Hey all, i'm working on starting up a rp server. Mostly, the admins are the last army unit left in chenarus. We will help survivors if they really need, and will provide support if we're in the area. Right now, we run with r-mod, with quite a few scripts for use of the survivors and the admins. Also, thinking about doing bandit/hero zones, a little base for each for incentives for the survivors, and perks to those who gain enough, or lose enough humanity. As for us admins, we will have rules to follow, as we will have the better gear, to not abuse our power, but to help, as role playing as a military force. There will be scattered and hidden ammo boxes with a random weapon or 2. Sarge ai is running, and i sort of amped them up, so teamwork most the time will be essential, weather it's survivors working together/heros/bandits. There's more to go as we add, hoping to have everything up and working as we add more to the map and script way. I'm mostly looking to the community to see what everyone would think of this idea. will still work out a few things to make it still well-rounded for everyone who joins. Additionally, if anyone can help me with a few things, i'd appreciate it: I have r3f arty and log running, but only the log part. i can't for the life of me figure out how to get the artilley working. I would like this aspect of the admins to use it, mostly for support with illum rounds at night time. Want them to also have the ability of HE rounds, but only a limited count for the survivors or admins not to abuse using them constantly. Basically, want the survivors to ask for help, and we deliver. Lastly, with sarge AI.. I figured out how to tweak the ai patrols themselves, now what i can't figure, if i can scale down the chopper patrols. They even tear us up right now, i'd like to scale them down a bit, mostly for fresh spawns not getting constantly killed. Sure, it adds more of a survival, get down and wait aspect, but, they seem a bit op. Thanks for everyone's time. Hope this idea sounds good to some people, and always open to more suggestions!