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Everything posted by Etherimp

  1. Etherimp

    How do you get around?

    Little bird > Military offroad > white offroad > bike > foot ATVs are too dangerous.
  2. Etherimp

    Servers in SA?

    Simple solution: Only update player locations and player inventory once a day, or once every so many hours. This would mean your "player progress" would still be saved on a daily basis, but it would remove the possibility of people cycling loot spawns on various different servers, and it would remove the potential for people to ghost.
  3. Etherimp

    Military Offroad Returned Yet?

    I play on US264 and last I checked was in possession of the Military Offroad.. so I believe the answer to your question is "yes."
  4. Birds chirp, frogs ribbit, cows moo, fps games breed hackers. Its a fact of life. Yes you can limit it but no system is fail safe. Its an arms race and the best thing any company can do is create a good anti-hack with minimal false positives combined with severe penalties such as perma bans.
  5. There's a really simple solution to this entire "problem" of KoS.. More than 1 person needs to be required to get to "end game" content, or to even make progress. People in League of Legends or World of Warcraft don't group together and accomplish objectives because they like one another... They do so because they need to. Car Engines and Main Rotor Assemblies should require more than 1 person to move.. Tires should encumber you and take up your primary weapon slot (your hands). Try carrying a Firearm while you carry a wheel.. good luck. Hordes of zombies should not be able to be handled alone.. People should have to group up in order to survive. Some of the best friends I've met in the game have come because... 1. Either I or they needed a blood bag. 2. We both had the goal of getting a vehicle repaired and needed help. 3. We needed one another for survival. Military grade weapons and ammo should be EXTREMELY rare. Household type rifles such as the CZ, Winchester, 9mm Pistol, Double Barrel Shotgun, Revolver, M1911, etc, should be "uncommon".. The most common weapons should be melee such as Axes, Bats, Crowbars, Lead Pipes, etc. Ammo should be extremely scarce. The most PVP happens in the following areas: Elektro, Cherno, Balota, Stary, NWAF, NEAF.. What do all of these places have in common? Military spawns. I am much less likely to shoot someone in Zelenogorsk Market than I am in Elektro Firehouse, or even Stary Sobor. Why? Because in Elektro I know they're looking for a weapon and/or PVP.. In Zelenogorsk, they may or may not have a weapon but odds are they are there looking for food, a map, a backpack, etc.. NOT a high caliber sniper rifle or assault rifle. This gives me the option to interact with them and them me. Also, remove Side-chat.. Side-chat doesn't really add anything to the game and is unrealistic. Add more ways for people to gain and lose humanity.. Doing group activities (such as carrying a car engine with someone else or giving them a weapon) should raise your humanity. Stealing should lower your humanity. Balance out the Humanity gain/loss, a bit. Make it relative, also.. IE - Hero with 5000 Humanity kills 1 Survivor who had 2500 humanity.. they take a -2500 humanity hit.. Same Hero kills a Survivor with 100 humanity, they only lose 100 humanity. Make bandits unable to gain humanity by helping/blood bagging other bandits. Make it so you can distinguish hero/bandit/survivor when the player is wearing a ghillie suit or camo clothing. This one may be difficult to implement, but somehow make it so a person firing back in self defense does not lose humanity. The first time I achieved Hero status I lost it when I tried to help someone out.. Mid-bloodbag, the guy turned around and started unloading a G17 into my chest, I shot him with my MKMod0 and killed him with only 1500 blood remaining.. I lost over 1000 humanity for killing him. This simply shouldn't happen. Weapons should spawn with a random durability from 1 to 100.. As weapons are used, they break down... Jams become more common and eventually the weapon needs parts to be repaired. Just my 2c.
  6. Possessions and locations in DayZ do not have owners, only users. Best way to role-play is the passive style: I'm a hero, I shoot Bandits, I attempt to help bambis.. You can only control how you play the game.. not how others play. Also, try Vanilla.
  7. Etherimp

    So how many NVGS...

