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Everything posted by Etherimp
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
As I said, you're new here so you don't understand. To clarify a few things: When I said "I never killed a survivor who didn't shoot at me first", that's because in the Mod, Heroes, Survivors, and Bandits had different skins. I shot bandits on sight. I only shot survivors if they opened fire on me first, or in the defense of others. Secondly, in response to "If I was walking down the road today..".. We don't live in a Zombie wasteland with no government, police, or security forces. DayZ is an anarchy. Many/most people are armed and many of them are dangerous. If I was a police/peace officer, and I saw an armed person walking down the street, I would hold them at gunpoint and ask them to drop their weapons before I could trust them. If I was walking down the street and someone held me at gunpoint, and asked me to drop my weapon, I would do so, because generally being shot is bad for your health. In DayZ SA, there are no bandit or hero or survivor skins, so I have to interpret the actions of other players as either friendly, hostile, or indifferent. If you are pinned down, and someone announces that they will shoot you if you do not drop your weapon, or if you attempt to run, and you decide to run.. well, you were warned. Perhaps you don't understand that this is not a fucking first person shooter free for all deathmatch. This is a survival game. If someone holds you up, you are supposed to value your character enough to go along with it, because it's more likely you will survive a hold-up than attempting to run from armed players. You probably don't understand this yet because you never played the mod. You also probably don't understand what "heroism" is in DayZ, yet, because you never played the mod. You also don't understand the lengths that players would go to in order to betray you after they asked for your help. You don't understand that being a hero is a dangerous business and is, by far, the most difficult way to play the game. If you don't drop your weapon, expect to be shot. It doesn't make me a bandit. It makes you someone who didn't value their character enough to act as though it was really your life on the line. There are no rules in DayZ. There are no laws. There are no governments. There are no police forces. There are no social contracts. I'm not obligated to give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm not obligated to announce my presence to you before I shoot you. I announce my presence and ask you to cooperate for my own safety and if you can't understand that and you demand that you stay armed, then be prepared to be shot. If you aren't my friend, then we're competing for resources and I will not lose this competition. You are armed and you are operating in my AO. You are a threat until you prove otherwise. If I am holding you at gun point then I am the one in control of the situation. If you can figure out a way to hold me at gun point, then kudo's to you for outwitting me. If you don't want player interactions, then you're playing the wrong game. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
Maybe you should read the remainder of the thread, as I have already gone over that. Clearly you're late to the party. Furthermore, you obviously didn't play the mod, so you're a little ignorant of how things work and what bandits actually are. ban·ditˈbandit/noun 1. a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area. I'm not a bandit. I don't steal from people. I don't belong to a gang. I am not an outlaw. I do not murder people for their loot or for my own pleasure. If I come across a "survivor", and I hold them up, and they refuse to cooperate, I make a judgment call on a case to case basis whether I feel they warrant shooting or not. If they refuse to cooperate, that is a sign that they are not friendly. This is where self-preservation comes in. Furthermore, you obviously do not understand what a hold-up entails. If you are geared, and I hold you up, it's because I want a player interaction. I will ASK you if you have food and drink. I will ASK you if you are healthy. I will ask you if you need any ammo or weapons. IF you don't, then I will tell you to stay put, and wait for me to leave.. Once I am gone you are free to retrieve your weapon and go about your business. If it makes you feel better to consider me a bandit, feel free to do so. Just know that you're wrong. I had 11k humanity in the mod and only killed survivors when they had opened fire on me first. I've learned through experience and trial and error the proper way to conduct a hold-up. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
Haha.. I love how you call me a bandit for holding people up, offering them food, drink, and medical supplies.. Sometimes even guns and ammo. Perhaps you don't understand the concept of DayZ.. Clearly you're new here, so let me explain: You cannot trust anyone. I cannot trust you. You cannot trust me. But if I sneak up on you and catch you with your pants down, I have the option of either ignoring you and running away, shooting you without saying anything, or holding you up. If I want to help you, I have to hold you up first. If I walk out into the middle of a parking lot, put my hands up in the air, and say "HEY! I'm friendly! I want to give you some goodies!", there's a good chance I will be shot and killed by UNFRIENDLY PLAYERS. This is why it's necessary to hold someone up. I have to make them drop their gun and start talking to them in a place that's safe for me, before I can lower my weapon. As I said earlier in this thread: If you do not