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Deathwind (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Deathwind (DayZ)

  1. Deathwind (DayZ)

    SA Mountain Climbing

  2. Deathwind (DayZ)

    SA Mountain Climbing

    I like this.
  3. Deathwind (DayZ)

    The mentality of KoS

    Take em already!
  4. Deathwind (DayZ)

    The mentality of KoS

    THis way well written. Beans, take them! God damnit fucking take them!
  5. I ran over a 3-group of happily roleplaying survivors.
  6. Deathwind (DayZ)

    Roleplay Story.

    They where always fun. Acess to private server.
  7. Deathwind (DayZ)

    Roleplay Story.

    I used to do lots of Roleplayers in DayZ.
  8. Deathwind (DayZ)

    This is how bandits should be.

    I hope standalone brings this about.
  9. Deathwind (DayZ)

    This is how bandits should be.

    Banditry would be much more respectable if this was a common occurrence.
  10. Deathwind (DayZ)

    This is how bandits should be.

    Quite a true bandit
  11. Deathwind (DayZ)

    CZ550 vs M24

    I think the CZ takes the trophy with its overflowing abundance of lootable ammo all around the map.
  12. Deathwind (DayZ)

    Your Base Setup

    Just wondering if anyone wanted to share there base setups as reference. I know mine has worked for everyone I have shared it with. I pick from a 5-7 option long list of locations that work. They all are definitely pretty remote, but are all near a primary road. Now knowing lots of people travel in the shrubs or 50 meter radius from road so they aren't sitting ducks, or traveling ducks (not funny). So I usually space out about 400-500 meters from road. I arrange a circle of tents and use my select car, I like high storage ones, with gear doing trips for loot. Usually just hiding my car throughout until returning to unpack. I use a motorbike or silent car to scout.
  13. So in my times of playing this game, I have raided my fair share of crash sites. Those notorious beacons of smoke that hold mounds of high-tier booty that takes ownership over any other source of loot. But many people don't know smack on how to effectively raid these caches. This is a step-by-step hand written by a long time player guide to achieving ownership over what these crash-sites have to offer. Scenario: This will be a typical scenario for a crash site that will allow for open pointers. The crash site is in a funnel of smoke smack in the middle of a field. A shield of trees surrounds the enclosing, with a shallow hill to one side. The crash site is freshly spawned and untouched. Average number of zombies surrounds the site. Step 1: Observe Very self-explanatory step that makes a big distance. You would want to jot down brain notes on the surroundings, possibility of hostile players, key escape points and shrubbery or places that could provide cover. This is a very important step! Step 2: Evaluate After making observations, you must then evaluate yourself. If the crash is near a place of active player count, ask yourself if a weapon would hold against armed bandits or even packs of roaming hostiles. Ask if you are even at a point in experience that you should be raiding helicopter crash sites. Then look at your objectives and current inventory to see what your desired loot is from the crash site. Step 3 *Optional*: Mark Loot Using any sort of binocular, scoped weapon, or source of long-distance viewing, plot out desired firearms or articles of gear you are interested in. Then you would have an idea of how much you have to clear for Step 4. Step 4: Inventory If ranged viewing was not available for Step 3, just clear enough space in your backpack for what you think will be found loot-wise. I like to place all the loot at my escape point so if I don't fill my bag with crash-site loot, I can take whatever I want back and head out. If you come upon the site, find that AS50, and then have to make room for it, that takes time. And wasting time leaves you in the headlights, the exact position you are in no matter how well you scout before raiding a crash site. Step 5: Circle Kind of optional. Just do a quick circle around the perimeter to check for snipers or what not. No need to be super thorough. Step 6: Approach From the time you approach the crash site, to the time you depart/escape, speed is essential. You should approach at a crouching stance but keep moving, pacing yourself at top speed in this position. Step 7: Zombie Combat Zombies are not to worry. I would just down around 3-4, giving you time to search around. Circling around the chopper really slows them. Chances are if you keep circling and using developed skills from past events, you should be fine. Step 8: Grab After circling the crash-site a couple times, decide on what you want to take. Make a quick crouch and stash. Never stop circling and moving though, because stopping could allow that sniper to finally line up his cross heirs. And usually there are snipers. Step 9: Bolt Sprint for your escape, but make sure to zig-zag. All the while, decide if you need to make a quick stop to load up any spare slots with the pile of gear you cleared from your backpack at Step 4. When you crouch to load up any of the items, make sure you strafe left and right. Trust me, it annoys the snipers and makes it hard. If the sniper tries to hit you and misses, just run. You have what you need. Step 10: Label Clear Though it doesn't matter, I like to just slap a marker on the location of the site saying 'Crash Site Cleared'. If this guide was at all helpful, I'm quite hungry for some beans. Nah, its fine. I really hope this helps anybody who reads. Thanks!
  14. Deathwind (DayZ)

    General Tips Thread

    MAN! I dig that nickname! Take my beans, just take it!
  15. Deathwind (DayZ)

    How to make a Huey unflyable... srsly, how?

