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Everything posted by Etherimp

  1. Etherimp

    Etherimp's Streaming Video Topic.

    Thanks man. Appreciate it. I understand the desire of the staff to keep the forums clean and orderly and well organized.. That said, the videos I posted were VIDEOS, not stream announcements and such.
  2. Etherimp

    The War on Wilderness - Reclaiming Myshkino

    Move the tents to Stary where they belong. We all win.
  3. Etherimp

    If i do know who's cloning equip

    Firstly, let me say that overall I agree.. But... CS was not going to be fixing those "glitches" any time soon.. They were banned from league-play because they were unfair and unsportsmanlike. That's the same reason that IDEALLY, anyone who uses dupes/glitches SHOULD be banned.. IDEALLY.. In a perfect world, people who play like that should not be allowed to play because it's unfair and unsporting. Realistically though, you're correct.
  4. Etherimp

    If i do know who's cloning equip

    Using glitched flashbangs in CS was illegal in certain online leagues and at some LAN tournaments.
  5. Just remove 3rd person. When vehicles are introduced make it like Battlefield - 3rd person optional in vehicles, but not on foot.
  6. Etherimp

    Status Report - Week of 08 Sept 14

    Shhhhh... more towns = better. There will still be plenty of woodlands. I played the mod for over a year.. Trust me, you will eventually be glad there are a lot of towns... especially if server populations go up.
  7. Etherimp

    1 v 3 Vybor Ambush

    http://www.twitch.tv/etherimp/c/5079217 Definitely one of the more intense fire fights I've been in recently.
  8. Etherimp

    1 v 3 Vybor Ambush

    Yeah, would be kind of cool to see smoking (and other stimulants) reduce the shakiness of your hands, or vodka act as a temporary pain killer.
  9. Etherimp

    1 v 3 Vybor Ambush

    haha.. Getting shot much worse for you than smoking. ;)
  10. First, let me say thank you for the compliment and I am really glad you like my videos. I do appreciate that sentiment. Second, let me agree that the "FOV BAR" should not be a "BAR" but a value which you can change... This I agree with. Third, I agree that if you turn your FOV TOO far down, it can cause some disorientation... which is why I play with it around 25% (or about FOV 90ish) As to the dealing with zombies - Zombies are virtually zero threat for me even in hardcore mode with my FOV set to default. It's less about whatever your FOV is set to and more about just getting accustomed to the timing and angle of your swing and whatever weapon you're using. So, if you're worried about zombies, just practice killing them more and you'll get used to whatever FOV you decide to use. As far as the maximum FOV goes... It's really just a bad thing to do for yourself. There are a litany of reasons for why your FOV should be "lower", and only one reason why you would crank your FOV up to maximum.. "I can see around me better with FOV up!" Know what else allows you to see around you? Turning your head. In my experience, through observation and through conversations with friends and other players whom I consider "good" at DayZ, there are two habits which they all share 1. Obsessively using "free look" to look around. 2. Regular "zooming" (mouse2) to check hills, tree lines, dangerous buildings/potential sniper spots. If you get in the regular habit of doing these 2 things, then there's literally no reason why you should have your FOV above, say, the middle of the bar. I am not saying people with high FOV are horrible shots. I am not saying people with high FOV cannot be clever, cunning, or sneaky. I'm saying people who are using maximum (or really high) FOV are nerfing their own ability to spot targets and respond to threats. I have tons and tons of examples of me being able to spot targets at a GREAT distance because I just happened to see a very small "glimmer" of a human shape moving. This situational awareness, to me, is far more important than any ability to kill zombies or melee targets or to see my immediate vicinity better. Try lower FOV, and I promise you if you give yourself time to adjust, you will quickly realize how important it is and how much you were setting yourself at a disadvantage by not using it sooner.
  11. Here's the #1 mistake I see that costs probably more lives than anything anyone so far has listed: Having their FOV set to maximum. If a streamer or youtuber has their FOV set to maximum, I shut them off/close their video/stream immediately. If you set your FOV to maximum, you are a bad player. You may not know you are a bad player, but you are. Facts: 1. High FOV screws over your visual fidelity. It stretches (blurs) the screen so you cannot make out details. 2. High FOV reduces the range your character can see. 3. High FOV applies to scopes as well, so if you look through a scope, you will not be able to see as far as you should. 4. The eye is drawn to high-contrast and movement.. Both of which high FOV can compromise. 5. High FOV makes targets smaller/harder to hit. Don't believe me? Test for yourself. Compare max FOV to medium or low FOV, and see the difference in how far you can see a player standing in a treeline or on top of a police station. Max FOV -> About or less than 100 meters. Low FOV -> 300+ meters. I can't tell you how many times players simply have not seen me because their FOV is cranked. Save your own life - Set your FOV to approximately default (About the END of the word FIELD in "FIELD OF VIEW") Next biggest thing I'd say is people who run directly to the highest value loot spawns without scouting the area. If you haven't scouted the area, you have no idea who's around or where they could possibly be. Furthermore, you're probably missing out on a lot of good loot. If you go to Elektro and only hit the 2 fire-stations, Police station, and the school, your odds of finding a gun are pretty slim.. Where-as if you check all of the row houses and smaller houses, you're practically guaranteed to find an SKS, Mosin, Blaze, or Shotgun. Also, people who run around focusing completely on looting without ever checking their surroundings.. Kind of goes with the last paragraph and ties into the same mentality that runs around with high FOV.
  12. Etherimp

