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Everything posted by Etherimp

  1. .1% PER spawn.. so if there were like 20 spawns at Stary Sobor (As an example) it was more like 2% chance of finding one any given time you went there.
  2. GPS could be found at places like Green Mountain and other medium value military spawns. Heli crashes were easy if you had a vehicle/heli, not so easy if you didn't.. camo/ghillies were pretty common at heli crashes. NVG's and Rangefingers were the 2 hardest "tools" to find. Satchel charges and NVG's probably the rarest things in the game, except NVG's you could find inside of the black-littlebird that spawned at black mountain. So technically Range Finders were the rarest outside of satchels... but they weren't nearly as necessary as NVG's. I played on high pop US vanilla servers.
  3. Tbh, the only gear that took more than a day to find in the mod was Night Vision, Range Finders, and Satchel Charges.. Tents and some high end weapons could be a challenge if you didn't have access to a vehicle of some kind or if you were unlucky or simply didn't know where any heli crashes were.
  4. Who should I be talking to? It was a joke man.
  5. I think you need a girlfriend. You like guns a little too much.
  6. Etherimp

    Unhealthy amount of paranoia in SA

    Check this out.. When I hear the "Ugghg!" in the first few seconds of the video, my heart stopped.. Also, take note that I don't assume the guy was alone, and I check the player list often.
  7. Because all people are the same, amirite? I mean... You know, every fresh spawn is an opportunistic twerp, and every geared player is a noble hero and/or badass ninja bandit. The moral of your story is not "ALL FRESHSPAWNS SHOULD BE SHOT", it's "Some people are opportunistic and you should watch your buddies body better."
  8. This. If you want to hone your PvP skills do it against someone who can and will shoot back. Not against an unarmed player. You want some target practice add me on steam. See if you can spot and kill me before your screen goes black. If you do, you get my gear. If you don't, you need to keep practicing.
  9. Etherimp

    Unhealthy amount of paranoia in SA

    On a more personal note - I played competitive CS in leagues and at LAN tournaments for 7 years. Nothing in DayZ can shake my resolve or focus very much. I will get excited and my heart rate may escalate briefly, even had butterflies or sweaty palms in intense situations ... But it passes quickly as I've learned to redirect those feelings into intense mental focus thanks to experience under pressure. Do not panic. Do not freeze up. Remind yourself where you are and engage your mind. Calculate your level of aggression. Consider consequences of actions not consequences of failure. Failure is not an option. To not act is the only failure. Center yourself and channel your anxiety. Trust your instincts and do not hesitate to act.
  10. Etherimp

    Unhealthy amount of paranoia in SA

    Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. When it approaches I will allow it to pass over and through me, and when it is gone, only I will remain.
  11. Etherimp

    Was I killed by a hacker

    Wasn't a hacker. Why would hackers go to airfeilds and shoot you with an SKS when they could run around berezino with an M4 that has infinite ammo?
  12. Etherimp

    The 5 Rules Of Dayz...

    Experienced Mod and SA player with over 500 hours... imo.. 1. Trust is earned, not given. (If players are trust-worthy, they will show trust and their words and actions will be in agreement.) 2. There are no "owners" in DayZ, only "users". (You do not own what you have, you're just using it until the next guy has it.) 3. Trust your instincts. (If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.. if Elektro sounds too quiet, it is.. If that fresh spawn seems to be too friendly, he is.) 4. Walk softly and carry a big stick. (Be a ghost until souls need to be reaped) 5. Haste can be folly, but I've never seen delay that was wise. (Move with a purpose, and measure your aggression.. Too aggressive is clumsy, too passive weakens your position.)
  13. Update: I now have 4 hours of footage recorded for Chapter 2, which I need to edit down. Pro's - I actually got into a firefight near the end with 2 players at NWAF! So I will include that in the video as a part of surviving as a lonewolf. Con's - I was unable to find a Fishing hook or a compass, which is something I'd like to go over.
  14. Etherimp

