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Everything posted by Etherimp

  1. I think there will be and should be a combination of different skills that you will learn and pick up on... 1. Basic survival skills, you should have to apply common sense and learn what works and doesn't work through trial and error.. Same with loot areas, etc.. Nothing should be "spelled out" for you within the game itself. Certain things, like tearing your shirt into rags just come with experience and they're pretty obvious, but it may take a life or two for a very new beginner to figure it out.. Nothing wrong with that. 2. More advanced information like where to find the BEST loot and how to procure more high-end gear and more advanced survival techniques will either come with experience, or through a tutorial video.. 3. The deep mechanics of the game just come with experience. 4. Teamplay tactics and strategy will obviously come with experience and possibly through tutorials, etc. DayZ (and most video games that I enjoy for that matter) are quite a bit like Billards, Chess, Bowling, Poker, etc.. They're games of skill. Easy to learn, difficult to master. That should be what most game developers strive for in game design. (After all, the games I listed have survived for a LONG time..)
  2. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Uhm.. There is no basket weaving in DayZ. Please stop making stupid arguments that make no sense. Everyone knows you're up your own ass about being a badass PvP kos bandit who thinks this game is a death match. And for some people that is the game and nobody is trying to take that away from you. Nobody is saying you have to craft anything and nobody is saying you cant be a one dimensional killing machine. We are just saying that's not what makes this game different, special, interesting or marketable. There are better PvP fps games out there. Why are you wasting your time with DayZ if that's what appeals to you? Just stop trying to make the game what you want it to be and accept it for what it is. The game you want already exist - its called ArmaIII.
  3. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    1. PVP and crafting are not mutually exclusive.. You can PVP and still craft and vice versa. 2. 1 word: Minecraft. One of the most popular indie games of all time, and is 90% about crafting.. Yeah, nobody wants to craft! PSsshh.. 3. What makes this game special/different is player interactions.. Do an experiment -Make a YouTube video of nothing but PVP in DayZ -Make a YouTube video of nothing but funny/interesting player interactions in DayZ. The player interactions video will get more views, hands down.. You can't get that same experience from other First Person Shooters on the market, but you can get PVP from those games.. SO if you love PVP so much, go play Battlefield4? Shit, go play ARMAIII.
  4. Etherimp

    Reason why People See so Many Hackers.

    Teleporting/speed hack is not a game glitch, it's a hack. Infinite ammo is not a game glitch, it's a hack. ESP is not a game glitch, it's a hack. A hack = A 3rd party program either purchased from a hack site, programmed by ones-self, or shared amongst a group of friends or within a community which alters/changes the mechanics for the player using them, to gain an advantage or otherwise manipulate the mechanics of the game. And don't kid yourselves... Hackers go everywhere. They go to the middle of nowhere to kill you if you think you're safe. They go to hardcore servers. They go to low-pop servers. There was a teleporting hacker on a server with 5 population the other day. Yes, they GENERALLY go to high pop servers and GENERALLY hang around high population areas...but not always.
  5. Unfortunately, that's not even a hacker.. That's just someone glitching into walls.
  6. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    loollllll... lol.. haha.. This game isn't a pvp deathmatch, kos nerd. Go play Quake, UT, COD, CS, etc.. Not the same game.
  7. Etherimp

    Walking makes you healthy?