    I believe I've found 2-3 personally.. Although the squad I run with is all equipped with them and we have 4 in our Ural. And yes, it's all legit. Not sure if the 4 in the Ural were picked up off bandits or found on crash sites/barracks. The server I play on (US264) is 100% vanilla, and as such, only 4 helicopters spawn on the server. We currently possess all 4 of them, so we like to log on right after restart and go flying around checking all the fresh chopper crashes. I also play at night time during low-pop hours, so it's easy for me to raid NWAF and Chopper crashes.
  8. Etherimp

    My and your reason to Kill on Sight (KoS)

    I KOS Bandits. Survivors it's dependent upon the situation. If I feel I can talk to them and have an advantage, I will.. If they get the drop on me, I wait to see how they play it. As to destroying Helis - Just get a heli monopoly and no one will find your base. :p
  9. Etherimp

    Get an Alpha out!!

    Games get announced, forum goers get excited and bitch about potential issues Games get delayed, forum goers bitch Games come out buggy, forum goers bitch The un-hackable server side game finally gets released, and hackers find a way to hack, and forum goers bitch The shiney new toy loses some of it's luster after a few months, and forum goers bitch and demand a patch/fix Game gets patched/fixed, more bugs get introduced, forum goers bitch. All things have a life cycle. This is the life cycle of a game, and at every step of the cycle, forum goers are going to bitch about something. Name a single game released in the last 20 years that didn't have a single bug? Name a single game in the last 20 years that didn't have some form of cheating involved? If you stopped punching yourselves in the cock long enough to take a step back and look at the big picture maybe you'd realize that nothing in life is perfect. Nothing. Your father starts out your hero, and eventually you realize he's a human with flaws. Your first love starts out as a perfect soul-mate that you'll never be without.. Then she turns into a psycho bitch and humps your best friend. You get that brand new car, and it's the most amazing thing you've ever owned, then you realize that you got screwed on the purchase price and will be in debt for the next five years, by which time your car will be a piece of shit. Get moved up the career ladder and got a raise, and then you realize your boss now expects more out of your over-achieving ass and eventually fires you for being unable to handle the pressure of your new found responsibility... It's called entropy. All things turn to shit eventually. New experiences keep you going. Enjoy them while they last. Be happy that Dean is considering releasing SA and trust him to release a game we all enjoy. If you don't end up enjoying it, bugger the fuck off and go play a Call of Fucking Duty clone. In the meantime, shut up and stop pestering the dev team with your petty concerns. Quite frankly, you aren't that important.
  10. Etherimp

    Majority of playerbase are kids?

    The problem with "modern" aka "younger" gamers is that they grew up during the tutorial generation where games hold your hand and walk you down a linear path while your health regenerates within a few seconds of taking damage and, just like the special Olympics, everyone is a winner in the end. Contrast this with my generation (33 years of age) I grew up on games like Ninja Gaiden, and later on, Quake II, Counter-Strike, etc. I'm not going to say that gamers now are "worse" at video games, only that they have been spoiled and become entitled. They never had the character building experience of spending an entire weekend after several months of practice making it to the final boss in Ninja Gaiden, just to die on his 2nd form and be thrown back to the very beginning of the area, losing all of your power-ups in the process. DayZ is MEANT to be hard, and unreasonably cruel. It's meant to test your meddle and force you to make difficult decisions. It's a SURVIVAL game. The object is to SURVIVE.. There are better 1st person shooters if what you're looking for is constant PVP action. And yet, somehow you see it.. You see servers catering to these clowns who want non-stop gun-battles. I'm not about to say gun-battles are not fun or that I do not enjoy occasionally hopping into a private hive server for some good ol' fashioned PVP action.. But these servers should not be the majority of our options and they should not be the most populated. The fact that they are populated means that some people out there actually are attracted to the idea of 1000+ vehicles, which means you never have to experience the pain and frustration of getting shot and having your helicopter stolen RIGHT when you were on your way back to put the Main Rotor Assembly on.. It means they never get to experience the tension of being completely helpless in front of another survivor who's menacingly wielding a Winchester in your general direction while you stand there without so much as a backpack or a hatchet... Because those servers spawn you with items/gear/weapons. It means they never get to experience running around in the dark with flares never knowing that you're being watched by a DMR sniper who has night vision, because there's never a night time on these servers.. It means they can fly willy-nilly over Elektro in broad daylight in a helicopter because if they get shot down they know they're only 10 minutes away from having another chopper. Of course, this "EZMODE" version of DayZ attracts the entitled and the entitled are usually entitled because they've never had their character forged and sharpened to a hard, cold edge in the fires of Ninja Mother Fucking Gaiden and others of it's ilk. They've never experienced the ecstasy of overcoming something TRULY difficult and daunting in their entire life. <3
  11. Etherimp

