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Everything posted by pegruder

  1. pegruder

    DayZ Mod 1.8.3

    I seem to have an issue harvesting wood. No matter where I am it gives me the message to be in a forest near a tree. Everything else seems perfect over the last 20 minutes of playing the new version.
  2. I was just wondering if anyone knew where this full moon server option is? I can't seem to find it and I've seemed to have lost my full moon once I upgraded to 1.8.1.
  3. pegruder

    1.8.1 Full Moon server option?

    Sweet! Ill have to see what I like more as playing last night on a quarter moon really brought back memories of fumbling around in the dark. My server actually kept quite a good population well in to the night as well which I was shocked with. Most people usually leave.
  4. pegruder

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Quick issue - although I may have missed a fix through all these posts I've been reading. It seems my server is locked to a specific date (Aug 3rd 2013). I've triple checked the Hive settings as well as I've tried statically setting with no change. All I can think of is that this is whats keeping the server on a full moon. Is there a way I can change this? Its keeping my server from getting dark earlier to match outside.
  5. This. I still haven't figured out a way to get my lunar cycles back in....The full moon nights are just too bright. New moon/quarter moons were very stressfull. Still looking for a way to put this back if anyone has figured it out.
  6. So I took a look around and couldn't seem to find a post like this, so I figure why not make one? Dayz has certainly been the most unique game that I've played to say the least and as a relatively new player already have plenty of stories to tell. So if you're interested, sound off with some of your memorable dayz moments. My moment is pretty much the first time I logged in. I spawned near Cherno I believe in complete darkness , and moved across the train tracks near some buildings. I spawned with some flares and maybe a bandage I think. I saw some zombies near this building, so I tossed a flare to the side, and they started to migrate towards it. I crept up to the building and found some cans of food. As I picked em up, I heard a vehicle in the distance. I tried to hide but it was too late. A jeep roared up on me honking and as I was blinded by his headlights, he jumped out and shot me in the leg. My leg now broken and me bleeding out, more shots fired towards the zombies. Was I just caught in the crossfire? I was so confused as to what was going on at this point. As I try and crawl away I hear footsteps, would I be saved? One more final shot rang out.....and I was dead. From this moment on I was hooked. Although I didn't live long, it was a pure adrenaline rush. There has been tons more moments after that, but that one always stuck in my head.
  7. I play my private hive server completely stock vanilla, with the exception of the Sarge AI. I keep heli patrols off, and all AI on a rare chance so you keep that alone feeling with that slight chance youll run in to a pack of bandits. I mainly started my own server due to all the bugs. It would ruin the game for a zombie to clip through a wall and knock me unconscious and kill me, or worse yet, the zombie with no hit boxes that no matter how many times you swing your hatchet or machete, you swing right through him. Not cool. I think the other mods seem like a cool idea, although I haven't played any of them yet. All in all, although Im late to the party on Dayz (I only even HEARD about it back in June/July) its probably the only game I've logged this many hours on in such a short amount of time.
  8. pegruder

    Moon Phases

    Hate to bring this back but it looked like I had a moon cycle in 1.8, and now its back to just a full moon. Is there any editing that will allow a lunar cycle again? It also seems dawn/dusk cycles are off since It used to be right on the money, now its off by about 2 hours for me.
  9. So I had a successful working Dayz server for some time now. I saw that 1.8 was realeased so I went for the upgrade. I replaced the files, updated the sql DB( I think correctly) even got Sarge AI working. Server came up no issues, however on first load, I get a blank page. I disco and reconnect and start up 0 items. Not even my default loadout. I noticed it seems the database was condensed to only a few tables now. It appears the entire player system has been redone. Aside from that, I also have no vehicles on my server any more. I'm ok with starting over on my server, but is there anyway to set a default loadout and get vehicles back? Better yet any way to restore my old DB and upgrade it? I have a copy of my backed up DB. Any ideas what went wrong? Also - Day/Night cycles seem to no longer work as well...
  10. pegruder

    Dayz 1.8 Server Issues

    Im ok with starting from scratch, I just want to get vehicles back in. I miss driving from town to town or fixing up a heli. Not even sure where the vehicles should be in the DB with all the changes.
  11. Anyone else missing cars in their DayZ 1.8 Servers? Everything else seems to be working minus vehicles. I see them in the DB under Object Spawns, but they don't show up.
  12. pegruder

    1.8 Zombie damage

    Agreed! I had one clip through a wall, hit me, and knock me through a wall and knock me out for over a minute. Taking me from full blood to just about dead. Not to mention they respawn wayyy too quickly. No point in taking it slow and picking them off, because 10 more of his friends just showed up. Then theres so much for survival because food spawns everywhere, and repsawns almost as quick.
  13. pegruder

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    So far, loving the update. The HUD is nice, few gripes with the Zeds though. It seems the respawn timer on them is ridiculous (Maybe its my just server). I took out about the 8-10 or so that were around my area, yet as soon as I attempted to move outside the barn, more heard me and flocked to my location. It seems they are also uber sensitive to sight and sound now as well. Creeping around slowly has become next to impossible now during the day. Its weird, some of the closer zeds wont see or hear me, yet some come running from the hills to my location. I've even sat still on top of a roof prone and started crawling, and all of a sudden I hear one or two take off running towards the building. Anyone else notice this or is it just me?
  14. pegruder

    Dayz 1.8 Server Issues

    Day/Night is fixed with info from the following post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/148119-dayz-18-dev-bug-list/?p=1471871
  15. pegruder

    DayZ 1.8 .Dev Bug List

    One incident happened after drink was flashing, I drank a can of coke and then the drink bar was blank. I had to log out and log back in to restore.
  16. So I was playing on a test server setting up and tweaking the Sarge AI (Which is awesome BTW). I decided to take a heli and land on the power plant roof just outside of Electro and Im sitting there watching dozens of AI walk around (I set the limits quite high for testing). Anyway, as I sit there, I hear this roaring coming from the coast and the screen turns all funny colors. I then see a huge what looked like Nuke explosion, killing me and destroying every vehicle on the server. Any ideas what that was? It was a private test server with just me and all ports closed to the public so no one was on it so I dont believe I was hacked. Very strange, first time I've ever seen this happen.
  17. So I have a weird issue with DayZ that "MAY" be heat related on my GPUs. I have a core i7 8GB RAM with 2 ATI 6770s in XFire. I notice as I play DayZ when my GPU hits 82-84deg C, the game freezez, goes black screen then to desktop. At this point temp instantly drops to low 60sC, I can alt tab and continue playing. Is 84C too hot? I pretty much play any game on high or Ultra settings without any issues. I already popped both apart, cleaned all dust and added fresh thermal paste with no change. To help out with this, I used some leftover ducting I had to pretty much pipe my air conditioner to the front of my case for fresh ice cold air lol. This extends my play time to either having little or no freeze ups. I've heard that 100+C is the threshold for temps on GPUs so I can't see 80s being too hot, but Im no expert. Anyone else having these kinds of issues? Ive read about freeze ups, but none seem to have it nailed down to GPU temp related.
  18. pegruder

    Dayz freezing to Black Screen

    This is something I haven't tried yet. I actually just picked up a 200mm side fan for my case in hopes of getting some more air to the cards. The front fan is kinda weak too and could use upgrading. Non reference coolers on both these cards too so Im shocked they get that hot in the first place. Worse case these cards need to get me by to December. Ill probably upgrade them then.
  19. pegruder

    Nuke/Explosion Kills Private server?

    When the AI attacks....lol