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Everything posted by CDimmi77

  1. Global Ban ID: #65b59d I played Day Z a lot with friends up until about three or four months ago when most of them took a break from it. I did too until two days ago when I tried to get on a server again with my friends, I was unable to join due to having been banned apparently during the time I hadn't been playing the game. It its possible my key has been stolen but I am not sure and do very well hope for a swift response from an official regarding my predicament, thank you for your service and your time.
  2. CDimmi77

    Banned while on hiatus

    Okay, if buying keys from them is bad idea i'll avoid that. someone on another forum mentioned the he got cheap ones there. Would I use the normal battleye support email or something specific? I am not the best with getting info from their website....
  3. CDimmi77

    Banned while on hiatus

    Guys i'm honest to god not a hacker, i seriously do just wanna play with my friends whether it means buying a new key or getting an appeal, obv a new key is last resort. If i really cared for hacking id get a keygen or smth and wouldn't bother with appeals. I don't want to have to spend more money pon a game i already paid $20 for to play the mod again
  4. CDimmi77

    Banned while on hiatus

    you acn even see today is the date i joined on the account info there
  5. CDimmi77

    Banned while on hiatus

    I just made that account today so i could try to buy a new key to replace my old one if i cannt get an appeal, i can show you the email to prov itif i must