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Everything posted by Etherimp

  1. Etherimp

    Long Range Scope?

    Long range scopes ONLY spawn in ATC, barracks, hangers, and 2 level camo bunkers at nwaf and and balota. They DO NOT spawn in restaurants as some people suggest. PU scopes and bipods do, however.
  2. Etherimp

    Any Good Loot In The Castles?

    Note: you can loot them by standing under the item that appears in the ceiling and pressing tab. I have seen a shotgun spawn there so I am sure revolvers and mosins are also possible. Pretty low chance of anything useful though.
  3. He was also in the military and there's nothing to say he doesn't maintain some kind of work out regimen. . . He's also pretty young, and probably has a decent metabolism due to his training. Anybody who has climbed Everest probably has some great conditioning.
  4. Etherimp

    The benefits of being a "Hero"

    Let me tell you a story, young bambi... Haven't been killed by another player in over a week.. although I have had my character reset or died to glitches a few times. Given away several bags of rice, a revolver, a mosin.. Killed 2 bandits shooting Mosins into Kamyshovo about a week ago. On my current life, I spawned in at Kamyshovo, ran through Elektro, looted, and made it out with a Mosin, which had no ammo. On my way out of town I came across a fresh spawn who had a fire axe.. upon seeing me running with my fireaxe, he pulled out his and began to approach me, in a threatening way.. I continued to run and unholstered my FNX45, and told him if he didn't put the axe down I would end him. He complied, and surrendered. Instead of killing him, I asked him if he needed any food.. any water.. any help.. He said no, but that he just got shot at from the white TEC building on the SW side of town.. Said there was an M4 guy and a revolver guy there.. I told him I would go help him clear them out and give him all the loot if he had any Mosin ammo, which he did. I gave him my FNX45 in exchange for the Mosin ammo, and we moved together to the TEC Building. I heard no shots, and upon searching the entire building, we found nothing.. So I went up to the roof alone, and searched up there.. Nothing. The Fresh spawn then told "someone" to "drop their weapon and surrender".. I guess he thought since I had to come down the ladder he had me trapped, and this was his opportunity to rob me. I played along like he was talking to one of his mysterious attackers and asked, "Did you find him?!", he said "Yeah he's on the 3rd floor behind a desk.".. I told him I was coming down, so I climbed down the outside ladder which leads all the way down the building, and came back up the stairs behind my fresh spawn friend, where I promptly shot him in the chest for lying to me and attempting to trick me... Then I ran to Cherno, then up to the town NW of Cherno (apartments).. Found an M4 in crappy condition. Ran back to Elektro to pick up a fresh spawn who is a RL friend of mine.. Met up with another friend along the way. The RL friend was in the multi-level white "TEC" building on the SW side of Elektro, and asked, "Is that one of you guys?"... It wasn't. It was a Revolver wielding KOS kiddie.. I told my friend to stay hidden in a room (as he was unarmed), and I approached the building ready for a gun fight.. ...I go to open the door.. It doesn't open.. I hear pain sounds, and press TAB, just to see my character "Bleeding".. Then I see myself laying on the ground, and then I went unconscious.. I lagged out upon opening the door, and was shot at twice with a revolver.. At least 1 shot hit. Fortunately, I had healthy status, so I was still alive.. barely. The psycho with the revolver looted my body, and my friend I met up with along the way showed up, and took out the psycho.. He and my RL friend looted what they could, and saline bagged me.. I ate rice and drank water until healthy status appeared again. It took me over an hour to fully regain my blood and health, getting my vision and color back. My friends and I moved on to Cherno, as we wanted to head west.. My RL friend (who's new to the game), fell off the factory/construction building in cherno while looking for a backpack, and decided to call it a day.. My other friend left shortly after. I moved through Cherno alone, and up to the apartments, then down to Balota. I snuck around Balota until I got to the Police Station/Jail, when I heard shots out on the airfield.. I looked outside and there was a man in full military gear running across the airfield shooting at someone. Hoping I was saving the right person, I intervened and shot the man dead from about 250m with an M4 that had mainly "Badly damaged" parts. No sooner did I get my bearings than I heard the distinct sound of a weapon reloading as someone spawned in on the top floor, in the room right behind me. I wasn't sure where the sound came from exactly, so I moved down stairs to watch the door of the police station, and kept my eye on