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Everything posted by thygrrr

  1. thygrrr

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    New prone is AWESOME! (current, = one eye bar in prone) Dont revert it please. Sneaking is actually a challenge now. Loving it.
  2. thygrrr

    New server - DayZ LU12 *Team Reapers*

    Extremely poor FPS, can't play there.
  3. thygrrr

    DayZ Mod is hitting Television News!

    "Contact your local news and make this international!" Wut? Also, Fox? Gooby, pls.
  4. Playing on a FILMIC server right now, it's quite bright but at least the night is playable. However, I dont know what time it is - server says GMT+1, which is 22:00, but it feels like a rainy afternoon. EDIT: That server was borked, playing an UTC+2 one now and it's pitch black. Completely unplayable without a light source. (not unrealistic, but still sucky). Gamma 1 brightness 0.9
  5. They were super rare. Then their spawnrate got switched with compasses for a week. That appears to have been fixed as of last night. They were always super rare, in 20-some lifetimes, I only found them twice (and once on a survivor)
  6. I don't recommend it. It's still the best zombie game mod out there. It's nowhere near polished. Nowhere near finished. Nowhere near stable even. It's still pretty awesome if you like pain.
  7. thygrrr

    Shorten Night Time

    Actually, 3 hours day, 2 hours dusk/dawn, 1 hour night. That'd be awesome in terms of playability. But it might break the immersion because I actually love the way evenings now take very long and the lighting unfolds its own tale. It's just that the nights themselves are a bit too unplayably dark for most of us to enjoy. (as in, it's so dark, it's a guaranteed death sentence because you will fall or die to some punk with nvg) PS: This belongs in the suggestions forum.
  8. thygrrr

    Guess where I spawned!!1

    It's a rare spawn position (as in, the only inland spawn).
  9. I really hope these can be fixed with a database side (loot should definitely be db side) or server side fix.
  10. thygrrr

    illegal copies may degrade

    i had it once with 1.6.0 Steam version.
  11. thygrrr

    playable zombies/logging off

    You can already wire off areas.
  12. thygrrr


    But the game already has beards. You need to manually change your face skin, but you can (in the profile options).
  13. Yes, zombies need a random spawn chance, meaning that not all buildings have zombies inside or outside, and not all of them are occupied.
  14. I think everyone on the DayZ team is overloaded and stressed out from the bugs I've seen, and I would really love to glance over the code base and report or even fix bugs, but it seems the team is so hush-hush about everything, a volunteer coding veteran wouldn't know where to apply to begin with. (hint, I am one, I'd contribute for free, I don't want any rights or credit)
  15. I died a dozen time before finding my first gun. That was in 1.6.0
  16. thygrrr

    How often are your camps raided?

    My camps are always raided. I only had one, though.
  17. I'm pretty sure rocket modified a loot table and added a semicolon or apostrophe in the wrong spot.
  18. The male female text should be changed. I still think there is a bug that makes it still be permanent though, rendering the dialog ineffective. Rocket, as awesome as you are, please go the extra mile, or rather yard, and test the features you change at least once before rolling them out. I know it sucks but every developer needs to realize that rudimentary testing is not optional if you want any degree of sustained productivity.
  19. thygrrr

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    Actually I'd prefer it to stay, but only give the heartbeat when your own humanity isn't terribly low, either; i.e. Not when facing another bandit.
  20. I think that video is proof that the new tone mapping does not work as intended on many systems, the sky is way too bright for the environment to be this dark. Not really playable IMHO, though the flashlight makes it at least theoretically possible to play (flares were instadeath before), and nighttime game play differs from daytime play, you can forget fighting with any weapon that doesn't have a flashlight. Obviously it is realistic to have dark nights, but not playable. Protip: raise video driver gamma, looks better than arma 2 gamma anyway
  21. I think it already is that way.
  22. thygrrr

    how do i downgrade to 1.7.0

    Sorry you volunteered to test this alpha version, please all upgrade to the version that's currently being tested 1.7.1+