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Everything posted by Etherimp
At least you interacted with him... ...but you're still a shitty player. A good player doesn't need to kill people for their gear. A good player doesn't shoot unarmed players. Basically, as said above.. if you want to be a bandit, I have no problem with it.. But be the "good" kind of bandit. Hold people up. Takes a lot more experience/skill, and also provides a lot better game play. What's more rewarding? Shooting someone in the back who's unarmed... Or getting in a prolonged fire-fight with equally armed people, and winning? What's more rewarding? Shooting someone who thinks you're friendly, and then taking their broken gear? Or holding that person up, taking all their PRISTINE gear, then forcing them to run away naked?
The game becomes boring when nobody can touch you. The game becomes boring when you can't compete with someone because they out-gear you. In the mod, the difference between a Lee Enfield or a Winchester (which could be found anywhere), and a DMR, or MK Mod 0... Lee Enfield had no scope, but did as much damage as a DMR or MK Mod. Winchester had no scope, but could kill in 1-2 shots. The Range of the Winchester was 100-200 meters.. maybe. The Range of the Lee was 400+ The DMR was considered by many to be "the most powerful weapon", simply because it was the only sniper rifle you could use night vision with.. and imo, that made it overpowered. The Mod needed to either make ALL scoped weapons compatible with Night Vision, or none of them. The MK Mod had an incredible rate of fire and did tons of damage, but lacked long range capability outside of .. say.. 300 meters. So, the DMR and MK Mod were better than the Lee and Winchester, YES.. so it gave people a reason to search out the better weapons, AND it gave the players who had them high value targets.. Thing is, you could still kill those players with some skill and patience. Get in close or catch them by surprise, and suddenly the Winchester or Lee aren't so bad.. In fact they're quite capable. Now compare that to a armored Humvee driving through Elektro lighting up fresh spawns with a full auto .50 Cal Machine Gun mounted on the roof...How is anyone with a Winchester or Lee Enfield (Or Mosin/SKS) going to counter that? Answer is: They can't. Same with Mortars. They don't need line of sight on a target to bombard it.... And furthermore, there would be no reason to bombard anything other than to harass players who are less geared than you, which is not fun for those players and would get boring for you. Every game play decision needs to have counter-play in order to make it fun for both sides.
A console version would kill this game tbh..
Etherimp replied to scaramoosh's topic in General Discussion
Hey, you guys heard? The sky is falling. -
Because it's bad for game play, which is why heavy weapons have never been a part of DayZ. In my humble opinion, even Helicopters were too "overpowered" in DayZ mod, and if it were up to me they would not make an appearance in Standalone because they actually hurt the over-all game play and ruin the fun for more people than they add fun for.
Do Not Use The RIS Handgaurd It Destroys The M4's Accuracy
Etherimp replied to leefriendfield's topic in General Discussion
As much as I appreciate the knowledge/science, tbh it has nothing to do with what was posted in this thread: RIS or Magpul? Answer: Magpul.. BUT, RIS is not MUCH worse. -
When you log out of the game your character sits down for 30 seconds and is unable to defend himself. If you left him alone in the building for 30 seconds or more, it is possible he combat logged.
No combat because you log out too quickly to get killed? Serious pro-logic you have there. Also, KOS'ers aren't the only people who want to kill Combat Loggers. Combat Logging, even though coined "Combat Logging" is not just logging while you are in combat.. It's also logging any time you see another player or feel as though your life is in danger. Found a fresh spawn on the coast the other day, and wanted to give him an SKS and some food/water.. He didn't respond to me saying "friendly", and instead walked into a building and sat down, logging out of the server.. So I shot him in his stupid fucking head because the point of the game is player interaction and if every time a player attempts to interact with you (combat or otherwise), you log out, then you are defeating the fucking purpose of the game and should go suck on a tailpipe because you're a waste of fucking space. How difficult is that to understand?
