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Everything posted by hellcane

  1. hellcane

    Log out with broken legs kills player.

    I've logged out with broken legs, but there is always a chance of it being a bug or something negative happening during the logout phase.
  2. FYI: You don't have a right to say anything on the forums. Just a privilege that can be taken from you if you kick and scream enough. Sounds like playing a game during the alpha testing phase isn't for you. Give it a few months and try again if you feel the need to go apeshit over having to test things.
  3. hellcane

    SKS capacity/loading inaccuracy

    Some people think loaded guns are the devil and that intruders will wait for you to arm yourself before raping/killing you.As for legality, with the proper permits (in a state that doesn't try to suppress the constitution) you can own almost any firearm.
  4. hellcane

    What would you prefer?

    Slower than people hordes would get my vote. In the movie you got the feeling that they were zombies because that was the popular thing. In the book that movie was based around, unless my memory fails big time, they were vampires. Which explains the intelligence and why they don't like the sun.
  5. hellcane

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    So they tell you that there will be bugs and wipes because this is an alpha...but you are surprised and angry when it happens? I understand that the beginning of your teenage years can be hard with the hormones and social awkwardness, but try to understand that crying about something you knew was going to happen won't change it.
  6. hellcane

    What civ style weapons would you like to see?

    Depends on what country you are in
  7. hellcane

    ahh combat loggers

    Sounds like it. This is close to the #1 thing I want to see fixed in SA.
  8. hellcane

    When you die... do you - ?

    Depends on mood, however since you are fresh, baiting a geared guy into shooting at you while running in circles and screaming can be fun. My record is about 5 minutes against 4 decently geared guys. Could have been the most fun I've had in SA. Took them like 50 shots to connect and put me down.
  9. Then why so many tears about dying after you decided not to bandage? Again, a solution to this whole thread is to use a bandage or rag to stop your bleeding and survive. If you don't have a bandage, don't go running around shooting and dry humping zombies so they can hit you. You chose poorly. Next time make a better choice and use the bandage or don't be stupid.Anything else we can clear up?
  10. Probably, but then again you would be surprised at the things people think/do.
  11. If you know how the game works you would know that you have to bandage to stop blood loss. You chose to not bandage, and died. Next time bandage to stop blood loss and you might not die.Anything else we can clear up for you?
  12. Yes, your character will die if you choose to do nothing about blood loss.Anything else we can clear up?
  13. Yes, characters die from blood loss if you don't bandage. Anything else we can clear up?
  14. hellcane

    Here's The Deal...

    I think someone died and is upset that his empty server loot whoring was interrupted.
  15. hellcane

    Real Hardcore Mode

    It would be nice to have infected be a bigger threat, but too many will shed tears about it. Look back a year or so ago, when infection was introduced into the mod.
  16. hellcane

    Name 5 thinga you want the most for dayz asap.

    In no order Cars Tents Combat logging Hunting Zombies
  17. hellcane

    Rate the Morality of these Kills

    Do you feel justified shooting? Then yes, it is moral.
  18. Taking everything that has been said by the devs about standalone at face value, it will be good. There will be a lot of tweaks and patches at first, but if you don't expect that, just don't play for a few months. Only thing I am dreading is the text notifications, but they said that they are still working on them and might change it, so...
  19. Since you are sure nobody followed you, next time man sure you aren't skipping towards someone.
  20. It doesn't show the actual penetration, so softcore at best.
  21. Everything looks good except the text messages. Though with him talking about them in a pre-alpha context, I hope they will be toned down/changed for release