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About Edgu

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  1. Edgu

    How I became a bandit.

    Too lazy to read, but I bet it's a cool story.
  2. Hello guys, is there a tutorial or something that explains how to remove unwanted objects from default map? for example wrecked cars,garbage, etc..? I couldn't find any info.. I know how to add objects and delete them but not how to remove the default objects.
  3. I don't know if it's best or not, I'm also looking for a GOOD antihack to buy. Paying for antihack is not a mistake if it's really working and if it's being updated.
  4. Have you tried this http://antihack.nullbyte.me/ and blurgaming antihacks?
  5. I feel sorry for you guys :( I would've killed on sight the bandits buddy, too risky to team up with bandits friend cuz they were probably talking over skype or ts3.
  6. Edgu

    Morse code?

    Dude this is just a game, I believe not many would learn Morses code. Damn man..
  7. Edgu

    FPS Lag

    Wtf, my specs are 4GB RAM Shitty hdd Geforce 540M 2GB Intel i5 2410m overclock to 2,9 it's loptop and I get 20-25 fps, seriously what the hell? How is it even possible for your specs to get such low fps????
  8. Edgu

    When a good plan goes to shit

    Nice vid man, you should make more. I enjoyed watching it :)