    ways to avoid bandits

    Avoid Bandits by... 1. Spawn Kamenka. Optionally, you could try Balota for some early military loot but it's generally very risky. 2. Loot nearby residentials, industrials, and farm houses looking for a melee weapon and other supplies. 3. Hit all deer stands between Kamenka and Zelenogorsk. 4. Run north to Zelenogorsk. There you will find a Supermarket, some Red brick residential buildings, a church, an industrial area, and tons of farm houses. 5. Run North East to Green Mountain, where you will find military loot. Now you should be about 1/2 geared.. You should have a rifle of some kind, a decent (16+) backpack, melee weapons, food, and probably some basic survival tools such as matches, knife, map, etc. From here, I would normally try to make it over to Stary Sobor. On the way it's possible to find heli crashes, which you should approach with caution. Stary Sobor itself, you should approach with caution. If you have Binocs, check it from range to see if there are zombies spawning >200 meters from you, inside the town.. Also be sure to check the northern mountains for snipers. If you're not sure about snipers, loop around and come to those 2 hills from behind. If you happen to pick up a CZ550, that's a pretty decent sniper rifle which can be used defensively in this situation. Depending on how things go in Stary, you could run north to North West, or just try to find a vehicle/tent and set up camp somewhere.
  12. Etherimp

    Majority of playerbase are kids?

    This is horse shit. The average age of video gamers is 30, with 37% being OVER 30 years of age. Look it up.
  13. Etherimp

    My opinion of KoS.....

    This topic again? Isn't this all just common sense? You CANNOT control how people are going to play the game. I do not personally like the people who run around killing every other player they see whether they are a threat or not. I do not like when people do the friendly dance or yell "friendly" then shoot you. I do not like when people camp on "sniper hill" and kill fresh spawns. That said... I turn killing THOSE A-holes into a game. If you're a smart and DECENT player, you can avoid getting killed on sight by playing intelligently and by being better at gun play than the lamers who sit around shooting unarmed survivors all day. Having random sociopaths who kill everything they see adds an element of tension to the game. Now, for you "pro-kos-uber-bandit" types.. Stop lying to yourselves and the entire community. You aren't killing people for gear. You aren't killing people because they're a threat. You're killing people because that's what gets you off. There's nothing wrong with that. Just stop telling yourselves and everyone else that you're doing it for some "purpose". Truth is, you'd be better off going and playing Battlefield 4, if you think you're so fucking good at FPS's.
  14. Etherimp

    A light dissertation on Morality in DayZ

    You think it's the large, populated cultures with easy access to food and medicine that act the most morally? There's empirical evidence to show otherwise. Small tribes of people between 80-150 population tend to have virtually zero crime and are mostly violence free. Large populated cultures tend to be more violent, as it's easier to be anonymous and easier to become emotionally disconnected from your peers. In a tribe/group of 150 people who all know one another, one person can't kill another without knowing them rather intimately, which would (in non-sociopaths) cause a deep emotional reaction. This emotional reaction to taking the life of someone you know and rely upon for your own survival is indication enough that human beings inherently know the difference between "right" and "wrong". It's not a religious issue, or a legal issue. It's called "Humanity" for a reason. Humans are mammals and mammals are creatures with feelings/emotions. Let's take your scenario where there's only 2 men.. And now place them in a survival situation. If you, 1 man, kill your "friend" in this survival situation, you have literally cut the odds of your own survival in half. That's punishment enough. See, the problem with people like you is not that you are immoral or "wrong". It's that you're short sighted and stupid. Yeah, you may gain a weapon or two, or some night vision goggles, or a better back-pack, or a vehicle, or WHATEVER.. But in the long run, you have lost another set of eyes, another set of hands, and overall a resource which simply doesn't respawn every 15 minutes at hundreds of locations around the map: A FRIEND. Someone who you can trust to cover your ass. So, yes, you ARE punished. You punish yourself. What do you win, exactly? You've preemptively killed someone who may in the long run kill you, and.. what? You got their gear and lost a potential friend and teammate? Backpacks, guns, vehicles, tents, and everything else can all be replaced in a few hours. I can fully gear my character rather quickly. How quickly can you earn the trust of a friend? That takes days, and sometimes weeks. In the long run, it's more beneficial for both parties to be trustworthy and treat one another with respect so that you may double your effectiveness. That said, I agree that the game should not arbitrarily punish people for being assholes. You punish yourselves badly enough.
  15. Etherimp

    Any "true" dayz servers?