the stairs. Sure enough, another fully military geared man came crouching down the stairs, and I lit him up as well. Since then, I've moved up and down the west side of the map 2 times. I am the Guardian of Zelenogorsk. If you enter my town, you best come with good intentions or you will leave by way of the reaper. I am searching for a transmitter to research some mysterious encoded messages I have heard rumors about, and I am looking for a long range scope for my Mosin.. (I have a mosin and an m4 now, as well as a revolver and an FNX).. Once I finish my mission, I will head back down to Kamyshovo and give away about 1/2 of my gear, keeping only 1 rifle, 1 sidearm, and the cloths on my back. Or.... I suppose I could just run down to Elektro and shoot at fresh spawns. Yeah.. That sounds much more fun than the story I just told. Right?
  5. While that's true, the current state of the game is working as intended. Loot is currently balanced based on the current system, so server hopping is just a lazy mans exploit to getting loot faster while simultaneously undermining the efforts of those who stay on the same server and run all the way across the map just to check a barracks. ALL buildings which do spawn loot (and aren't glitched), spawn loot 100% of the time. If the Mod is any indication as to how they intend on handling loot in the future, then that probably won't be the case once loot respawns. While I am not inside the dev's heads, I am assuming they have cranked up the amount of loot placeholders and spawn percentages in order to compensate for the fact that it doesn't respawn.
  6. Loot not respawning is working as intended. It's not a "glitch". It's the current mechanic. Pretty sure whatever way you attempt to rationalize it, server hopping is still toxic to the game.
  7. I don't think I am going to get through to any hardcore cheater.. But then, I don't think the OP is a "hardcore cheater".. I think he's ignorant of what he's saying and hasn't fully thought through the consequences of the things he is condoning. Here's a fact: Game designers must dedicate resources (read: money) to combat and prevent cheats/exploits/hacks. The cost of that is passed on to the customer. Without cheaters/hackers/exploits, the development time is reduced and the cost of any given project is reduced considerably. Those savings are passed on to the customer. Want a fast development time? Want cool content? Want a better performing game? Then you shouldn't condone cheating. I understand the argument that games need to be "broken" during Alpha so that those weaknesses/exploits can be sorted out during the development process.. but there's a large difference between bugs (such as painting your attachment = pristine), exploits (seeing through walls), which SHOULD have resources dedicated to fixing them, and the "hacks" which are available from hacker websites. There's an entire industry dependent upon keeping kids cheating in multiplayer games so that they can continue to profit. That's not really what this thread is about, so I won't focus on it.. And I know we don't live in an ideal world, so there will always be dishonest players and poor sports out there, so the development time required to sort out combat loggers will be required one way or another.. But wouldn't it be nice if we lived in a perfect world where that wasn't necessary because everyone was just honest enough to play the game the way it was intended? Yeah. It would be.. Unfortunately we have morally bankrupt morons who exploit everything they can to get an advantage in a FAKE WORLD.
  8. My reading comprehension is just fine, "buddy". In your original post (and the topic of this thread), you state, and I quote, "I think every bad action except hacking is justified in this game." You go on to include server hopping and combat logging among those thing which you believe are "justified". The literal definition of "justify" is "show or prove to be right or reasonable." The literal definition of "right" is "morally good, justified, or acceptable." The literal definition of "reasonable" is "as much as is appropriate or fair; moderate." In short, you believe it is "fair and morally good" to server hop and combat log. This is the topic and assertion which I have been responding to throughout my 3 or so posts in this thread. I do not care what you think a hero is or a bandit is. I only pointed out that by you stating that a hero is "x" and a bandit is "y", you are defining how others should play the game to fit into those roles, which is hypocritical on your part. The fact that you posed a question to your audience after you stated your assertion does not erase the original statement, which was, and I quote: "There are fake heros and fake bandits. True heros are caustious, cunning, and smart. I mean how else are you going to aid people? Some are not to be trusted. Real heros are silent and respectful not omg you combat logged you are such a noob." Sounds a lot like an assertion