    Possibly just sacrifice yourself, take it for a flight, and crash it.
  16. So I was playing on this one server that I really like. I had created my character that morning and had been playing for like 5-6 hours, building him up. Scored an FN-FAL, which is a really great gun in the right hands, and some silenced pistol I desire to remember the name of. As I was near Cherno, I heard heavy global chat of some sort of heavy base at the Cherno grocery store. So, being the curious monkey I am, I decide to head over and 'scout' things out... I was impressed balls deep in the mud. They had the place locked tight, with the key thrown down the drain. Sandbags layered entries, the places was layered in barbed wire and a wall that included a 2 buses and 3 random cars overlapped in tight but secure perimeter. I really was impressed. I guess the guys where friendly, as even bandits whos usernames I have come to know from past missions and rivalries where getting in on the buzz of trading and gathering in the chat and area in and around the supermarket. I knew I would never be allowed cause my name was well-known around there, at least the name I was using this time. I swap names, original-bandit don't need no fame. But I'm known by those I care to know. Anyways, back on track. Zombies seemed to be the least of anyone's worries as countless vehicles of different shapes and sizes, and a fair share of on-foot travelers came and go. I was past being curious and was literally ITCHING to get a look inside. I had to be careful though. The people who made it, the supposed -=-Head Founder-=- (via info from chat), his name being RainbowXZY, had strict law going on. This was DayZ at its finest moment of glory! First thing I had to be careful of was there marksman, who I knew personally as Kruyn0n. Bandit turned hero. Pitiful. Anyways, one shot from that AS50 and I was in deep do-do. Then there was the simply unrealistic patrols they had, a mix of trucks with mounted machine guns and odd military vehicles. But I knew the city like I know my cat, who is like my BFF for life. Stalking around, mixing with the trees, becoming one with the surrounding, I went into a brick apartment and took to the handy windows provided. Sweet nibblets I remember that view. Inside the shop, gear spawn was halted. Replacing the scattered canned foods and carbonated drink was an armada of prestige high-tier firearms that made my trigger finger spaz lightning bolt. They had 2 separate campfires and I could make out even MORE supplies in the back room, definitely some blood bags and food and green packs that where no doubt ammo, and oh shit was that a vanilla package there? Ghillie suit galore. And my usual composed and legendary pro outlaw bandit composure was lost in the woods. I texted my friend, aka HammerRa1d, to give me a hand. I gave a brief overview and he stuck to it like a fly. Since this was his, like, dream server, it was the only one he played on. Last time I had asked, he was donating $40, adding to a sure 4-digit donor total. I had to tell him to slow down and take it stealthy as he approached with his sleek, black SUV. I had to go over the plan. My heart beats in my non-digital, real life throat. Shaking out the nerves, I bolt up the apartment stairs and plant the satchel charge. I then hear and get the signal that Hammer has placed his satchel charge to. Satchel 1 decoy, Satchel 2 the real deal. Lets get it started. We both took our positions in the hills with our DMR's, giving us a 280 degree view of the store. The SUV, a key part of the plan, was parked near Hammer, hidden so as to not give away his spot. Part 1 of the plane. I take a breathe, steady my cross heirs, and within 5 seconds, I place 2 bullets into the rooftops snipers head. No lag, as his death name pops up very soon after. The gunshots, the death of a close and vital comrade in the Stores operation. That was bound to strike fear. The death was followed by a rapid wave of 'Fucks', 'Screw dis', 'You have GOT to be kidding me', and 'Please don't!"'s. Time to start the plan. Hammer and I rain lead hell on the poor settlement. We don't pot shot, but we don't aim to kill. If we had aimed to kill, all of them in sight would have died then and there, but we where not sure how many where hiding in the stores depths or in nearby apartments. Another death related to the shop starts a rave of insults and curses. Brokens legs. Havoc. Then we give the terrorist broadcast. I type in caps in the chat, "THIS IS NOT A JOKE. YOUR PUNY LITTLE SHOP IS BEING JACKED, ON THE SPOT. YOU HAVE 3 MINUTES TO TALK IT OVER BEFORE ONE OF MY MANY COMRADES IN THE AREA COMES IN WITH HIS SUV. YOU WILL OBEDIENTLY LOAD ANY SNIPERS AND HEAVY WEAPONS AND ANYTHING SUCH AS GHILLIES, SATCHELS, OR OTHER RARITIES. WE KNOW YOUR CONTENT, ONE OF US IS IN YOUR MOST TRUSTED. IF YOU FAIL TO SATISFY, YOU DIE. TIME STARTS NOW. FAIL TO COMPLY AND YOU DIE BY EXPLOSION!". Right after my broadcast, I blow the apartment. It doesn't take them 3 minutes to decide. They want to fight back. So we go for kills. We kill 3 of them. They decide to give us the stuff we want and cut their losses with what they have. My friend drives up and loads the stuff. As he drives away, I keep cover. When he finally comes, he gets out of the drivers seat and blows the grocery store. I'm positive the things that followed in chat from that group would get me banned for multiple accounts against the forums limited but still in place rules against racism and profanity.
  17. Deathwind (DayZ)

    First Time Bandit

    Bring your friends!
  18. Deathwind (DayZ)

    First Time Bandit

    New members always welcome!
  19. Deathwind (DayZ)

    First Time Bandit

    Good story dude! And welcome! *hands you some cake*
  20. Deathwind (DayZ)

    SA: How big your group will be?

