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Everything posted by whisperbow

  1. whisperbow

    US3480 Official Hive Vanilla DayZ

    One thing that I don't think is listed is that you can't join the server through DayZ Commander. You need to manual connect to it though ArmA 2 because the server isn't listed as a DayZ mod server but a DayZ standalone server, Just put the IP and port into the remote button in ArmA 2.
  2. whisperbow

    US3480 Official Hive Vanilla DayZ

    Or that. Which is worded a lot better than my post,
  3. whisperbow

    US3480 Official Hive Vanilla DayZ

    For anyone having trouble trying to join the server with the message "Bad version server rejected connection" you need to run your ArmA 2 AO in beta. You need to go to ArmA 2 AO left click on it and go down to properties. Then click on "Betas" click on the drop down tab that says, "NONE-Opt out of all beta programs." and select Beta-. There's also a guide and an image of what to do on the steam group.
  4. whisperbow

    Dayz 1.8.1 RELEASE

    Are we talking in Blizzard time or real time?
  5. For all the people on here that still play vanilla DayZ mod on US3480 you probably know it was down for four days. Well it's back online now.
  6. whisperbow

    My Wish

    If you want role play then you should just buy ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead and register for DayZRP.
  7. Title says it all, just a simple yes or no answer. Edit: will you play the vanilla DayZ mod if you could find a vanilla DayZ server?
  8. US3480 has a good amount of players on it.
  9. Here's a link to the change log http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/149483-rolling-changelog-181/
  10. Here's a link to the change log http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/149483-rolling-changelog-181/
  11. Razor is the lead developer for the DayZ mod with his own team, and Rocket is the lead designer for the Stand Alone with his own team .
  12. I just installed a GTX 650 Ti and I can support three monitors now but I have no idea how to get ArmA across three monitors if it's possible. I was wondering if anybody knows how to or can help me out with this?
  13. whisperbow

    ArmA 2 across three monitors

    Does anyone know if it will work if I over clock it?
  14. whisperbow

    ArmA 2 across three monitors

    OK, thanks for the replies.
  15. whisperbow

    Reason behind your username?

    My name dates back to all the way when I was making a hunter for World of Warcraft.
  16. whisperbow

    What's the best use of a biplane?

    Just flying in one is the best use, they're so much fun.
  17. whisperbow

    Questions about DayZ

    I also recommend you get the PMC DLC and BAF DLC for hd skins.
  18. whisperbow

    a friend in need

    I had an indecent just like this at Devil's castle on US3480. Some clan in side chat said they needed a blood bag and invited me onto their TS. Being the hero I am I drive over there in a UAZ. Turns out they were camping the castle tower, as I was running away because they banned me from their TS they killed me. Funny thing is I had a friend with me who managed to kill all but one of them. I wonder if it was you Lee?
  19. whisperbow

    My story.

    Why do you have to be so mean Kagamine Len?
  20. whisperbow

    Mozzie Flying Practice: No Option in Editor?

    Just ask me if you need anything else.
  21. whisperbow

    Looking for 100% vanilla

    US3480 in my opinion is the best and seems to be the most popular official hive server out there.
  22. whisperbow

    Mozzie Flying Practice: No Option in Editor?

    Here you go http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10335 Just download the files then put it into your mission folders for ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead. Makre sure you disable DayZ too.
  23. whisperbow

    Snow! :)

    By any chance is this server US3480?
  24. Age:14 years old I have a mic and use Skype or Vent. Sex:M Location: America Server: US3480 and UK130 I play as a hero on the official hive servers and have a camp unless it was found. I'm not the best at pvp but I can't still do it. I can snipe, drive and fly vehicles. I like to be sneaky depending on the location i'm in.