    Prob didn't read your post. Was on my phone at the time.
  8. That video was shot from my friends perspective, but as far as I understand it could have been the bug or the hacker, nobody really knows.. I don't think it's a new cheat, I just think people are seeing more of what the cheats can do exactly.
  9. The real shitty thing is that a. Hackers can make your character do things... I saw one guy being forced to drink his canteen while the hacker took off all his cloths b. You don't have to press "G" to toss your weapon.. It's a bug where if you roll too much or press too many buttons while rolling (?) it just automatically tosses your weapon... sometimes the weapon disappears sometimes not.
  10. This player was invisible on my screen after we engaged him, but not invisible to my friend.. I was not 100% sure if it was something he was doing or if it was just a bug.. If it was something he was doing, then it means hackers can make themselves invisible to specific players, rather than to everyone.
  11. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    I'm all for constructive criticism and constructive dialogue. Problem is the majority of these threads do not have that. Most people clearly do not understand the development process and a lot are simply entitled brats bitching and complaining because they can't have things "their" way. As I've said already a half dozen times - Criticize facets of the game. Criticize when there are problems which we feel are unacceptable (9 months of non-local sounds..hackers not being dealt with.. etc).. Those are things that the Dev team actually has some control over, or should, and that they should eventually get sorted out. When Dean responded saying non-local sounds are "A priority", I shut up about them because I did my job as a tester, I posted bug reports, I complained about it on the forums after 8 months of it being an issue and not being addressed, then I shut up.. After I saw the post about them wiping the hive and I had several mods/devs respond concerning my complaints about hackers, I backed off. Yes - Make noise. Yes - complain. Yes - Give feedback. But don't say "Dean's leadership skills suck he needs to leave he's bad for the team he's inexperienced and a bad coder", etc etc. That shit doesn't do anyone any good, it's rude, it's ignorant, and it's disrespectful. edit: and yes, people have been attacking Dean.. Read back in this thread. .Shit, read the first post.
  12. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    For the record 1. I edited my post because it was admittedly rude, and I recognize that and fixed it.. 2. I wasn't saying YOU criticized Dean, but a lot of people in this thread have, and it seemed from my perspective that you had jumped on their bandwagon.. if you had not, then my apologies.
  13. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    There's a difference between criticizing a politicians decisions, and criticizing the politician as a man. Saying "Obama has made decisions which I do not support, I think he should have done X Y Z instead of A B C" is a reasonable criticism.. Saying "I don't like Obama 'cuz he's an Islamic Terrorist!!" is an irrational attack on a man. Saying "I do not like the current direction of development.. I wish they would stop releasing clothing and fix the sound bug" is a reasonable (although ignorant) criticism.. Saying "Dean should leave the team because his leadership skills fucking suck and this game is gonna fail with him at the helm" is an irrational attack on a man. Make more sense now? Also, your statement about complaining about hackers makes no fucking sense. I guess you have no right to complain about murderers, because you aren't a murderer? I guess you have no right to complain about child molestors, because you aren't a child molestor? Apples and oranges, man.
  14. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    So what you're saying is that bugs are expected in Alpha and the DayZ Dev team is doing exactly what they should be doing by ATTEMPTING to fix as many bugs as possible that hamper the alpha build, while balancing that against the fact that they are still implementing features and that certain new features may break other things, so they should just leave those alone until Beta? 'Cause, that's pretty much what they're doing... And I don't see you disagreeing with that. The only thing I see you disagreeing with is "Everything is supposed to be broken".. Perhaps you took that phrase a little too literal. I meant: Alpha is supposed to be a hodge-podge of unfinished features with a lot of bugs.. Once they finish adding the features to alpha, THEN they'll work on ironing out the bugs and making the game much more playable. As to your Software/dev experience, I really don't care.. I appreciate that you may have experience in that field and I didn't mean to say you DON'T have that experience; only that it seems like everyone around here acts as though they are in a position to judge Dean/BI/the DayZ Dev team, which they're not.. I don't care if you have 20 years of experience working for EA and pumping out AAA titles.. It really doesn't give anyone any right to judge how this project is currently going. We all punched the "I AGREE" button after reading, "Yo, this shit is borked." If shit is still borked once the game goes gold, THEN we ALL have the right to bitch non-stop ... And trust me, if the game is fucked upon release, or gets fucked after release, I will not hesitate to come strong and hard with the complaints. Go read my threads concerning the recent surge of hackers, or my thread criticizing them for not fixing the non-local sound bug; which, by the way, was acknowledged by Dean shortly after and he said it was "a high priority". I'm with a lot of people here on these issues, you just don't see me questioning Deans leadership or saying he should "go".. Because that's not my fucking place to say and it's not yours and it's not anyones. As I said before: Judge the game, not the man.. Keep the complaints rational and measured and don't attack the guy who has been nothing but kind to the community at large and has proven time and time again how much passion he has for this project. As to the teenager comment - I'm a blunt person and I'm losing patience with some of the people in this thread. "stfu" is internet vernacular.. Not sure how that is reminiscent of a teenager, but w/e.. Furthermore, I don't remember asking how old you were nor should you care how old I am.. Hope you enjoyed the videos. Oh, also.. You say you've helped contribute to a F2P project... Can you please link me to the forums so I can go there and tell everyone that plays that game how I don't think you should be on the project because you don't know how to code and your leadership skills suck? Can you imagine if I did that? How insulting is that? The mere suggestion is a slap in the face, isn't it? That was my point in asking for your software experience. Golden rule - Treat others how you would like to be treated. People in this thread have been attacking Dean, not the game. That's where I have a problem.
  15. Etherimp

    Walking makes you healthy?

