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Everything posted by Etherimp

  1. Etherimp

    Newbs, ask a vet.

    Ryan Seacrest wasn't even aware he was saying "Seacrest out!", it was a command from his subconscious compelling him to come out of the closet... He came out (Didn't he?), and now his subconscious is satisfied.
  2. Showcases some of the most recent additions (gifts = persistence, cannibalism, night gameplay w/ 24 hour cycle, and some of the bugs in .51)
  3. You don't skin humans, only get their "meat"... (heh.. heh.. giggity).. As far as the meat goes.. you can cook it or eat it raw... or feed it to others..
  4. (Raw, Cooked, Burnt, Spoiled) "Human Meat Steak"
  5. Etherimp

    Shotgun nerfed

    Negative. The shotgun has definitely been nerfed. You can't base your assessment of a weapon on how it performs against Zombies.
  6. I'm 34. Age doesn't have to ruin your gaming. Been a gamer since my dad brought home one of the first calico vision consoles. (Had an Atari also.. And a commodore 64)
  7. Here's your problem... You think you should feel safe.
  8. Etherimp

    The most impressive close range sniping ever

    My aggression is directed towards EVERYONE who flames 3pp, not just you.. So keep that in mind. It's nothing personal.. but here's my beef - Every time someone posts a video of 3pp (I post content to youtube and twitch as well), anytime that video is posted somewhere public, I will attract people to watch the video who are NOT my regular subscribers/followers.. And when that happens it's inevitable that the 3pp issue is going to get brought up. I'm sick of it. It's a non-issue. Unless a video is posted specifically as "HARDCORE", then nobody should expect 1pp. Furthermore, 3pp vs 1pp does not detract from the players skill. People have different reasons for playing 3pp.. Here's the biggest: 3pp servers are more populated. I have every hardcore server with <100 ping "favorited", and every time I go to play I try to play on hardcore... I get home at 11pm MST, and 90% of the time, there are no hardcore servers with more than 6-10 players on them in my area. So ... here's what confuses me.. If this "hardcore!" mode is so much better and everyone loves it so much and every time someone posts a video, people crawl out of the woodwork to flame that video if it's NOT hardcore, then why the hell is it so hard for me to find a POPULATED hardcore server? 1 of 3 things is happening here: 1. A decent percentage of the people who play hardcore play on low-pop servers... 2. People who play hardcore don't play at night..? 3. More people CLAIM they play hardcore than actually play it regularly because they think it makes them sound like a cool kid on forums/reddit for some reason. Personally, I think all 3 are true.
  9. No. Some of us really don't. Only time I would "hop" servers is to play with a friend who's on a server other than the one I am on.. or they could "hop" over to mine. There's no reason to jump to another server to find a magazine. That's laziness.
  10. Sometimes when I'm bored I sit at military areas on low pop servers just to shoot server hoppers in the face and bury their body. You got what you deserved. The game is out there -> interacting with other people. Surviving. Defending yourself with minimal supplies and ammo. THAT is the game. Server hoppers and loot farmers ruin the game for honest players. You take loot from an area that I ran an hour to get to. You take all your precious military gear and kill fresh spawns in cherno or berezino because you can't handle a FAIR fight, let alone a challenge. Then you cry cause you let your guard down and became complacent and got shot in the back? Deal with it. No sympathy here.
  11. Etherimp

    The most impressive close range sniping ever

    I guarantee if you were in a Battle Royale (DayZ edition!) with Smak, Kongphan, myself, and a handful of "top" streamers like MrMoon, Blackout, etc.. You probably wouldn't make it into the top 5.. possibly not top 10. That said, I agree that a lot of streamers are horrrrible.. Especially when you see their FOV cranked up to maximum and they're running around in all ruined gear with 100 food items in their backpack. Know who does that? Rhino..
  12. Etherimp

    The most impressive close range sniping ever

    And the fact that you post that thinking it's relevant to the discussion or that anybody cares means you're both new to DayZ and a sheep for listening to other cry-babies who sit around whining about 3pp and jumping on their bandwagon. This guy played well. Doesn't matter that he was on 3pp. News flash: MOST streamers stay on 3pp because it's more entertaining for their viewers and because MORE people play on 3pp which means more populated servers which means more action. Doesn't detract from their "skills".. So seriously, lets stop with the fucking 3pp bashing already. It's getting really really tiresome.
  13. Etherimp

    The most impressive close range sniping ever

    What does this have to do with the video? It's a 1v7, and the guy dominates with a mosin at close to medium range. It's entertaining. We don't need a sniper history lesson every time someone posts a mosin video.
  14. Etherimp

