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JKai (DayZ)

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About JKai (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    In your closet...
  • Interests
    Not DayZ i hate DayZ

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  • Bio
    I have a DayZ bambi!
  1. JKai (DayZ)

    The best thing around...

    I love atanf
  2. JKai (DayZ)


    I use it and see no difference when i am using skype and when im not, i also play with 3 freinds and they also experience no differences.
  3. JKai (DayZ)

    The best thing around...

    Yup just imagine: New spawn: "ohno, 3 bandits and i only have a axe, i cant do this!" *drinks irn bru* "Raaaaaarrrggghh!" *charges bandits* *gets ripped apart by bandits with full autos*
  4. JKai (DayZ)

    The best thing around...

    Holy crap that advert just made me lmao!
  5. JKai (DayZ)

    The best thing around...

    True, i am suprised they get away with it in the mod.
  6. JKai (DayZ)

    The best thing around...

    Are you feeling okay? How can you not like it?!
  7. JKai (DayZ)

    The best thing around...

    Who needs moutain dew, who needs pepsi... We need Dr Pepper! Why isn't it already in the game?!
  8. JKai (DayZ)

    Some gun suggestions

    Water pistol....
  9. JKai (DayZ)

    Foliage movement?

    Not the most stealthy thing around :p 'Two bandits on a hill' Bandit 1: " is it me who is that bush moving?" Bandit 2: " nope i see it too"
  10. JKai (DayZ)

    Menu + Freinds list

    Ooops my bad :)
  11. JKai (DayZ)

    20 FPS on gaming rig

    A mac book can manage to load up more than the main menu?! :o
  12. JKai (DayZ)

    Basements as spawn ground.

  13. JKai (DayZ)

    Menu + Freinds list

    Thanks that clears it up although i would prefer a server browser like gmod more than a tf2 type. Instead of the gamemodes it could be public/private hive servers then location (uk, us ect.)
  14. JKai (DayZ)

    Menu + Freinds list

    I didnt know there was such a thing to be honest :P
  15. JKai (DayZ)

    Break "engine" Down To Smaller Parts

    If this was added it would require a lot more searching, although it might work more if there is a rare chance to find a complete engine that you can take apart into seperate pieces.