    The 'war on snipers'

    There is no "military" or "civilian" way to hold a gun or stand... Just a "correct" way and an "incorrect" way.
  13. Etherimp

    DayZ Getting Started - Ep.1 (Your Feedback Wanted)

    - Your splash screen looks familiar. Did you make it? Looks taken from someone. - Your voice is not clear enough.
  14. Etherimp

    Anyone ever hunt rabbit?

    I found this one between Krasnistov and Gvozdno (sp?)
  15. Etherimp

    The 'war on snipers'

    Lately I've been toting a mosin w/ LRS and a Sawed off Shotgun... Sawed off shotgun has yet to fail me in getting pesky axe wielders off my nuts.. Even blew away an SKS guy at about 20 meters while he and his friend tried to gun me down.
  16. What Odin said.. I have had dozens if not hundreds of friendly encounters, and had dozens if not hundreds of shoot-outs. You take the good with the bad.
  17. Etherimp

    The 'war on snipers'

    Yeah, I experience about the same.. Also depends on the FOV you're using. If you lower your FOV down to the minimum (which you should for long range sniping), then the sway will be more obvious. Above 600 meters or so it's really difficult due to Travel-Time... The sway plays some role obviously as your target is so small any amount of sway could mean the difference between a headshot and a complete miss. Btw - That artwork on your Profile Avatar is fucking great.
  18. Etherimp

    The 'war on snipers'

    I think "Perfectly" is a little hard to quantify.. but it stands still enough for me to train it on a target and accurately hit that target if I press "hold breath" right before firing. Are you using mouse2 or are you using another key to hold breath? Because if you're using Mouse2, that could be the problem.
  19. Etherimp

    The 'war on snipers'

    Or maybe you're inexperienced and you're talking out of your ass. I have 700 hours. Try taking my advice.. Unless you're just here to bitch.
  20. Etherimp

    The 'war on snipers'

    Newp... Crosshair doesn't sway if you have no broken/fractured limbs, you're not out of breath, and you're laying prone and briefly press "hold breath".. Granted, after a few seconds of holding breath, your crosshair will start to sway again because your character has to catch his breath. Do me a favor, go into your control settings and remove "hold breath" from mouse-button 2. Now move "hold breath" to another key, preferably on your keyboard (I use left-ALT) Now lay prone, catch your breath, and aim at a distant zombie. Zero accordingly. Press "Hold breath" Adjust your aim to the zombies head Fire. Your shots will be dead accurate every time.
  21. Etherimp

    The 'war on snipers'

    Yeah, it does.. And I have video proof of it. Your arm is/was broken, or you did not hold your breath, or you were out of breath from running. Trust me, you're mistaken here and arguing on stubbornness alone.
  22. Etherimp

    The 'war on snipers'

    I never used the Double-hold-breath key, and I snipe people all the time.. And I'm not a casual berezino kiddy.. and I've got plenty of mosin kills.
  23. Etherimp

    The 'war on snipers'

    And I don't disagree with anything about that.. You're at least admitting that AS A GAME MECHANIC, sniping is imbalanced. I'm not saying I want it changed. What I AM saying, is that I'm fine with weapon sway. Assuming your arm is not broken, and you hold your breath on your shot, the crosshair stands perfectly still.
  24. Etherimp

    The 'war on snipers'

    I've already rebutted your points and made points of my own. Please, tell me what your exact argument is. I've asked twice now and you haven't responded. Are you saying weapon sway is too great?
  25. Etherimp

    The 'war on snipers'

    No matter how much you deny that it's imbalanced, it won't become any more true. Two can play at this game. Go watch me 1 shot kill 5 dudes in a row and tell me you think that's balanced.