want to get held up by friendly players or otherwise, then you should learn to play better so that people do not get the drop on you. You should also be happy that if you do get held up, you're at least getting the opportunity to make a decision and if you decide to run, you better be prepared for MOST players to assume you are running because you're NOT friendly, and they will likely shoot you. You are ASSUMING that you can safely run because you think they're using 3rd person to see you, and there is only one of them.. How do you know you're not surrounded by 2, 3, 4, or even more guy? How do you know they don't have all the exits to an area covered? How do you know they weren't competitive FPS players with deadly aim? The answer is: YOU DON'T. So, good luck with running. It might work, sometimes.. Other times it won't. It's YOUR choice. The reason I shoot people is NOT because I am a bandit: It's due to self-preservation, which is what this game is about. Perhaps when Rocket introduces more diseases and sicknesses and more brutal zombies, you'll be HAPPY to be held up by a hero, and I'm sure you'll be happy to drop your precious weapon when it's possible that you may receive medical help if you cooperate. edit: Also, NO, I'm not a hypocrite. If I get held up, I DROP MY WEAPON AND TELL THEM I'M FRIENDLY.. If I get fed Disinfectant (never happened to me), then I survive because I usually have Healthy status.. if they torture me and kill me, SO FUCKING WHAT? If I try to run and get shot, I'm just as dead. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
Yes.. I told a story earlier in this thread about meeting a guy at Kamenka military base that I held up and got him to join TS and become a regular on the server I play on. I have probably 20+ people on my Steam friends list that I have met through DayZ. There are friendly people all over. And, as I said.. if you wanted to harass a player, you wouldn't approach them and ask them to drop their gun.. you would just go harass fresh spawns on the coast. Most bandits will just shoot a geared player on sight. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
I've met plenty of friendlies.. As I've said in several posts; If people want to kill you they generally won't bother holding you up, if you're a geared player. They'll just shoot you instead. Most of the people who get fed bleach and rotten fruit are fresh spawns, because it's much easier for bandits to harass people who have no gear.. If you're geared, generally they just shoot you. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
You played the Mod as well (based on your post count), so you know how it is.. A lot of players were really clever.. I once had a guy announcing that he needed Antibiotics in Side Chat.. so I went out of my way to drive to him and give him a blood bag and antibiotics.. When I went to blood bag him he pulled out a Glock18 and started unloading on me. Fortunately, I had a hero skin, so the bullets did minimal damage and I survived the encounter. I can't wait until the Dev team adds more zombies, more infections, and more ways for people to get screwed up medically.. When that happens, people are going to need heroes and start to respect them, rather than accusing them of being whiney pussies and acting like internet badasses because they're so independent. Funny thing, most of the videos of people playing DayZ I see, you see constant health and thirst notifications.. you see people being sick.. you see them displaying a general lack of game knowledge and how to keep themselves healthy. When the game gets harsher, these "run and gun" types are going to have some real problems. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
The only problem with this, and armed players, is that they may attempt to flank around you and kill you anyway.. this is why I feel it's necessary to disarm them first, talk to them, and figure them out before I cut them loose. If you never disarm them then you're giving clever players a method of coming back to kill you. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
You have missed the point. It's really not that complicated. Firstly, I do not "pretend" to be friendly and honorable. I help people who cooperate. What you're failing to realize is that if I am going to hold somebody up, it's because *I* have control of the situation. And if I have control over the situation, your options are limited. You can cooperate and survive, or you can not cooperate and die. So, dropping your gun is for my protection because, as I stated, I know that I will only shoot you if you pose a threat, where as you may be the type of player who will shoot me at the first opportunity. You don't need protection from me, but I need protection from you. You may FEEL that you need protection from me.. You may not WANT to drop your weapon.. And that's your choice.. But the result of you not dropping your weapon is that you die; because if you do not drop your weapon I must assume that you intend on using it at the first opportunity. There are only 2 real possible outcomes: You die, or you survive. If you do not drop your weapon, YOU DEFINITELY DIE.. If you DO drop your weapon, you still MIGHT die, but you may also not die and earn a friend. I am not looking for excuses to shoot players. I am not "hostile" for protecting myself by requiring that you drop your gun. If a police officer pulls you over and asks you to disarm yourself, it doesn't make him hostile.. It makes him cautious and smart; and if you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about. If YOU had the drop on me, and had control over the situation, I would drop my weapon, because I know when someone has bested me. If you don't want to be held up: Don't put yourself in a position to be bested. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
