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Everything posted by Etherimp

  1. As long as the list contains an M14 with an assortment of attachments, I'm happy..
  2. Etherimp

    Friendly? oh please..

    Exactly.. That's how you build trust - Have someones life in your hands and don't take it. Being a fresh spawn and saying "friendly" to a geared guy means nothing. Being a geared guy and saying "I'm friendly" to a fresh spawn, and NOT shooting them, actually means something.
  3. Etherimp

    Friendly? oh please..

    You can trust some people.. But that trust is earned and you have to know how to earn it and when people are earning it from you.
  4. Etherimp

    Friendly? oh please..

    Would you rather be irate, or dead? 'cause, Irate you have control over.. Dead, I have control over.
  5. Etherimp

    Friendly? oh please..

    Don't walk up to random strangers asking them if they are friendly. People are much more friendly when you have a fully automatic assault rifle aimed at the back of their head, and they have no-where to run or hide. Edit: Or when you shoot them in the thigh with a mosin, bandage them, handcuff them, and have a friendly chat while they're restrained.. Suddenly they're very happy to communicate.
  6. I'm pretty sure HL2 and CS:S had the same ragdoll.. It was on the same engine; though I suppose HL2's may have had more "features" included.
  7. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Yeah.. I don't think I said anything to the contrary of that. I've been tested anywhere between 120-153. Was tested in the "top 1 percentile" when I was in kindergarten.I don't see anything in what you said that contradicts anything I said.
  8. I'd be a fan of it if they could implement it as well as it was implemented in Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike Source... You know, those games that were released 10 years ago.
  9. It's definitely client side.
  10. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    The game isn't done yet. I'd like to see those things fixed also.. But the game has been getting steadily better over the last 8-9 months. It will continue to do so until it's done. Nobody made you pay 30 dollars for it and you were warned it was in Alpha.
  11. Good post, but the description you give of the current hack scene is not really accurate based on what I have seen - A LOT of people have hacks. They're running around en'masse with entire squads of guys using hacks. If it was only 5% of the community you would not see several hackers on every single 40 pop server.
  12. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    There's also a man who's said to have been abducted by aliens.. ..and another who met bigfoot.
  13. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Think of it like a Kickstarter. Most of the DayZ community was bitching about wanting Standalone to be released.. They kept chiding Rocket about it. So, Rocket released it in Alpha form, sold it for 30 bucks a pop, and is using the money to fund the development of the game. There's nothing "wrong" with doing it that way. We get to play the game we wanted to play, and Rocket and his dev team get paychecks for working on it instead of doing it for free. Imagine how slow development would be if it was being done by a bunch of volunteer or poorly paid programmers.
  14. Etherimp

    Anyone still have a Mosin+Bipod?

    I've been playing the game since release day. In STABLE the SKS has never been able to mount an LRS, but I believe it about experimental... BUT, experimental gets wiped often, so there are no more SKS's with LRS's in existence.. And even if there were, they'd be mostly useless.
  15. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    No.. Nobody has an IQ of 300. http://mostextreme.org/highest_iq.php First of all, in order to test an IQ of "300", you would have to have an IQ of 300 or higher to write the test. Secondly, most of the people who have ever been tested "above 200", are estimates (not hard numbers) and/or they were taking a test designed for children. The highest "feasible" Adult IQ is about 200, and the highest that most modern, non-professionally designed tests go is somewhere around 160-180, and most of the test you can do online are highly unreliable and not to be taken seriously. If you want to get a good idea of what your IQ actually is, attempt to join MENSA or join the Military, as they will usually test your IQ and give you a personality profile among other things in order to understand where you would be best utilized.
  16. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Well, even if he's a genius (which is possible but unlikely), Einstein was around 180... Most idiots don't realize that 200 is almost unheard of and most test can't even measure above 160-180 or so.
  17. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Nah. He's like 14.. Watch one of his youtube videos. He also claimed to have like a 200 IQ once..
  18. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Because the core gameplay ISN'T PVP, dolt. If you think the core gameplay of DayZ is PVP then you've clearly never played a real competitive game. Repeating the same ill-informed horse-shit over and over again doesn't get you any closer to being "right", it just makes you look dense.
  19. Etherimp

