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About SMLE

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  1. As I said I am not a doctor you my very well be correct , but I suspect it is more than just game stability as all 1stp view games cause the same effect and some of those games are very smooth . All I know for sure is he loves DayZ and can play it fine in 3rd person thus my crusade to keep it . cheers
  2. If he trys to play the first person camera it is instant motion sickness followed by grab a bucket , huey and ralph . Yes we have tried all the different settings for head wobble and alike , it is not just DayZ he can not play any 1st person view game . there is 1 exception and that is flight sims . I suspect it has something to do with in a flight sim you have the cockpit in front of you then the world at large beyond that , he can fly heli's and drive vehicles in 1st person view in DayZ no trouble . I am not a doctor but maybe the muscles in his eyes are weak and they need something to focus on centre screen or else they wander causeing motion sickness , this is just speculation on my part . He can not even watch youtubes of people playing in first person view . any help/sugestions would be great cheers
  3. I know it is exactly what I did and I was trying to avoid it but I saw no way forward . Im sure you are all personally interested and if I tell you you'll know but well also get floods of wood be doctor know it alls giving their opinions . Ok this is as far as I will go , my friends Disability is mainly but not restricted to because of complications called Muscular Dystrophy . I will not say any more but I will go through a Mod to prove I am telling the truth . cheers P.S. for those interested or who would like to maybe make a donation http://mdnsw.org.au/
  4. I have not lied in any of my other posts , I have refrained from telling the whole story that is all , I thought I was protecting my friend and trying to not be seen as "playing the sympathy card" . I am telling the truth , I can only hope you people are likewise being truthfull with me . If you don't believe me fine but that doesn't change anything . cheers Maybe if I could speak to one the the Boss Mods of this site in private as a neutral 3rd party they could confirm what I am saying as true ? and yes I will be accepting apologies .
  5. I knew someone would ask but i'm sorry I am not at liberty to discuss my friends medical problems in an open forum . cheers
  6. I have been rethinking my approach to this thread and I come up with the following . I said some ways back I like everybody else here has a vested interest in their opinions , I may have been doing a disservice to my "vested interest" by not being totally transperent . My vested interest is a friend who is disabled and plays DayZ , my friend can only play in 3rdp view , every step you take to force people into 1st person takes away from my friends ability to play . Many other games take the disabled community into consideration when creating games why cant this game as well . I am only asking for choices . cheers
  7. Arma 2 was an average success game up untill DayZ mod came out and propelled both into the spotlight and much improved sales . That DayZ mod is one containing both view styles and many other options as well , I think that is part of the success the options . I agree Mr Hall has the best intentions for the game at heart but is he not an Employee ? the bean counters hold the purse strings . cheers
  8. I gave you beans for the stuff about cameras and cinematography very interesting thanks . cheers
  9. Correct me if I am wrong but are they not releasing the game in an Alpha state for a price and continuing development into the future ? I could be wrong . cheers
  10. Im starting to agree with you by trying to please everybody he could ruin it as well , maybe he should just decide one way or the other , whatever it is . cheers
  11. Even I could go with that , how the choice comes about isn't a problem so long as we have it , yes cool thumbs up . oh and leave 3rdp view unbutchered . cheers
  12. Lol Nooooo that's just sooooo wrong not in real life , I wonder if the military would use something like that . probably not then they'd be accused of exploiting by the Taliban :P /joke cheers
  13. Oh ok well I was talking about DayZ I assumed in a discussion about Dayz on the DayZ forum it would be kind of obvious , sorry my bad , I don't know anything about Cod or BF so I cant comment on those games . cheers
  14. Ok Ill try and keep this simple for him , Arma 2 since release up untill DayZ mod came out had sold just over 1 million coppies , since then untill very recently the sales of Arma 2 have more than doubled in a much shorter space of time , solely because of the DayZ mod . I never said anything about COD or BF . Oh and Inception I think you misunderstood my post I was politely calling him a wanker . cheers
  15. Having read your reply I must agree you must spend a lot of time playing with your banana . cheers