I don't drop my gun because I know I am friendly and will only use it if someone else is hostile. I do not know that about the other person.. They could be hostile or they could be friendly. If they drop their gun, they're friendly.. If they don't, they're hostile. There's only 1 thing you have to trust if I am holding you up, and that's that I will shoot and hit you if you don't drop it... So you might as well. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
I understand your perspective but I do not agree with your reaction to being held up. I HAVE come across people who tried to hold me up. One guy shot at me while I was at the fountain in Elektro.. I ran around a building, and he came running after me, shooting at me again while he told me to "STOP MOVING!", as if he was going to take me hostage. I promptly put 2 Mosin shots into his chest, and informed him over direct chat, "That's not how this works. You don't have control over the situation." Bottom line is, there are two ways you get out of becoming someones hostage: 1. They are bad at this game, and they let you get away or kill them because they do not know how to properly control the situation. (Example above.) 2. They are good at this game, and you trying to run will only result in your death.. Where as, you cooperating with them may result in torture, or it may result in them being very helpful towards you. Either way... What are you really losing? If someone wants to kill you, odds are they won't bother holding you up in the first place.. They'll just camp in an area where you don't see them and shoot you while you're not paying attention. If someone wants to have a player interaction, however, they HAVE to get in close and communicate with you. Yes, there are assholes out there who will hold you up just to torture you. Popular YouTubers like DevilDogGamer are perfect examples of this kind of asshole. But I assure you, you aren't going to successfully run from DevilDogGamer, as he travels with a pack of assholes and all of them enjoy shooting undergeared players for "good content." Then, there are players like myself and the few guys I roll with.. We would rather teach you something about the game and possibly get you to join our TS and become a part of a community, than feed you disinfectant for....what purpose exactly? Oh yes, to satisfy our sadistic urges.. Yeah, not everyone is like that, and when you assume everyone is you are robbing yourself of potentially good experiences, as well as the potentially bad ones. Essentially, it's kind of like saying "Oh my god, this girl broke my heart.. I've had my heart broken so many times. All girls are evil bitches, I'm just going to kiss guys from now on." -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
I don't feel bad for killing in game, which is probably why I would quickly assess that you're clearly trying to prove you have a huge E-peen with your military gear, and not hesitate to pop several virtual caps in your virtual ass without bothering to ask you to drop your weapon. Call it manifest destiny. You run around assuming everyone is as much of a xenophobic asshole as you are and you convey this through your actions, at which point people fulfill your wishes and provide you with the harsh player reactions you so deeply crave to reinforce your paranoid delusions. Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I help players after I evaluate them as potentially friendly and mostly harmless. But you? If your head was on fire I wouldn't piss on you to put it out. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
It takes mental strength to push buttons on a mouse? Please, tell me more about this fantasy you live in. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
Are you trying to sound like a tough guy over an internet forum? You realize it's just as easy for others to point their crosshair at you and press a mouse button as it is for you to do that to them, right? -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
You make them drop the gun for your own safety. You offer them food and water because your goal is to help them, not harass them. I don't see what's confusing about that. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
It doesn't require trying. Maybe it's difficult for you, because you're bad? -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
Maybe you're paranoid. Yes, I actually do this, and I do it solo. I once saw a guy in Balota from the sniper hill.. I determined he wasn't a threat, or a server hopper, and I was too far to engage. I tracked him all the way to Kamenka military base where I held him up as he was coming out of the barracks.. He complied and dropped his weapon. I asked him if he needed food or water. He didn't. I asked him if he needed weapons or ammo. He didn't. I asked him if he was healthy, he was.. I asked him if he knew his blood type. He didn't. I asked him if I could test his blood and take a bag if he was O-. He said sure. I tested his blood, he was A+, so not of any use to me. We then started talking, and ended up he was new to the server. I gave him the communities TS information and he has been a regular on the server ever since. I don't know what your hangup is about "tryhard rp clanners", or what the fuck that even means.. But yes, there are people in this game who are genuinely nice, helpful people, and who are good enough at the game to do it solo or with a small group. In the situation I described above, I was solo. -
Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....