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    "Majority" - "Minority" - "Cater" Majority = MOST people.. DayZ is not for MOST people. It has a specific draw. MOST people like Candy Crush. MOST people don't play hardcore survival games. MOST people who want to play a PVP First Person Shooter are going to download CS:GO and play that.. Or maybe BF4... Or maybe COD... Or maybe ARMAIII if they are more for realism. If they like zombies, maybe they'll play breaking point. Minority = A small percentage of... 2.5 million players is a SMALL percentage of the market. A SMALL percentage of the market was drawn to what DayZ has always said it was about.. DayZ never advertised itself as a competitive PVP First person shooter. Cater = To placate ... If you want a company to PLACATE and CATER to the MAJORITY then maybe you should go to the Activision or EA forums. I'm quite happy with being in the MINORITY. Nobody is forcing you to play DayZ .. You either like it, or you don't.. Honestly the gun-play and movement in this game is clunky and overall shit compared to something as crisp and clean as CS or anything from the Battlefield franchise.. It's even worse than ARMA. If PVP is what this game is about then it does it poorly by comparison to all other games. If you want a good PVP game, GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE. I'm not saying this as an insult.. I really mean it. You seem bitter towards the community. You're calling people "crafting nerds" and saying that the "minority" is going to ruin the game.. Guess what buddy? We're not the fucking minority of the DayZ community. The MAJORITY of the DayZ community wants hunting, camping, crafting, base building, vehicles, player interactions, heroes, bandits, survivors. A wise man once told me, "If you ever find yourself on the side of the majority, you should start reevaluating your opinions." Have you ever considered the possibility that maybe this game just isn't for you? Maybe you'd have more fun playing something else. There's nothing wrong with that... But if you do insist on sticking around and playing DayZ then please do us all a favor and shut up about KOS, PVP, and Banditry.. You're not getting any closer to convincing the world at large that you're some kind of Billy Badass. Have you ever considered that maybe the game isn't ALL about PVP? Maybe you've just MISSED THE POINT of the game? Not trying to sound holier than thou here...or pretentious, by any means.. But honestly, I don't see how you can look at a game like DayZ and say "This is a PVP game"...Yes, there *IS* PVP in the game, but a few facts for you 1. There is NO competitive scene. 2. There are NO rankings 3. There is NO kill/death counter 4. There are NO meaningful statistics 5. There is NO end-game 6. There's VERY LITTLE in-game reward for killing other players. 7. The actual PVP itself is often very buggy and random. 8. There are no in game "groups" or "clans" (IE - Squads/Guilds/Clans/Teams/factions that you can affiliate with in game.. such as in WoW, League of Legends, or in FPS games that track clan stats or have league matches) 9. There's no real advantage to being a part of a "clan" 10. You can't even see the name of the person who killed you, and often cannot see who you killed.. So there's no real "bragging rights" 11. There's no way for me to compare my ability against yours. 12. There's no way to "LOSE".. Only to die.. And that's just a matter of regearing 13. There are no exclusive offers/advantages for anyone who kills more, dies less, or somehow survives the longest.. There's no measuring stick.. 14. There is no "league" of DayZ or any real way to have a tournament 15. The majority of the time, if you kill someone they weren't even aware of your existence and had no real way to defend themselves. See, to me, when I think about PVP.. I think about 1. Counter-Strike, Quake, Doom, UT, BF, where there is a competitive scene and you could potentially go to LAN tournaments and test your skills versus other players/teams. 2. World of Warcraft, or other MMO's where you have Guilds that compete for PVE notoriety or PVP ratings, that usually comes with exclusive rewards.. 3. MOBA's and RTS's, where again, there's a competitive scene. If there's no competitive scene, you can't compare yourself to others to see how well/poorly you do and there's no bragging rights, there's no money to be made on LAN and there's no advantage to doing "better" or "worse" than anyone.. The experience you make for yourself is the only reward. If you feel "rewarded" by shooting people in the back or sniping someone from 400 meters who wasn't even aware of your presence, I would say you have some serious self-esteem issues, but I would also say "good for you.. then enjoy that aspect of the game for what it is." But if that's ALL you're doing, then you're missing out on what the MAJORITY of the rest of this community seems to understand... DayZ is unique for the tense interactions and situations.. For the bandits which menace notorious areas such as Elektro and Berezino.. The Cherno snipers that have everyone looking over their backs.. The crushing feeling of losing all of your gear and your 2 week old character because you randomly came across someone by a water-pump in the Western part of the map... The rare heroes which will come running to a newbies rescue, blood bagging them and sending them away with beans and maybe a decent weapon.. The tension of having a squad of guys at NWAF and being afraid that your whole "team" is going to get wiped by an even bigger (or just sneakier) squad of guys who's just as afraid as you are.. The hilarious player interactions that happen on the coast.. etc...etc..etc. If you're just here to shoot people, you're here for the wrong fucking reasons.
  20. Etherimp

    Anyone still have a Mosin+Bipod?

    Whatever rumors you heard are complete bullshit. SKS has never had LRS, unless it was hacked somehow.
  21. Picked up 2 different magnums tonight and neither fired, but both showed as "Pristine".. Also, anyone notice how if you patch your cloths while you're wearing them, it works but shows no change in the clothing until after you remove it and put it back on?
  22. Pistol was definitely "Pristine".. i dropped it and picked it back up, loaded it and unloaded it.. Didn't seem to matter. So either the pistol itself is broken or the quality indicators are.
  23. Etherimp

    Base building and secureing your stuff

    Basically this.. if defense is too easy and attack is too hard, then it's imbalanced... if it takes 10 hours to create a functioning base that can be destroyed in 5 minutes, then it's not worth it to build a base. The time invested in creating a base should be equal or slightly less than the time required to procure the goods to break in and execute the break in. If it takes you 10 hours to create a base, it should take someone 12 or so hours to get everything together, find your base, and break in.. (just as an example.. Don't take that as proposing exact numbers.)