    Try removing all filters and type "264" in your "search" box. I play there also.. There's a community run TS Server, and the community is pretty solid. There's a lot of cool people and just enough D-bags to make it interesting. Probably more heroes on 264 than I've seen on any other server.
  16. Etherimp

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    Yup.. I have experienced this same thing! I had 7904 humanity recently and am now down to 7898.. I didn't know where that humanity went to, but that must be it, as I recently damaged my vehicle, also. Also, a friend of mine crashed a helicopter and lost 1000 humanity. Conversely, killing survivors and heroes does nothing to your humanity.. Not sure if killing Bandits still adds humanity. I shot 2 Bandits recently but do not recall whether it boosted me or not.
  17. This basically.. In the few months I've been playing DayZ I have only died to other players a handful of times.. Maybe 5-8? Each one of those times (except 1) I was unable to loot my own corpse because it was hidden/looted before I could get back to it.. the one time I was able to loot my corpse was because the person who killed me was shortly there-after ALMOST killed by a friend.. he combat logged before he could die. I spawned in Kamenka.. Went to a near-by Stash and collected a map and some food/drink.. Ran to my tent, picked up some basic essential gear, then ran to a White Offroad I had stashed in the woods and drove up to NWAF and looted the corpse.. All of this happened in the span of approx 20 minutes. About 80% of my other deaths are due to bugs/glitches/unintuitive mechanics, the other 20% being to zombies. For example, my last death was falling out of a chopper over the sea after attempting to switch seats in mid-flight. They DID fix the switch seat bug, but now there is a bug where sometimes it will show a seat on the Mi-17 that doesn't actually exist, and if you attempt to move to it, it will throw you outside of the heli. Death before that was due to zombies breaking my leg at NWAF and ganging me. Death before that was an axe-wielding survivor at Balota AF ATC... Before that I hadn't been killed by another player in about 2+ weeks. Honestly, I think Death in this game is punishing enough.
  18. With the large percentage of my deaths being due to bugs or mechanics/physics ignorance, I try to get back to my body.. If killed by another player, odds are my body wont have loot anymore anyway so I don't bother.
  19. Etherimp

    DayZ 1.8 .Dev Bug List

    This is going to be a combination of (mostly) bugs and a few suggestions. 4:\ Recipe for Grenade Trip Wire does not work. 5:\ (Some) items (sometimes) disappear when placed on the ground. This seems to happen often with backpacks. (Existed pre-1.8) 6:\ Humanity is broken. Not sure if it's the server I play on (US264 and US659), but it seems that killing survivors (and heroes) does not deduct anything from your humanity. Also, I have heard reports of "weird" things deducting humanity, such as crashing a helicopter. (Someone else reported any vehicle damage causes humanity loss.. I can confirm this.) 7:\ Trip-wire traps do not disappear once triggered.. 8:\ No way to disable Trip-Wire or Bear Trap (smoke/flash) traps once placed. Although, once triggered they can be collected and/or rearmed. (Need confirmation on this) 9:\ No way to remove camo-net. Once placed, it needs to be destroyed to be removed... But so far I have only destroyed one by running it over, and then it returns after next server restart. You can't shoot it with a gun or hit it with a melee weapon, so you can't destroy it that way. (Need confirmation) (addressed in hotfix) 10:\ Sepsis not functioning properly? I have never had it, and I've played 1.8 every day since it's been out. (addressed in hotfix) 11:\ Not getting infected from infected zombies, since Sepsis never(?) takes. (addressed in hotfix) -edit- 12:\ G36 SD disappears when picked up.. 13:\ The sound of "flies" not being emitted from dead bodies 14:\ Placement of Traps seems very restrictive. Most of the "good" places to place a tripwire, or bear trap seem to be impossible to execute. 15:\ Related to #14, Bear Traps (and others) sink thru the floors of buildings and many other places.. I can't be 100% sure but I believe they become inaccessible once placed like this, as they disappear completely. 16:\ Unable to place Stashes (Medium and small) in the same manner as you place tents and other constructed objects. -edit- Can anyone actually confirm ever finding a Comfrey leaf on a vanilla server?