to me. "There are fake heros [sic] and fake bandits. True heros [sic] are caustious [sic], cunning, and smart." ... etc. Those are all statements of your opinion/thoughts on the matter. You are asserting that there is a specific definition of a hero, and of a bandit. Yeah, you asked others what they thought, but only after you had asserted your opinion. In response to your assumption that I have "issues".. Uhm, you stated that combat logging and server hopping is "justified", and then you proceed to back-peddle and say "I agreed with you in that I hate the same guys as much as you do but I don't necessarily be all bitter about it so as to have them ruin my game." So.. Are their actions justified or are they deplorable? Are their actions right or wrong? Are they morally sound or objectionable? You're doing a very precarious balancing act here, "buddy". You say you don't think they're below you? Well, fine... Then we'll assume you're on their level, because I know for a fact they are below me. Anyone who is willing to cheat in a multiplayer video game is ruining the fun for others and is the antithesis of someone who is "doing the right thing". Let's prove this argument through logic, by taking each scenario to it's most extreme point: Scenario 1: Nobody ever combat logs and accepts their fate when they die.. The happily press the "respawn" button and start a new character and go on the quest for more precious gear.... In this scenario, the game is played how it is meant to be played. People die, people kill others, people respawn, and while it's unfortunate that someone has to lose their gear, it is PART OF THE DESIGN OF THE GAME, and is, in fact, the way the game is meant to be played. Scenario 2: Everyone combat logs. Nobody ever kills anyone else because every time there is a shot fired or someone hears footsteps or someone attempts to interact with another person through voice, the other person just instantly combat logs, and loses nothing... At this point, there is literally no reason to play the game. No player interaction happens. No tension. No YouTube videos get made because it's all just constant combat loggers. Handcuffs become useless. Weapons become useless.. PvP grinds to an absolute halt, and you have servers full of players with the best gear in the game who hop in for 1-20 minutes, then randomly disappear and join another server.. Wow, imagine how boring that world would be. What kind of game do you think Dean wants? What kind of game would YOU rather play? What kind of game do you think the majority of reasonable human beings would prefer to play? One where everyone combat logs or one where nobody combat logs? Currently, combat logging, exploiting, hacking, and server hopping are unfortunate realities, but that does not make them "justified", which is what your original post called them. I'm sorry if this is not what you really think, because I'm hoping it's not.. But you have to learn at some point that language includes words, and words HAVE MEANINGS, and those meanings are agreed upon through consensus. The consensus of the word "justified" is pretty clear, and ultimately your assertion that those deeds are "justified" is complete and absolute HORSE SHIT. If you just used the wrong word, when you used "justified", maybe you should work on your reading comprehension and start a new thread where you say what you mean, instead of saying some shit you just thought sounded good at the time but really don't stand behind, because with as much back-peddling as you've done in this thread I'm sure even you are having a hard time thinking you believe what you say you believe. Oh, and for the record.. I have never combat logged, I don't get upset when I lose my character, and I don't want everyone to be "nice".. I'm not entitled in the least, and for you to even suggest that I am is absurd. There's nothing I have said (nor done) which could even remotely be construed as "entitled".. Maybe that's another word you should look up, since you're working on your reading comprehension. Good day to you, kiddo. *dust hands*
  9. Random death bug.. happens when you desync on the upper level of a building. The server will think your character ran through a wall and fell to his/her death. Happens a lot.
  10. You were being a hypocrite by saying you don't like to be told how to play by others, then by saying "heroes and bandits are SUPPOSED to be like (whatever)". To the rest of it.. I'm not angry. I'm not up-tight. I just don't condone people abusing game mechanics and ruining the fun for other people who also payed their 30 bucks. That's the entitlement issue I was referring to. "I PAID 30 BUCKS SO I DESERVE TO PLAY HOW *I* WANT TO EVEN IF IT FUCKS THINGS UP FOR EVERYONE!" That's like walking into a restaurant, paying 30 bucks for a steak, then taking a shit on the table and announcing that YOU deserve to do that because YOU paid 30 bucks! "WHAT?! WHY YOU TELLIN' ME HOW TO EAT?! I PAID 30 BUCKS TOO!"
  11. Etherimp