    You're all wrong. Simple explanation here is that you slowly regen blood as long as you are not hungry or thirsty so you get no healing or energized or hydrated. Once your blood is at maximum you slowly begin healing. Once you are at full HP you are then "healthy". Watch merinos videos on the blood/health system and read previous patch notes.
  16. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Please show me the software you've developed so I can criticize it. And yes, everything is supposed to be broken in Alpha. Alpha = Add features, some features break other shit, some things are not done, most stuff is placeholders.. Beta = Bugfix/patch things up. Since you're a software Dev, I figured you'd know this. Now, seriously.. Where's your software? Have 2 million or more in sales? No? Then Stfu.. Anyone complaining about this game only has themselves to blame:
  17. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Ambient sounds = A bug. Bugs get fixed in Beta. Yes, they are attempting to fix it anyway, but they're rebuilding the sound engine. As for "DayZ Leadership", you're being ridiculous... Go re-read my previous posts where I completely shut down that kind of logic. You have no idea what you're talking about and you are in no position to question "leadership". Just drop it already. This thread has gone on far too long already.
  18. Etherimp

    Status Report - Week of 25 August 14

    Definitely hyped about this patch. :D Can't wait to start releasing some Hardcore vids with the new updates.
  19. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Up to par? Do you know what an Alpha is? There is no par. Everything is supposed to be broken. Zombies are a WIP, this has been stated hundreds of times. Please, go play another fucking game.
  20. Etherimp

    Listening skills...

    In all of your scenarios it sounds like you're running around said buildings without watching the known camper spots... If you're running outside the ATC and NOT watching for someone to stand up and shoot you from the inside, then you're not playing as well as you could be... Also, if you approach from any direction around the Firestation OTHER than the East, then they cannot zoom in on their sniper rifle to spot you.. which means you have to run relatively close or way out in the open.. In any case, it's pointless to argue it.. I understand why you don't prefer it, but it doesn't make it "babycore".. Maybe it's "mancore" because I can come across the same campers and I somehow manage to shove their camping up their ass and take all their gear.
  21. Etherimp

    Listening skills...

    See, the way you explained that makes sense, and you're right.... SORT of.. BUT.. I can tell you how to counter both situations: 1. Firestation roof does not have a ledge on the back side... If you run behind the wall of NWAF to behind the firestation you can see someone laying on the roof. 2. ATC roof can also be spotted from a ways off.. Just go up on "sniper hill", it's about a 430 Meter shot and is easy as shit to hit with a Mosin. Every time I am up at NWAF, I PRAY for a camper to be sitting on the roof of the ATC.. He's an easy fucking kill. 3. You do not RUSH the ATC if you have campers sitting in it. You counter their camping with pinning them down inside of the ATC, pushing in slowly, then either Flashbanging, grenading, or exploiting 3pp yourself to see where they are laying prone on the top level ... If they are laying prone watching the stairs, the are a stationary target and you are not, you can run up the stairs and circle strafe around them shooting down and they can't do shit against you. As I said in my post.. It's about developing a different set of skills to counter it.
  22. Etherimp

    >80 slot servers

    These 2 events took place within a few days of one another.... Yeah, I'm just imagining those hackers, amirite? This doesn't even show the dozen or so people using Inf Ammo weapons that I've come across.. Want videos of those also, or are you convinced that there's a hacker problem yet?
  23. Etherimp

    Listening skills...

    I come from a FPS background. Q2, mechwarrior2, CS, CSS, UT, BF, etc. I was weirded out by 3pp when I first started playing the mod because it required a certain awareness and skill set that I wasn't accustomed to. After over a year of playing the mod and playing SA since release, I am much more comfortable with 3pp but as I said above, I'm fine with hardcore as well and I get a little frustrated when people on these forums flame "softcore" or "babycore" as they call it and thus lump everyone who plays in that mode together as being "bad" players. Its a ridiculous bias and you can see it in this thread. Fact is you cannot say someone is a bad player cuz they play 3pp no more than you can say someone is a good player for playing hardcore. Furthermore, here's the thing that nobody here is talking about and you won't see people defend my statement here but as someone with 20 years of FPS experience I can say this with conviction: Playing 3rd person requires a different set of skills and dying to a rooftop camper who exploited 3rd person against you can be frustrating for new players, but the better you get at 3pp the more you learn to adjust your playstyle to counter those campers and/or exploit it yourself. Some people don't like it because they feel its not fair and I can understand and respect that, but the reality is that you can get GOOD at 3pp and it DOES require not more but DIFFERENT skills that some people have and others refuse to build. Point being, let's stop flaming 3pp. As I said I'd be happy if DayZ went full 1pp locked on all servers and just allowed us to go 3rd person in vehicles. I don't think most of the community would have a problem with that.