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    I disagree because it's not the sound engine and while I don't think it should be the #1 priority, I do think it should have been done by now. The Alpha has been out for over 6 months (almost 7) and it's been an issue since release day. Since it hasn't been fixed by now, I can only assume one of two things: 1. They don't know how to fix it. 2. They haven't looked into fixing it. In either case, there's something wrong with that. I'm hoping that they ARE looking into fixing it and it's one of their next priorities along with the new engine they're working on. Just because the community is being vocal about a well known problem does not mean we're being unreasonable. I'd say after 6 months of a bug existing we have a right to start asking "Hey, when is this going to be addressed?" If it was a "sound engine" problem it would exist in ARMA3, Arma2, DayZ mod, and other Arma mods. It doesn't. It only exist in Standalone. So it doesn't matter if they say they're rewriting the sound engine as that may or may not have anything to do with the non-local sound bug.
  15. Etherimp

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    No. I understand his reasoning, I just don't agree. It's netcode related because it only happens when other players are online and doing those "activities" which are causing the sounds.. opening a soda for example is announced to everyone in your network bubble rather than only those near-by. The problem will have to be fixed eventually. I never said it should be the #1 priority, but I sense a lot of downplaying from some of the people in this thread as to the severity of the issue. It is VERY annoying, VERY immersion breaking, and it IS game-breaking when you consider that part of the game is being aware of your surroundings. In a game based on zombies you should never "tune out" the sound of zombies, nor should you "tune out" the sound of ammo splitting when you may be killed at any second by someone who just split ammo to put it into a magazine. It's a big problem. Stop downplaying it.
  16. Etherimp

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    I'm pretty sure the non-local sound issue is a network/netcode problem, and thus is nothing like "scoring" a film..
  17. Etherimp

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    The age old "Alpha" argument. Sorry, but this thread is not about an issue like "OMG THE GAME IS BUGGY FKU NOT WORTH THE MONEY." This thread is saying, "Hey, this issue has been here since Day 1 and it really should be addressed." Stop with the "alpha" argument. We all know it's alpha and as I said in my post, I think as much priority should be put on correcting audio bugs as visual bugs.. That's not to say that I expect it to be fixed yesterday, only that I think it should be a priority and I think a lot of people (especially those who come from competitive FPS's) would agree with me.
  18. Etherimp

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    The sounds being discussed here are NOT the ambient sounds of birds chirping, twigs snapping, or wire fences rattling. We are talking about random non-local sounds of soda cans, Zombies, combing ammo, reloads, etc. Im sure its a net code issue and yeah you're probably hearing actual sounds but you shouldn't be. Its a bug. It needs to be fixed.
  19. Etherimp

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    Yes, actually, it is an incredibly serious problem. In a game based on tension, suspense, horror, split second decisions, perception, and situation awareness, SOUND sets as much of the stage as GRAPHICS. Imagine playing any AAA title without the sound and imagine how different that game would be. Imagine competitive counter-strike/league of legends/starcraft matches where the players had ALL sound muted... It would be unthinkable. How would you feel about DayZ if you got constant visual artifacts? Random audio artifacts are no different, and it severely impacts the playability of the game. Sound/hearing is incredibly important and it is one of the major nagging issues that I hope gets sorted out.. Above vehicles, above persistent storage, above another town, more weapons, or more crafting recipes.. This "bug/glitch" has been present since the initial release of Standalone.. that's over 6 months. No graphic bug has been present that long.
  20. Etherimp

    Surviving Day 1 in DayZ

    Awesome man! Glad to hear you enjoyed the videos.. Some of the later ones are much better than the first few as I improved on my editing a lot. Check out some of the later ones, or even some of the DayZ mod ones if you're interested. I've been playing with Kossuth and Hoff Suppressant for over a year now, and we're a pretty solid crew in DayZ Vanilla. Right now the PVP is the main focus of most people in DayZ SA because there's no vehicles and the zeds aren't nearly as scary as they were in the mod.. Plus in the mod, there's a lot of other things to worry about like infection and such.. Those types of medical conditions/debuffs really force cooperation. Not saying the mod is "better", because I'm sure all of that stuff is coming to DayZ SA in the near future; but it definitely foreshadows what SA will become eventually.
  21. Etherimp