    The most impressive close range sniping ever

    You sound mad.. If you can't handle a little language, maybe you should avoid the internet. Re: The clip Good shit.. His PC must be beast-mode though. No Love? :P Here's the great thing about America (and the internet as a whole) -> Freedom. You don't have to watch them and you don't have to donate or subscribe..Some people want to because they value the entertainment. I may spend 4-6 hours a night providing entertainment for some people, and they're not OBLIGATED to pay me a dime... But some people (who are more positive and supportive than you) donate out of the kindness of their hearts because they appreciate what streamers DO provide. You kind of sound like a hater, tbh.
  15. Etherimp

    Mosin Rangefinding

    There are numerous easier ways to range-find. 1. Rangefinder, in game.. 2. Use a map (in game map).. Ever square is 100 meters when zoomed in. From corner to corner, each square is about 135 meters. If you wish to get (relatively) close and the 2 positions on the map are at a strange angle from one another, you can use a small length of string, press it taut over your map from position A to position B, with your thumbs holding the string at each location, then move the string so it sits straight against the map. 3. Use dayzdb.com (Shift+Tab in steam, www.dayzdb.com, click on 2 positions. viola.)
  16. Etherimp

    New Youtuber

    Same thing for twitch... If people get you a bunch of followers, a lot of those followers will either leave after a week or they'll rarely watch your channel. You may convince 10-20% of them to stay if you're lucky.
  17. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2krx67/best_player_interaction_ive_had_in_a_long_time_i/ And here's what's disappointing about this encounter... This is supposed to be a survival game. You're supposed to care about your character..about your life. I SPARED his life. He tried to trick me several times and I didn't bite.. I WARNED him that I would kill him if he came after me.. He was low on blood and had a broken arm and I out-geared him.. Any SMART player would have simply walked away and been thankful that I didn't just double-tap him while he was unconscious.. But this troglodyte thinks this is a COD battlefield where you just run around trying to kill everything you see.. Even when I tried talking to him, he was only willing to talk to me when he was trying to trick me into giving him the upper hand. I enjoyed the encounter none-the-less.. I found it entertaining and fun.. But it's also disappointing that these kinds of narrow-minded people are so common.
  18. Yup... When my character stopped to switch weapons I was like "FUCK! I forgot to lower my weapon.. this is it, I'm dead."... Fortunately, broken arms are the real deal, and he didn't have a magazine, so it was 1 shot at a time.. Then the lag ensued. I'm almost embarrassed by my performance in the following "fight", but I think anyone who's played DayZ for long knows that when that kind of stuff happens the combination of lag, desync and adrenaline makes things extremely frantic and unpredictable.
  19. He was carrying around 2 weapons... I think he may have dropped it to fire the sporter, and then when he went to go pick it up I think I came out and shot at him.. I've watched the footage a good many times now and I THINK That is what happened, but I can't be sure.
  20. Etherimp

    Cross server Bandit and Survivor camps suggestion

    I think, optimally, you need to establish it a little differently.. They need to be places that people "want" to go.. Really there's no reason to go to Black Mountain or Devils Castle at the moment.. What about.. Survivor Camp = Zelenogorsk Bandit Camp = Severograd Both have nearby military areas, both have adequate loot, including fresh water sources and nearby hotspots. To improve the idea a bit, maybe have everyone wear a sort of identifying marker/uniform.. Bandits = Wear a specific mask Survivors = No facial wear and maybe a specific kind of hat (Baseball cap or Cowboy hat?) Any one of the opposite (or not wearing the 'uniform') in the 'enemy' camp, is driven out of the area by force. Just throwing stuff out there.. may be flawed.
  21. Sometimes it necessary. Esp when someone is running around you and lagging trying to hack you with a machete. Lol @ your constant forum trolling. Haven't you had your account suspended before?
  22. Etherimp

    AK74 in PVP action.

    A couple of notes.. The PSO scope does NOT go on the AK74 or the AKS 74u Both take 5.45mm ammo. Parts are interchangable. (Buttstock, mags, ammo) AKS74u can fit in your backpack/high cap vest (same as the MP5) AKS74u DOES NOT require/have a handgrip. Also Lock pick does NOT work on handcuffs.
  23. Etherimp

    AK74 in PVP action.

    In a barracks.
  24. Etherimp

    AK74 in PVP action.

    Yeah, but I also wasn't sure how geared he was until after I shot him.. if I had known what he was carrying, I probably would have let him be.