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Chris Conners

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About Chris Conners

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Chris Conners

    Looking for a group to play DayZ Aftermath with.

    But i am working on a base right now on us 2 so yeah let me know when you need the ts
  2. Chris Conners

    Looking for a group to play DayZ Aftermath with.

    I didnt mean to fool you lol i meant were kitted but we dont have a base yet we have parts for the base though sorry didnt mean to upfront you haha
  3. Chris Conners

    Looking for a group to play DayZ Aftermath with.

    Why hello. Me and a friend of mine would love to join your adventure... we both have gear on us 1 and 2 servers atm and i have my own ts that we can use.