    Surviving Day 1 in DayZ

    The best way to get healthy is to find a bag of rice, "eat all", then drink until hydrated and/or full.. Rice and maybe a few small food stuffs should get you well into "energized" territory, but as stated above, it dehydrates you, so it's always better to eat first, then drink, so you avoid becoming too "full" off of water, and unable to eat to the point you need to be. If you can't find rice, Dried milk is the next best.. Followed by Cereal. Dried milk is great once you get energized because it only takes up 1 inventory spot and it's the biggest bang for your buck. Also, canned foods such as beans and sardines are a good balance of energy/hydration. Beans being the better of the canned variety. Fruits and vegetables are okay to hold yourself over but it would be very difficult to live on them alone. Your first aim should be to get Energized/Hydrated, and once "full", do not carry food in your inventory except for maybe 1-4 canned foods for backup, along with a canteen. Always keep at least 1 full canteen, because you dehydrate faster than you go hungry. As far as finding your location, and dealing with Zeds.. 1. Zeds can be dealt with easily with any melee weapon including fists.. Simply side strafe to the right and swing at head level to the left.. The zombies cannot hit you as long as you are side-strafing. 2. Do not engage zombies inside of buildings. Do not begin using an "action" or distract yourself with looting while there are active zombies about. 3. There are landmarks which can tell you your general location/area on the map. For example.. Berezino = Large, spread out, has a long dock area, police station, apartments, and it's the only place on the map with 2 grocery stores. Solnichny = Has a quarry in the western hillside, and a factory to the north. Elektro = Has 2 firestations, 1 which is at a powerplant. Cherno = Has a large industrial area, a powerplant on the west side of town and a construction area on the east.. Stary Sobor = Has a large red industrial barn on the southish side of town by some barns, and has a sister city "Novy Sobor" which is slightly smaller, has a church, and a large grouping of industrial buildings. Rify = The ship. Svetlojorsk = The new town in the far north, built on the coast and somewhat of a mountain town.. North of Rify, East of North East Airfield. Just a few off the top of my head.. Study the online map thoroughly and you will begin to get an idea of what things look like. You can pull it up by pressing Shift+tab in game, then typing "www.dayzdb.com" in the browser.. Some people may consider this "cheap" or "meta", and if wish to explore and learn on your own that is your choice, but if you ever get lost and are frustrated, you may want to use it as a last resort. Compass and map combined can be used to great effect by a clever person.
  22. I would quote all of the things you've said on the second page here, but I'll just go from this.. I agree. But it's not just a trait learned in the military (although that's an intense form of it)... I learned how to stay calm under pressure in competition. Swim meets when I was a boy, martial arts tournaments later on, Quake II and Counter-Strike competitive matches/tournaments/lans, Age of Empires III high rated matches, WoW Arena high rated matches, etc. The first time you are matched up against the #1 rated opponent and you're an underdog, and you have so much to prove, that can get the adrenaline pumping, make your hands shake, make your heart pound, etc.. But when you've played against (in any competition or sport) the best in the world then no matter what happens something clicks in the back of your head that says "I've been here before." I think part of the military training is just that... TRAINING.. Putting people in situations they are not used to or comfortable with and telling them repeatedly what to do in those situations and make them act it out.. That way, when the shit hits the fan the person falls back on their instincts and that training comes out. When we were running hip-throw drills in Karate, it seemed rather boring.. I never understood why we had to do it so many times or for an entire class, until I was about 14 and a kid put me in a surprise choke hold from behind. Without thinking or hesitating I threw him over my shoulder. The guy was a body-builder and a wrestler, and in that instant he was completely embarrassed and humiliated in front of the whole class.. But he took it in stride and wanted to learn, so a would-be-bully ended up becoming a friend. Point being, all that training came into play and there was no hesitation and no fear because I had been there before. And on that note: Try different play styles out and find a good group to run with.. The only way you learn something is by doing it... the more you do it the more comfortable it becomes.
  23. Etherimp

    Removing spawns is making this game bad

    Yeah. I like this.
  24. Etherimp

    Removing spawns is making this game bad

    I dunno. That man dies repeatedly?
  25. Etherimp

    Removing spawns is making this game bad

    Punish suicides with a timer of some sort.. or just force them to keep respawning in the same place if they die within .. oh.. say.. 10 minutes of spawning.