    12 gauge shotgun slugs

    I think they were probably disabled so they can be worked on..
  12. I think you're being a hypocrite. You're telling people what it means to be a hero or a bandit. I have my own ideas of what heroes are and bandits are... Neither of them are very "present" in the game right now, seeing as most people just run around airfields server hopping for loot, KOSing everything they see, or combat logging the second someone engages them. Oh, then there's the kids who sit at Kamyshovo shooting fresh spawns. Heroes save peoples lives.. End of story. If someone gave you a gun, they were trying to be helpful to you. Maybe you should have taken their advice and learned something. Bandits hold people up and steal.. They aren't NECESSARILY murderers.. Which is what we mostly have right now.
  13. For the record: I'm judging you. You're a piece of shit of a person, you're a bad player, and you should re-evaluate your life. a: Killing new spawns takes zero skill and there is nothing to gain from doing it. The guys who held you up and handcuffed you on the coast were assholes and you're an asshole if you do it to others. I have been playing DayZ mod for about a year, and been playing SA since release day. I bought my best friend a copy of the game and he's taking time out of his life to play with me.. He has a wife and a full time job, and I have a full time job.. He's new to the game and trying to learn. Granted, being killed as a fresh spawn IS part of the game, but only because SOME people who play this game are garbage. Point being, if you want this community and this game to thrive and grow, you are potentially turning off new players every time you abuse/harass them on the coast. For this reason alone, it's a lame thing to do. b: KOS .. I really have no problem with KOS. While I would rather there be some player interaction, the fact of the matter is that KOS is part of the game. So I don't disagree here. c: Server Hopping.. Another factor that ruins the fun for everyone and only detracts from your own experience. This isn't World of Mother Fucking Warcraft. We don't care what your gear level is. Nobody does. Nobody is impressed by it. This game isn't about accruing the best possible gear. It's about surviving on whatever gear you happen to have. Try playing the game legit. Who knows? You might surprise yourself and have an organic experience. I know your generation is entitled and has been spoiled on EZMODE video games and sports where everyone wins, but just like how this isn't World of Warcraft, it also isn't the Special Mother Fucking Olympics. You don't get a gold medal just because you participated. DayZ is about stories.. Interactions.. Creating your own legend, your own tale of heroism or infamy.. What's your story? "Today I logged in and looted an airfield, logged out, into another server, looted another airfield, logged out, logged into another server, looted another airfield, then I got shot because I'm an idiot... Oh well, another day of server hopping to get all my precious gear back tomorrow." Pathetic. d: Glitching .. I'm mixed on this one. Depends on the glitch. If you're duping gear, that's lame. If you're carrying an extra weapon, or you use paint to fix your Magpul handgrip, it's kind of fair game. e: Combat logging.. This just proves you're a trash player. Why even play the game? Oh.. let me guess, you don't want to lose your precious gear that you server hopped for hours to get? Yeah, I understand.. Fuck you.
  14. Etherimp

    Where to find radios (walkies)?

