murray Sorry, but no. You realise that there are people all over the world playing this mod, right? Now check how many servers there are for every continent and know that a low ping is not always possible and/or sustainable, regardless of the type and speed of connection one has. As for admin kicking, you can report it, but how will you prove it and worse, the damage will already have been done. As for the bathroom break, I guess I really must be the only one to have been through that, unlucky me... Cheers, Fluca. P.S.: I feel bad for laughing when you got killed in Zombieland :P
  2. Fluca

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I agree that disconnecting to avoid being killed must be prevented. However, what people are failing to recognize are the situations where you are, say, running away from a zombie (luring it away from others, so you can kill it without aggroing them) and get booted because the server considered your ping too high. Or, when you are prone in a zombie infested area and the admin kicks you because he needs space for his friends. Or, when you are in Cherno looting some house and the game and you need to bio (don't say I'm the only one playing and avoiding nature's call for way too long for it to be healthy :P). etc. These are the situations that worry me, because I often find myself in them, especially the ping boot (American servers tend, for some reason, to suck in the early hours (at least for me). Five seconds with a zombie clawing at you, especially since Rocket has said he will make them hit harder, is enough to ruin days of gaming... And, as it has been said before, it won't prevent people from ducking for cover and disconnecting. Anyways, that's my take on it and if those concerns are addressed, I'll be all for this measure. Cheers, Fluca
  3. Fluca

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    A five second counter before disconnect, with you being able to cancel it and/or move your char is ok. No, it is great. Hell, make it ten seconds. However, five seconds without that turns you into dead meat if you happen to be kicked by 'ping too high', crashes, 'friendly' admins simply booting you out (it happens, we all know it) etc. All those things happen quite a lot, so they should be taken into account before going live with the new patch. As for the other changes, great and thank you very much. Cheers, Fluca
  4. Fluca

    Turn off Debug Monitor

    I agree. Both the chat and debug windows should be closeable (is that a word? :) ). Cheers, Fluca