I want an action was make for player and their chopper if pilot have a crash or a bug. For car there are a rool back if the driver have a crash, his car don't be at the place when the driver crash but before, it is possible to make chopper appear at the last place landed? or at a secure site (flat open terrain) ? or a chest to recup the inventory of the chopper look like cross of all player or npc. I play to dayz since few week, but i have sometimes problem with high ping or since the last upgrade i have the game crash sometime without error message. today and there is 2days the game stop when i was at sabina and last week one time i come to mitrovice, the game make a back to windows and i can't retourn in the game before stop it. a player say to me he hear a crash, a stop the game and when a reconnect my mi-17 was crash and me hurt, half of my blood and need bandage, and very long coma. my blod stop at the finish and the coma stop 20second after, i can see around me my chopper is destroy. for mitrovice, there are 4player at this town, i come to help them to kill chopper npc, but when i 'm near mitrovice the game stop itself, i restart the game, i'm alive too far at the other side of mitrovice and my praga was destroy in the town. I have lost because of this bug, 5days to find windows and the others part for repair a chopper, and all item found, cooked meat farm for preparation to sector b and npc chopper...and too much weapon svd night vision, m249... to drive with car or truck, all road have too much obstacle, the bridge too, seek crash site too long.... have a chopper is important, that's why i don't understand nothink was make to protect player and their chopper for crash or ping eject.