    2 people is the most efficient. No conflicts and everyone feels included. Also allows for maximum loot cut and organization.
  21. Deathwind (DayZ)

    Story #2: Grocery Store Alamo

    Thanks. With these types of events, the details stick in my brain, even though there are like #3-50 or so more to come.
  22. Deathwind (DayZ)

    I have done something very wrong

    Not hose, it tis those. And yes I should have. Thank you for your concern for my health.
  23. Deathwind (DayZ)

    Story #1: Roadside Trap

    Hey guys, I have just decided to share some of my best stories in my time as a bandit. I played a hero/average joe survivor for like the first month or 2 of playing DayZ, but then I decided that I would take advantage of the lawless banditry DayZ is so well known for. Anyways, I can brag that I'm a retired but seasoned bandit, waiting to strike again in the standalone. Now, my story takes place on a very popular server. Server is almost always at its 60 person max, so there is lots of activity, to say the least. My character had been alive for 2 real-time weeks, and it was my center of attention. I was riding with 3 other close friends and we all had racked up to at least 15-20 player kills on our still surviving bandits. We where stationed in a forest area, our base pretty low and very tight and not much space, but it stayed hidden. We fit 4 tents, a campfire, and a bike that served our needs, and we where only 340 meters from Cherno, jogging distance. But anyways, we decided one Saturday morning, to do a little robbery and hijacking. At the sound of those words, most seasoned bandits alike jump in anticipation to watch. Luckily, since me and my friends where basically stacked, we could do fun things like this, while gaining a few extra high-tier firearms and some other decent loots. Anyways, our trap started out pretty stereotypical. One of our guys was on a really high perch with his CZ50 (to this day, I have no idea why he picked the CZ50 over the available AS50's and DMR's at camp. I guess it had an original feel???...), then friend numbers two and three where stationed on each side of the road, completely hidden in bushes. Then there was me, the devious and bandit-original mastermind of the plan, standing guard with the 2 tents we had set up only 50 meters away from the road. Now let me rinse and repeat, we had some of the best guns in the game, so firepower was on our side, along with the mixture of a rather explicit surprise element under our sleeves. Getting people to come to a location is easy, especially when you are on a primary road to Cherno that is always a hotspot for road combat and chases (all so common on this server). We have cars hidden all in the perimeter of our base, so we took the most attractive and desirable vehicle in our past experiences, the Ural, and smacked that right in the left lane of the street. Then we sort of depended on the first person to come by for our puzzle piece to start the plan. That person came. Helix white truck, zooming down. Stops, takes the bait, checks the car, and his brain is so attached to the new discovery that he doesn't remember when those very un-sneaky brains cells got splattered by a hunting rifle. Well, just enough to knock the poor dude out. Friends two and three where on the case. Friend two drove the car off to the tents I was at for a loot check over, while Friend three drags the knocked out bambi next to the Ural and shoots him with a Makarov, finalizing his death, and arranging him as the finishing prop for our plane. For the next 4 hours, we ran through this method spot clean. And then the most bizarre thing. Not the most bizarre thing ever, but it was bizarre to a normal DayZ'er. Two helicopters suddenly swooshed into view, both landing in almost Olympic unison in the street. Crazy. It was a pretty tight fit. And those helicopters where tight. Tight with people. Both where full. The pilots kept the planes running (gas wasting fiends) as 4 different unique players exited the cargo, totaling eight. A couple had hero skins, some had camo, some had normal skins, a couple had bandit. One guy rushed over and did a double tap shot on the dead guy before what it seemed like signaling to the others. (Probably where on some sort of TeamSpeak or Skype). I was waiting to give the go after I saw them settle down to loot, but they didn't. They where all tense and frigid and on high alert. They started taking content from the Ural, which I had no intentions of anyone taking as it had loads of food and meds. So, finally, I decide to give the go to all three friends, sniper included, "As original bandits used to warcray... OPEN FUCKING FIRE". Boom Boom BOom BOom Boom BOom BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM. So much gunfire. Downed like 5 before they started blind firing back. Then the bizarre thing. The pilot from one of the planes bolted for the gunner seat on the other guys plane. Then the pilot of that plane lifted off, turned, and before I knew it they gunned us down. My friend sniper died in the conflict, and even though we went out on top, it was hilarious. The pilot did crash when I got his rotor, crashed intentionally (dick move but I guess fair for what we did) into the other operating plane. Upon examining, stamping, looting, and hiding the bodies, they where all from a clan called -_VA1n_- Odd name but whatever.
  24. Deathwind (DayZ)

    Story #1: Roadside Trap

    Im posting my next bandit story right now. Ill use proper formatting.
  25. Deathwind (DayZ)

    I have done something very wrong

    Your not welcome here.