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Everything posted by Herewasbob

  1. I'm trying to join a sahrani server using Dayz Commander. I get an error message when joing the lobby that goes something like "\addons\dayz_code\gui\sahrani.paa not found" then I press ok and the loading continues and then it stops at "Waiting for server to start authentication", the timer hits 40, then I see a message "Something went wrong! Return to the lobby and try again." I am not at all experienced with computers so please don't be telling me solutions with abreviations and directions that require me to skip 10 steps and teleport to a file somewhere ._. I love sahrani and want to play it!
  2. Herewasbob

    Waiting for server to start authentication

    I don't use epoch. I have tried two versions on two versions of sahrani and neither work. I don't believe it has to do with my version.