    Firestations. That's the only place they spawn. http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#7.048.051;item=Transmitter
  15. Too bad people haven't figured out to use different push to talk binds.
  16. Backpacks, Ammo boxes, and Protective Cases, never spawn with loot in them. Medi-kits always spawn with the same 6 items in them. Guns never spawn with ammo inside of them. Guns never spawn with scopes/silencers. The M4 starts with a Carry handle, plastic handgrip, and OE buttstock.. If it does not have these 3 attachments or it has additional attachments, it has been tampered with and left there by someone else. Mosins never spawn with attachments, nor do FNX's.. Magazines and Speed-Loaders always spawn with the maximum number of ammo in them (30/30, for example.) So far as I can tell, all guns spawn in "pristine" condition, but attachments on the M4 spawn with a random condition assigned to them (from Badly Damaged to Pristine, never Ruined.) The doors to most houses always start closed. MOST gates start closed, but not all.. Barracks doors both inside and out spawn closed, except for the hallway door dividing the entryway (where the showers are) to the rest of the barracks (where the cots are). Police Station/Jail/HQ (whatever you call them) doors are all always closed upon spawn, including interior doors. ATC towers always have 1 door (left if you are looking at it) open, and the other closed.. Fire Houses spawn with the back door open, and 1 of the far left doors open. These are the facts. Just so you know...
  17. I agree that in it's current state Night time is unplayable, but the rest of your original post is hogwash. 1. Weapons can be found all over. 2. There are tons of 24/7 daytime servers out there.
  18. Etherimp

    Sawn-Off IZH-43 - Very bad Accuracy

    Not necessarily.. The pellets are small, and offer very little in the way of penetration. Again, totally depends on how many pellets hit and what part of the body they hit. Obviously getting hit with even a few pellets IRL would send you into shock, but you can't underestimate what the human body is capable of withstanding when it has adrenaline pumping through it and someones survival instincts kick in.
  19. Etherimp

    Sawn-Off IZH-43 - Very bad Accuracy

    The zeroing from 50-100 should make virtually no difference what-so-ever.
  20. Etherimp

    Sawn-Off IZH-43 - Very bad Accuracy

    It doesn't take an extreme amount of shots to take someone down if all of the pellets hit. Also, keep in mind that if ANY pellet hits someone in the head (not difficult in close quarters), then you're pretty much guaranteed a kill on the first shot, as there is a heavy damage multiplier on head shots.. Assuming they're not wearing a helmet, of course. My buddy and I fired a sawed off at a barracks window from probably 5-8 meters the other day, and the spread was such that it covered the entire window.. At anything beyond 10 meters, sawed-off shotgun is useless.. However, if you manage to engage someone at 5 meters (such as, coming up/down a staircase or rounding a corner), 1 shot to the mid section should drop them.
  21. Etherimp

    Give us a Duckin Map

    The only map I need is inside of my head.. I can navigate probably 80% of the map by memory alone.
  22. Etherimp

    Sawn-Off IZH-43 - Very bad Accuracy

    Sawed off version is only good in extremely close quarters, like inside of buildings.
  23. I like the part where the OP suggested airfields are where you get weapons... Guarantee he's one of those players who runs to Elektro, checks the Firehouses, School, and Pub, then gives up. News flash: All weapons, even M4's, can spawn in unlikely places. Yesterday a friend and I found an M4 sitting on top of one of the News Stands in Zelenogorsk. Mosins, Shotguns and Revolvers spawn all over the place, including in the Block Apartments, 2 level white barns, etc. If you're running to airfields just to get shot by combat logging server hopping KOS fags, you're doing it wrong and probably deserve to die. TLDR? GET ON MY LEVEL.
  24. Etherimp

    Should DayZ have music? (Poll)

    No music please. No point in it. Hearing/Sound is one of the most important things in games.. If you're sneaking around elektro as a fresh spawn the last thing you need is some music track in the background distracting you from your potential demise.. you need to hear footsteps, distant gunshots, zombies, etc.. Music just distracts and detracts from that experience.
  25. Etherimp

    No loot in cars since update?

    Uhm.. You guys who ARE finding loot in cars.. are you playing on Hardcore servers?