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Everything posted by Etherimp

  1. My friends and I head up the coast hunting for bad guys... No campers in Kamyshovo.. Further up.. No campers in Solnichney.. We pass all the way through the treeline behind Berezino without incident, until we finally spot a player in the North end of Berezino near the industrial area.. Here's what happened next:
  2. Etherimp

    Killing bandit, and giving his gear to fresh spawn!

    No where in any of my posts here or in the video did we claim to be 'heroes'. We were heroes in the mod. There are no heroes in stand alone. How long have you been playing this game and did you play the mod? With all due respect, you seem a little clueless as far as KOS on the coast goes. If there's a military geared player sitting on top of the construction site in Berezino or the industrial bldg in solnichny, I will kill them on sight and without warning. Its safe to assume they are there shooting fresh spawns. The guy we grabbed had half-used mags on him and in his m4. You think those were used on zeds? Wake up man. The guy was no good.
  3. Etherimp

    Killing bandit, and giving his gear to fresh spawn!

    At least we gave the guy an option to cooperate, and followed it up by helping someone. You randomly spray 3rd person, 6v1 against a guy who didn't even know you were there. How can you even compare the two?
  4. Etherimp

    800m Elektro Sniping with Mosin

    So, my buddies and I hopped on a high pop server and I was providing sniper cover while they moved in to check things out.. seemed rather dead at first, then this happened: I missed a lot of shots! The Time to Target at 780+ meters makes it verrrry difficult to hit moving targets, and being that the hospital is over 700 but slightly under 800, you have to have your crosshair JUST right to hit anything, let alone score a headshot. Also, ALWAYS trust your instincts.. Whenever you feel like someone is baiting you out or hunting you down, definitely go with your gut and high-tail it out of there.. In retrospect, my best bet would have been to move up and behind the hill with my M4 out, and wait for their flanker.
  5. Etherimp

    800m Elektro Sniping with Mosin

    . We were wondering the same thing. Seemed like the same squad of guys, so how did they all get geared up again so fast?
  6. Etherimp

    Killing bandit, and giving his gear to fresh spawn!

    Your opinions . Not going to argue it. However, it wasn't staged. We gave the guy plenty of warnings and told him we would shoot him if he didn't stop resisting.. If he had complied he would have been set free. You have to consider the reasons why people are on the coast in the first place. How many times have you spawned in, ran to Berezino to get some supplies, only to be KOSd without warning by someone with military gear? It's for that reason that we patrol the coast. We actually give the bandits a fair fight by being armed and able to shoot back. Once you have military gear there are very few reasons to be in Berezino unless A. You are shooting freshies B. You are meeting a friend and protecting them C. You are helping freshies. This guy got military gear then came to berezino, and was running to the apartments (a common gank spot), and when confronted he stalled and refused to cooperate. He had no fresh spawn with him. He had geared friends that tried moving in on us and it was pretty obvious to us at the time that he was speaking to someone on team speak. If we kept him alive and gave him time to get his friends closer to us he could provide them Intel on our positions and the best time to strike. That is why he was executed. I don't expect you to agree or understand. Only try to see it from our point of view. We were all heroes in the mod, and we have been playing this game long enough to know when someone is fishy. There are other videos of us letting geared players go about their business because they were open and direct and were clearly not bandits. I have some footage of an encounter like that in elektro that I may upload soon. Also keep in mind, its easy to criticize our actions after the fact, but you weren't there. Kossuth was the one who yelled at the guy and you gotta keep in mind that its a tense situation. Worst case scenario is we made a bad call and executed an innocent.. At least we weren't running around KOSing freshies like most geared players on the coast do.
  7. Etherimp

    Killing bandit, and giving his gear to fresh spawn!

    Taken from the vid itself: 1. The guy refused to communicate with us and refused to comply.. Had he talked to us, and expressed his intentions, we would have gone from there and let him go. 2. We don't shoot fresh spawns unless they attack us.. We were going to Berezino specifically to find geared people, because geared people shouldn't be there unless they are killing fresh spawns, or helping people... Do you honestly think this guy was helping people? 3. The guy we caught was not TALKING.. he was pretending to be unable to understand us, but he was not from another country.. his ping was low, and at first his English was fine.. Only after we kept demanding him to talk did he start pulling the "I don't understand you" card, which immediately raises red flags, as it seemed to us he was attempting to stall. (Possibly getting friends to come).. His lack of responsiveness was an indication that he may be in teamspeak with others, which is why I asked him "Do you have friends moving in on us?" 4. People will sometimes drop their backpacks when they know they are entering a risky situation, in hopes they can run back to it. It's very possible the Mosin guy running towards us was with this player, as according to Kossuth he was geared. You cannot get long range scopes in coastal towns.. only barracks, ATC's, hangers, and tents... None of which are in Berezino. 5. If the Mosin guy had continued running North, he would not have been shot.. he was running directly towards us, approximately 100m's from the North. 6. There were other geared players in the town which Kossuth shot with his Mosin shortly after this clip ends.. They were camping on top of an industrial building with Long Range Scopes.. There's no way to know for sure if they were with the player we held up, but we had reason to suspect they were, as they showed up on top of the industrial building so shortly after they heard a Mosin shot from the apartments (Kossuth killing the Mosin guy.)
  8. Etherimp

    Maybe 1st person is more friendly.

