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About MatthewSzanyi

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    England, UK
  1. MatthewSzanyi

    Looking for a group/ clan to play with

    Hey Im also looking to join a group, wanna team up and start one of our own?
  2. MatthewSzanyi

    Long time Dayz player looking for a group to join

    Um I live in England, UK It's currently 2:05PM here.
  3. Hi I have been playing DayZ for well over a year now and I am starting to get a little tired of playing on my own. I am currently fully equipped and have just reached day 60 with my character. If anyone wants a new member to there team whether its old or new I don't mind. I'm 18, I have access to a mic. Thank you for your time!