Hello! We are currently in need of developers for our new up and coming mod, mainly programmers to keep the mod updated and fix bugs. You will be a member of the staff and will be partly responsible for CH duties as well. Requirements: - Age of 18+ - Experience with some kind of an object oriented programming language - Some insight in how ArmA scripts work - Lots of free time - No authority issues What you get out of it: - Fame, glory and that warm feeling inside that you did something good for the community - Donation credits, custom rank, access to all the early access stuff To apply: - Create a demo of what you can do. This must be something that could potentially be used on our servers, preferably a script of some kind (new or improved game mechanic, security enhancement or a bug fix) or a skin/vehicle. Please do not copy scripts or assets available on Armaholic or other websites. - Send me a PM with a title "Dev Application", fill out the following form ----------------------------------------Name: Age: Timezone: Programming experience: ArmA scripting experience: Any other exceptional merits: What is your demo and what does it do: ----------------------------------------The number of available positions is very limited, good applications will be accepted on first come, first served basis. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us in a PM. Thank you and good luck!