Short answer: No. Long answer: As others have stated, it's not with the spirit of the game. The more explosives and heavy weapons you add to the game, the worse it will make it. Some people will counter with, "Oh only the most dedicated will have them! They'll be really rare!" Yeah... Here's the thing, in the Mod, helicopters were really rare and difficult to get functioning.. I played on one of the most popular/populated Vanilla servers and my team and I managed to procure all 4 helicopters, and 8+ vehicles.. Every off-road vehicles was ours. Nobody could touch our base because nobody had the mobility to find it, except us. What happened? We had all 4 helicopters for FOUR MONTHS.. FOUR MONTHS.. We looted every helicopter crash before anyone else could get to it.. We cleared airfields and cities unchecked. FOR FOUR MONTHS. Know how Satchel Charges were super-rare? Most players in DayZ Mod have never even seen a Satchel Charge, let alone successfully used one. At one point, we had 3 Satchel Charges stashed. The only thing that stopped our reign was someone from within our group getting bored and blowing everything up. So what does this have to do with Heavy Weapons? Heavy Weapons will be used by groups to decimate less geared players. Simple as that.. And rarity won't make a shit bit of difference because all resources in DayZ are effectively infinite. While spawn chances of Satchel Charges were extremely low, all you had to do was loot, leave, return, loot, leave, return, loot, leave, return, loot, etc.. Eventually one will spawn and now you have the most powerful weapon in the game. Keep doing this and you stock up on them. I play in the middle of the night due to my work schedule, so it's not especially difficult to loot an airfield. Currently, in DayZ, even a Fresh Spawn with a pistol can kill a fully geared player with a little sneakiness and a few well placed shots. Why? Because MOST guns do a LOT of damage and kill people very fast.. Even pistols. So as soon as someone has ANY kind of firearm, they are capable of defending themselves no matter how geared their opponent(s) are. If you introduce heavy weapons, the balance of power shifts further away from neutral, and you start getting players/groups who can't be touched because they have weapons which outclass anything else. Then it turns into a game of "whoever has the most big guns wins.".. or "whoever has the big gun wins." There's a difference between a sniper rifle or a LMG, or even a grenade, or EVEN a satchel charge, and a HMG or a Mortar. Think snipers are bad? Imagine a mortar team sitting on sniper hill launching mortars into the supermarket or school every time they see a fresh spawn run in there. This WILL happen if you introduce mortars. Basically, what the OP is posting is "gun porn".. He's clearly really into guns, and that's great for him..But as others have said: If you want heavy weapons go play another game. There are plenty of them out there that have what you're looking for. This isn't fucking Battlefield 4.
PU scope fires slightly to the right of the point, when firing at range. Long Range Scope fires slightly to the left. Compensate for this and they are accurate.
Do Not Use The RIS Handgaurd It Destroys The M4's Accuracy
Etherimp replied to leefriendfield's topic in General Discussion
M4 Handguard RIS attachment_handguard_m4ris 1x1 Dispersion: -0.0440968 M4 Handguard MP attachment_handguard_m4mp 1x1 Dispersion: -0.0489964 M4 Buttstock CQB attachment_buttstock_m4cqb 2x1 Dispersion: -0.0391971, Dexterity: 1 M9A1 Bayonet attachment_bayonet_m9a1 1x2 Dispersion: 0.0001 Source: http://dayzdb.com/items?type=27-attachment -
So, because the player you were up against was using crappy parts for his M4, or he was a bad shot, that makes the M4 bad?
No. Even with pristine magpul parts the acog sight is almost useless in close range and sketchy at best for medium range. I loved the acog in dayz mod but for standalone its just not as good. Unless you carry both acog and red dot and you put acog on for engagements over 150 meters. anything less than that and you are better off with RDS. And for anything over 200 you're best bet is a mosin with a LRS. Until they fix the zoom on the acog it really has no place in the game.
Don't use acog on the m4. Unless you're laying prone with a bipod its a waste. The m4 is best used as a close to medium range assault weapon with magpul parts and a red dot. It *is* accurate if you're properly kitted and know what you're doing. I carry m4 w/ red dot and a mosin with long range scope. This covers pretty much any situation.
The most Tactical Medical Rescue Squad around! Join today!
Etherimp replied to shadowandlight's topic in General Discussion
6 Free Kills on top of ATC... -
Some kind of bug or that's the way unconsciousness works?