Etherimp replied to River Lizard's topic in General Discussion
Or maybe they were trying to have a player interaction with you, where they may have given you food/water/guns/ammo/medical supplies.. ..Or maybe they would have tested your blood for you, and if you weren't O-, sent you on your way with a bag of rice for your troubles.. ....Or maybe they just wanted to be sure you were unarmed before they lowered their weapons and started talking to you. But instead, you got scurred of losing a collection of pixels on a screen which represents some virtual avatar, so you ran away, defeating the purpose of the "game". Congrats... You're a part of the problem.- 124 replies
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When You Come Across An Armed Fellow And Try To Subdue Them, What Do You Do Or Say?
Etherimp replied to leefriendfield's topic in General Discussion
This. Usually I spot them in third person, over a wall or around a corner.. I tell them to put their weapon down so nobody gets hurt.. They will usually oblige.. If they don't, just makes my job more exciting. -
When does your "switch" flip during an encounter?
Etherimp replied to Wiggin Miller's topic in General Discussion
Everything mentioned above, combined with the following: -Wearing a mask. -Erratic behavior. -Incongruent stories/comments.. If I sense a lie, I kill. -Probing for information. (Location of camp, vehicle, how many friends I have around.. Referring mostly to DayZ mod here.) -Admits to backstabbing/betraying others. -Irrationally switches weapons/stances. -Doesn't inform you if they intend on pulling out a weapon. (ie - I am going to pull out my axe for this zed.) -Keeps moving around you as if trying to get behind you or out of your sight. As mentioned in other posts, a lot of it is about how they come across in speech. I will often offer people to join TS if they want to join up. If they say they want to join up, but they refuse to join TS, then I become suspicious and break off the encounter.. If they start finding reasons for us to stay together, I know they're up to something. -
Poll: How many people would survive the apocalypse?
Etherimp replied to KarmaCoin's topic in General Discussion
I'd say between 100 - 500 million. There are about 7 billion people living on Earth right now, and if 99% of them died, that'd be about 70 million survivors. 98% would be 140, 97% about 210 mil, 96% 280 mil, 95% 350 mil. So, assuming the apocalyptic event resulted in 95-99% of the human population being wiped out, you would end up with between 70-350 million survivors. An apocalypse would encourage population growth. Less people means more work to survive. More work means people would group together, and they would need to have children to create a sustainable community. You also have to consider how this would impact large cities and other dense population centers. Suddenly, the world would be a much quieter place, and the value of human life would rise dramatically. In our current society with twitter and facebook and forums like this and cell phones and movies and TV, it's hard to imagine a world where you could go a week without seeing another living person. With 100 million people on Earth, there would be approximately 1.5 square kilometers of LAND area per person. Chernarus is 225 Sq. km, and on a 40 player server that gives each player 5.6 Sq. km. 100 player servers would drop that down to 2.25. -
Can players hear you on the mic after they kill you?
Etherimp replied to thequantum's topic in New Player Discussion
Was coming over a hill running towards Gorka gas station when I came across a guy wearing a bike helmet, carrying a mosin, with an M4 on his back.. Shot at him once with my Blase..miss.. Shot at him again, and hit him in the chest, dropping him unconscious. He began talking about how "lame" I was and called me a hacker while I pulled out my SKS, and calmly said "Stop talking", right before I put the finishing touch on his dome. He became quiet real quick. -
Yeah. The YMCA guy was chasing me for a bit, but I had an axe and he had a shovel, so I think he thought better of it.
I saw you on 0-3 last night. Did you see the guys running around Berezino playing YMCA? And yes .. Zombies much scarier.
Oh look, another video of someone running around getting constant "hunger" and "thirst" notifications, KOSing people, calling them faggots, then complaining about how shitty the community is...
Cherno is a ghost town since the last time they moved the player spawns. Berezino, Elektro, NEAF are the 3 hot spots. If you want to kill server hoppers, then try Balota, Kamenka Military Base, Zelenogorsk, Veresnik military base, and NWAF.