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About PhysiksFPS

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    On the Coast
  1. This server offers: Scavenge, Take clothes, Refuel, RADIO MOD THAT NO ONE HAS BECAUSE I DEVELOPED IT, AI PAtrols, Self Bloodbag, Blood Trails of shot players, footsteps, Rain Water Bottle Filling, More Weapons and Vehicles and more importantly BASE BUILDING but you need 3 or more players.
  2. and the servers are not split, THEY EACH WELCOME BOTH TYPES OF PLAYERS, ive been reading that alot of lone wolf players want a server that they can play on , and groups want perks of bringing players in, WE HAVE THAT!
  3. iTS FOR BOTH TYPES OF PLAYERS! I say lonewolf because a solo players can enter and manage just fine, and groups can also enjoy the benefits of this server. Im not trying to get one type but the avid lone wolf is more than welcome to take a shot at this server. Groups will have fun and a challenge. Try taking Zombie Mansion in willow Lake, a lone wolf will have an extremely hard time where the group can manage easily and take the spoils
  4. Wanting to play on a server that is oriented around REALISM? Ever wanted to know what its like to play DayZ as a lone wolf and not needing a partner to play? Ever wanted to immerse yourself in the game and not worry about side chatters and spammers? REAL WORLD SURVIVAL is now here! We have custom tailored our game into creating a REAL WORLD feel for you guys at home. We also have an OVERWATCH server that is being modded as we speak. We have created a BRAND NEW RADIO system to eliminate side chatters. Want to find someone? Find a radio and only others with a radio can hear/type to you. Beware of interecpting bandits though! The server itself is definately fun for groups looking to start fresh! We offer free MUMBLE channels to donators. WE DO NOT DO CUSTOM LOADOUTS. Dont ask us, its cheap and unfair. Everyone has a fair shot in this server. THE military combs the beach killing all that moves so be slick and quiet when moving into the country, they are trying to stop the spread of infection and thier job is to not allow people in OR OUT. This server is wau to much fun, hearing choppers makes you hide and try to get past ZOMBIE FORESTS and into ZOMBIE MANSION where there are guns and loot but a forest of 100's of Z's! Realistic skins an spawn in, no 2 are alike. Try us ut and soon our OW server will be up and modded allowing you do do alot with your character! Here are the ip's: We hope to attract only the most avid players. ADMINS ALWAYS WATCHING, hackers are dealt with quickly and permanantly.
  5. Wanting to play on a server that is oriented around REALISM? Ever wanted to know what its like to play DayZ as a lone wolf and not needing a partner to play? Ever wanted to immerse yourself in the game and not worry about side chatters and spammers? REAL WORLD SURVIVAL is now here! We have custom tailored our game into creating a REAL WORLD feel for you guys at home. We also have an OVERWATCH server that is being modded as we speak. We have created a BRAND NEW RADIO system to eliminate side chatters. Want to find someone? Find a radio and only others with a radio can hear/type to you. Beware of interecpting bandits though! The server itself is definately fun for groups looking to start fresh! We offer free MUMBLE channels to donators. WE DO NOT DO CUSTOM LOADOUTS. Dont ask us, its cheap and unfair. Everyone has a fair shot in this server. THE military combs the beach killing all that moves so be slick and quiet when moving into the country, they are trying to stop the spread of infection and thier job is to not allow people in OR OUT. This server is wau to much fun, hearing choppers makes you hide and try to get past ZOMBIE FORESTS and into ZOMBIE MANSION where there are guns and loot but a forest of 100's of Z's! Realistic skins an spawn in, no 2 are alike. Try us ut and soon our OW server will be up and modded allowing you do do alot with your character! Here are the ip's: We hope to attract only the most avid players. ADMINS ALWAYS WATCHING, hackers are dealt with quickly and permanantly. *Removed