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Everything posted by thygrrr

  1. I think the number of Zombies should be reduced to at least 50%, maybe 25% of what it is now, but they should be a lot deadlier. Zombie spawns should be randomized, i.e. you cannot know how many zombies one building usually has, and how many an individual player spawns. Zombies should spawn inside buildings, too, invisible to players until they get near or even into the building. At the same time, zombies should be made much more deadly (i.e. less glitchy and more direct running, no chance of kiting zombies by backpedaling, etc). Maybe make them leap or something. They should deal more damage, slow down and hold the player, and take more bullets to kill. Zombie aggro range should be increased, especially for crawling players. However, zombies should not respawn quickly, so killing zombies from a distance should be an option when approaching a town - risk death but conserve ammo by sneaking in, or risk revealing your position but safely snipe the zombies from afar first. Advantages: less server & client performance impact more shock/surprise moments To offset the new deadliness, it should be possible to lose the Zombie aggro somehow (e.g. get out of sight, out of range).
  2. thygrrr

    A melee attack

    I can relate to your apologetism why it "can't be done", but instead of listening to your reasons why that may be so, I'm instead voluteering to find an actual solution. That alone sets me apart miles from the kiddies that want their features but have no clue how to build them. I'll let you know what I can come up with. (might be nothing, but I'm confident it's possible seeing just how broadly ArmA2 is moddable)
  3. Seriously, who needs it. Half the info is redundant, the other is broken (temperature...). The UI is fine as it is with the flashing icons, I dont need to know whether I should eat the beans instead of the steak because I am at 11700 blood.
  4. thygrrr

    A melee attack

    They could/should be pretty damn useless, but just its UNAVAILABILITY breaks the immersion. I'm pretty sure melee can be implemented, and fairly easily so that it feels like it's at least an option. Looking into Arma2 modding tonight... after all I'm not exactly clueless when it comes to game and mod development... Truly sick and tired of you naysayers... :/ (addendum: and seeing all the interesting hacks in the newest beta builds that were specifically tailored to match this mod, there might as well be one more hack in the end... if it's even necessary, which I will be trying to disprove - I'm sure it can be done mod-side as opposed to game-side) (addendum2: yeah I'm rambling)
  5. thygrrr

    Turn off Debug Monitor

    42 degrees is a life threatening fever. The numbers are totally borked. The mechanics may work, but the numbers are idiotically broken.
  6. thygrrr

    Fewer, but deadlier Zombies

    Yup, a bit slower or at least not so random zigzaggy. they often run right past you.
  7. thygrrr

    Rocket needs to make this game harder

    Game balance is a core feature and you should always fix defective core features before adding new ones.
  8. Bugs: Laggy glitchy zombies, laggy glitchy player movement, connection issues. Features: Melee attack, solid Drag n DRop inventory system, more survival loot items that are not weapons.
  9. thygrrr

    A melee attack

    But the zombies use melee attacks! Your argument is invalid. Its obviously supported, but maybe not very well. You can hack it in with tiny localized explosions or super short range bullets.
  10. thygrrr

    IF this was an actual game...

    I'd pay $1 per respawn. Not kidding. That assumes there is no lag and little to no glitch / bug deaths.