Etherimp replied to akpe's topic in General Discussion
Happened to me last night. Guy with an m4, emptied his 20 rnd clip into me while I was looting a body at kamenka mil base. I went unconscious and thought I was done. Woke up about 15 to 20 seconds later with him facing the opposite direction. Drew my .357 and put 2 in his chest and 1 in his head. He should have finished me. -
If you're bleeding and you log out, you die. If you're unconscious and you log out, you die. If you get shot at, and you log out, your character sits down, and will probably die. Just thought I'd let you know... The last 3 people I've encountered in game have combat logged whether I was trying to kill them or not.. And once they show themselves to be a combat logger, I kill them. I bet these are the same people coming to the forums asking "WHY MY CHARACTER GET DELETED? I LOGGED IN AND IT JUST SAID "You are dead." FIX THIS BUG!"
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Finally, a non-combat logger kill... I made my way from Balota up to Kamenka military base, and found that while one of the doors on the white tec building was opened, the barracks were closed. I look to my left and see a dead/unconscious player laying in front of the hospital. I check the other barracks and creep towards the body.. I check him to see if he's alive, and since his pants look to be damaged, I figure he fell off the roof of the hospital. I start sorting through his inventory for stuff I can use when I start getting shot at.. I run back toward the hospital and yell "woah woah woah!" in direct chat.. .."You are unconscious".. I thought I was dead for sure. About 15 seconds later, I come to..There's a player sitting behind me about 2 meters, looking the opposite direction. I draw my .357 Magnum, and put 2 rounds in his chest, and when his body hits the floor unconscious, I do what he should have done to me: I put one in his head to make sure he's done for. Then I take his fully loaded M4, and make my way up North. I got what I was looking for.. An M4 with Magpul parts. Moral of the story? .... Healthy status is fucking amazing.
Camping with a team of guys shooting players who don't even know you're there.. ..have you ever considered starting up a MLG DayZ team?! cuz...
Best way to allow the ability to carry multiple primary weapons.
Etherimp replied to Slyguy65's topic in General Discussion
I carry 2 primaries and a secondary at all times. I approve of this idea. -
Another one tonight... Came by a fresh spawn who was just making his way into Elektro.. He had a Blase on his back, and a fireaxe in his hands. He was struggling to kill zombies, and I had extra food and an extra gun I wanted to get rid of, so I ran down speaking over direct chat, "Hey, player.. I'm friendly over here.. Where you at buddy? Friendly over here.. Friendly over here." I finally find him getting his ass kicked by a zombie and struggling to take her down with his fireaxe, so I offer some advice.. "Strafe to the right and swing to your left.. There you go, good job. Hey man, can I help you out with anything? Need any ammo for that gun? Or do you want a SKS by chance?" He walks into a nearby building, looks directly at me, says nothing, then sits down.. I wait for a second, then notice he goes prone.. I check the player list, and sure enough, "Cameron" had logged off.. (There were only 4 people including me on the server.) So I shoot him in the head with the SKS I was about to give him.
How many Women play this game and what do you think about it?
Etherimp replied to PsyStormZ's topic in General Discussion
Met 2 in game so far. Shot 1 to death for criticizing me. The other one gave me a Mosin because she said she couldn't hit shit with it, so teamed up with her for a while and took out some baddie bandits in Solnichny. There's also 2 others that hang out in our community teamspeak.. so there's that. -
Haven't tested it yet. That's why I make it a point to say "needs further testing" at the bottom of my post. I will probably test more on the issue later this week, when I have some time and get in touch with my friend who likes to test stuff with me.
-*most* people use headphones to play DayZ. -IF the directional sound is not working properly, then the sound may not register for anyone who is facing away from the source.
I don't know. I would have to ask my friend who was on the receiving end of the shots. However, I don't think his audio settings/specs would play much of a part in it, as I have experienced similar results with various different people. IE - One time I was shooting towards Balota from the Northern Hill there, and a friend down in the base did not hear my shots AT ALL. (The bullets weren't landing anywhere near him.) Then, when he faced my direction, he heard the shots faintly. I would be surprised if system specs played any role here. Yes. Duly noted. I am not saying the games representation is inaccurate, only posting the results of testing. Other games do not have as accurate representation of bullet mechanics, so even though DayZ is doing something accurately, doesn't mean it's intuitive to the casual player. It would explain why some people say stuff like, "One second I was just standing there, then I was dead! I didn't even hear a shot!"
You can escape from inside walls without having to log out.. Just keep running in the direction of the wall and vaulting from time to time.. If that doesn't work, try laying down and rolling a lot.