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Everything posted by thygrrr

  1. thygrrr

    Murders leaderboard

    You need a friends leaderboard, not a global leader board. The global leader board is only for stroking the e-peens of a few top players (sometimes lucky, sometimes exploiters). You want to know how you fared among your friends.
  2. This is a bit bright, you should turn down your gamma. But it's better than unplayable night. Some minor tweaks and nighttime lighting will be spot on.
  3. thygrrr

    First bout with melee...

    FUS RO DAH!!!
  4. Hype. A lot of hipster game reviewers jumped the bandwagon, and there are more serious core gamers fed up by "cawadoody" that this mod hit the spot (or rather, the IDEA behind the mod hit the spot, the mod itself is a little unstable now and people are disillusioned).
  5. Didn't you read the patch notes? Melee weapons are UNDERPOWERED. (frankly, I think rocket has serious revision control issues because this ridiculous behavior of melee weapons was a bug he mentioned earlier, so maybe it snuck back in due to a merge conflict; if he even does branches and merges)
  6. Actually I think ppl like you dont understand how this is meant to work. Typically like every patch before' date=' this patch is completely broken.... it lasted 10 minutes on our servers before we rolled back. How about you stop being so f'n arrogant and incompetent and TEST THE CHANGES YOU MAKE, what kind of programmer changes a bunch of code, introduces new features when its meant to be a hotfix and just throws it out there for ppl to test that don't really know what you are trying to achieve..... You're so backward in your method, never testing you own changes is going to cause you sooo much delay and many headaches. http://imgur.com/oI5FN,VHuhP#0 You need to come to the realization that although you have a great concept/idea that you are not competent to expand it (in many ways).... you need ppl that understand your idea that can do the job properly and thoroughly and how have an understanding of what features work and are viable.... because Rocket you don't. [/quote'] Blatantly Condescending, but ultimately - correct. Overworking yourself to push out a hotfix (sometimes even one that has content in it...) is something many of us developers have done a couple of times, before realizing that it's not worth breaking discipline and compromising quality of life over adhering to the "fix bugs before writing new code" prime directive.
  7. ... [Exaggeration' date= other direction] Yes it is alpha, but dev cycles smell fishy. If I was working that way in my team, i would be lynched by noon. Oh yes. So would I.
  8. thygrrr

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    We could have the loot fix now and be testing it instead of waiting till rocket gets melee figured out. Things rocket can do: be awesome rustle our jimmies google memes post like a reasonable man survive in the indochinese jungle (which is, I daresay, extremely badass) Things rocket can't do: write solid code (hardly anybody on this goshforsaken planet can, unfortunately) work on fixes and workarounds for unfixable issues first, and features later (never add a feature when you could add a fix instead - takes tremendous discipline, no mortal man has it all of the time) Oh well. It's not like the counterstrike makers were any different, and their mod was massively successful, too. (and much simpler, therefore intrinsically more stable)
  9. thygrrr

    How about a gun?

    Well the people with the guns would end up with all the starting gear in no time. :) At least in Battle Royale, everyone hat at least ONE weapon.
  10. thygrrr

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Fix known bugs before writing new code. That's a good rule to live and develop by, starting from day 1, even in alpha. Hotfix should be a hotfix, not bring new features. That said, can't wait for melee & the loot fixes. It's not that anyone would listen to anyone's advice on an internet forum, anyway.
  11. thygrrr


    http://arma2.com/beta-patch.php ... in the green box.
  12. thygrrr


    I like the new prone visibility. Actually I like all the new visibilities. Might suck without a gun though.
  13. thygrrr

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    My current char is the first in ages that hasn't found a hatchet yet >.
  14. thygrrr experiences

    So far the has been going well for me - found my first two helicopter spawns, a M249 and 3 ammo belts for it, and a cow that I butchered but I am now looking for matches :-( Overall a decent experience. No food, obviously, and I think two of my water bottles despawned. (had a 3rd one). New zombies are a bit too strong (just two of them took 5k blood from me, argh, and I pretty much instantly shot them). New detection rules are ace, really love being so visible and exposed when not prone, and not invisible if prone. What I absolutely don't like are the atrocious FPS I get on about 25% of the servers (10 fps), with another 25% offering barely acceptable FPS (20-ish), whereas the others are in the high 40s and 50s.