    Motion sickness in DayZ wouldn't be an issue if the default resolution was set to 90, if you disable headbob, if the interiors of buildings were just slightly larger, and if the game handled FOV properly.
  9. Etherimp

    What are the cons of having higher Field of View

    I think it's like 75-80.. On the field of view bar, set it like this: [Field of View] [----...............] That's approximately default.. Another way to "eye" it, is that if you are in third person and your character is standing/running, you should be able to see your own butt and some of your thigh, but not your feet.
  10. Etherimp

    What are the cons of having higher Field of View

    I am not suggesting turning your FOV all the way down when running out in the open (across the countryside), only that you should leave it somewhere around default.. while players won't "disappear", they will simply be more difficult to spot, as your FOV is "stretched out".
  11. Etherimp

    Maybe 1st person is more friendly.

    I understand that.. Not saying 3rd person can't be abused.. Only that you have to play smart and consider that you're not the only one able to use it.
  12. Etherimp

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    What do you not understand about mic static? And it's impossible to completely cut down all outside noise.. Boom mics reduce white noise such as fans/ambient noise.. They won't filter out the sound of someones door being pounded on, pots and pans clanging in the background, or some 13 year old kids mom/dad yelling at them, or the dog barking.
  13. Etherimp

    Maybe 1st person is more friendly.

    The second DayZ becomes completely 1st person, I'll be happy as a clam to prove you wrong. Thing is, 3rd person servers are more popular/populated, so if you want action it's easier to find on 3rd person... which means more engagements, more bullet dodging, and more out-smarting people who try to jump you using 3rd person. Of course, it also means you have to use this ability yourself.. not necessarily to see through walls (although that sometimes happens without trying).. But to see around corners/over walls, yes.
  14. Etherimp

    Sniper Squad Play- 820m HeadShot

    Nice shot! Those 800m ones are difficult.. time to target is over 1 second.
  15. Etherimp

    OP Bolota and Firefights

    How was my post not constructive? I gave him critique on his video.. it was unwatchable because of the factors I pointed out.. You may argue that 5-6 guys KOSing a random player is something people want to see.. I'd say those people are probably in the minority. If you're going to be a bandit, or KOS, people at least want to see you fighting 1v2, 1v3, or squad vs squad, or acting in a tactical/strategic manner... Just running through woods and randomly spraying 60 M4 shots at a guy you see without provocation is not very interesting to watch.
  16. Etherimp

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    Except you're completely ignoring that what you're saying is simply not true. Again: Dogs bark louder than I talk. Mic-static is directly in the line and not affected by mic sensitivity.. A lot of noises in the background will be picked up, and ARE picked up, which is why we force players we group with to use Push-To-Talk in teamspeak so we don't get background noise which passes above the "sensitivity" threshold. Just admit that you're wrong.
  17. Etherimp

    OP Bolota and Firefights

    Same.. Annoyingly loud music that masks voicecomms...spraying with M4 in third person... KOSing random guys as they're running without attempting to hold them up or verify whether they are a threat or not.. ..Basically, you are everything that's wrong with the DayZ community.
  18. Etherimp

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    I don't think you've thought it through very thoroughly. Clearly, it would cause more problems than it would resolve.
  19. Etherimp

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    It's pointless debating this any further. Let's leave it at "we agree to disagree".. Good luck convincing the greater majority of players (or the dev team) that they should disable or discourage the use of outside VOIP's. I assure you, you guys are the absolute fringe on this issue.
  20. Etherimp

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    You're now comparing blocking teamspeak to going to the moon... Yes, please, let's get all of our top scientists and computer programmers on the case STAT! We need to beat the Russians to the...land of no outside VOIPs.. The in-game mechanics can take care of themselves.. Watch my latest video. It shows use of both Teamspeak and in-game voice comms, and both are used just fine in conjunction with one another. Of course there's some crosstalk, but that can be alleviated with mic discipline. You don't need to stop the greater majority of players from using Teamspeak just because you don't like it. You're taking the same kind of stance on Teamspeak as old white dudes who don't even get laid anymore take on abortion..
  21. Etherimp

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    1. Nobody has tried because it's fucking futile.. 2. If you don't like TS, don't use it... I don't see why you feel the need to control how others communicate. You're never going to stop meta-gaming.. Part of the reason video games are fun is BECAUSE of meta-gaming.
  22. Etherimp

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    how are they going to negotiate it beforehand if they don't have TS? Should they call one another? Oh wait.. That's meta-gaming too..
  23. Etherimp

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    I don't deny that TS is "meta-gaming".. But I think it's necessary. In game VOIP is still rewarding.. but it's not very good for working with other people.. How are you going to deal with two friends spawning in completely different places who want to meet up? Are they just going to have to run around aimlessly until they manage to run into one another?
  24. Etherimp

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    Teamspeak doesn't undercut DayZ ingame VOIP... It's used to keep groups chat separate from in-game, and in-game separate from your group. You don't always want to announce to everyone in elektro that you're going to go bandage in the school, just because you're with 1 guy who's friendly with you. I understand that this may be a turnoff to some people because it is "meta-gaming", but it's also a part of GAMING and has been since about 1996 when Ventrilo was developed to be played with games like Quake 2.. a game which didn't have in-game communication, and the teams that were playing it had no way to communicate with one another in matches, other than through text or over a phone... and then T2K created Ventrilo, and when they whooped our asses in a 4v4 team match, and we heard they had voice communications we almost considered it cheating.. until we realized that anyone could download and use it, so we did, and we integrated it into our teamplay and it exploded in popularity throughout EVERY genre of video game. A hack/cheat modifies the game. VOIP programs are outside "accessories" to improve gameplay.
  25. Etherimp

    Baited and ambushed by bandits!

    My friends and I were gearing up in Elektro after we all died Friday night.. We found a fresh spawn in the firestation and start talking to him, he acts a little sketchy and he has his bandit friends attempt to ambush me. As you can tell, I tried to play friendly, but you always have to be prepared to defend yourself!