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Everything posted by ztripez

  1. Dear Devs of DayZ We are the adminstrator for the Seattle 18 Server and started it because we had trouble finding a server where our whole group of about 10-15 active players could play together. We love DayZ and play it alot. The Devs have truly created something that have been missing in the gaming community. All cred to you. We fully understand the vision the devs have of an open server policy, and agrees that this is essential for the full gaming experience. But we find that being able to play together as a group is at least equally important. We don't mind other players using our server, as long as our whole group is able to join for sure. We really don't want to kick any player from the server or anything like that just for us to be able to connect. We know that there are alot of other admins sharing this view. It is not that we are egoists in any way. We want to play with our friends AND help out the DayZ community. There must be a way to meet half way in this. We, the admins, must accept the vision of open servers that the devs have, but the devs need to understand why people hosts and pay for the servers, because we are the ones making this vision a reallity. One solution is that each server could bind a certain amount of slots, let say 25%, to a player guid. This way we have room for our friends and the server will still be open to other players aswell. This will probably also give other groups the incet to buy thier own servers in the future. Sounds like a win-win situation to us. We get the server to play on and the amount of server will grow over time. We truly hope that the devs understand our frustation over this matter beause we really do want to continue to contribute to the DayZ community. Sincerely Picazzo & Ztripez Admins Seattle 18 PS We hope other admins will sign this to start a mature discussion about the issue. DS
  2. ztripez

    Admins IRC/Groups

    I would also like to have an invite to the admin group/channel