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Everything posted by thygrrr

  1. Yes. Actually FPS drops only when Zombies are chasing me and probably only when I'm losing some of them. Might be related to the investigate script.
  2. thygrrr

    Ban for playing old versions

    Seconding OP. Anyone refusing to test the current build should wait till Release.
  3. I POSITIVELY like the new zombie and stealth dynamics. Some ground types cause a bit too much noise when crouch-walking (dry grass = surprise zombie buttsecks), but overall it is absolutely FINE. Stay close to walls and cover for your visibility to drop sharply. This is very realistic and easy to learn.
  4. thygrrr

    What you love (positive only)

    I absolutely love: the scale and the visuals of it all; weather, lighting, etc Nighttime game play, now that flashlights are readily available. Works even in "near pitch black" nights. new stealth mechanics (and visibility rules) magazine conversions - a little rough around the edges, but at least I can use my .45ACP in my .45ACP caliber gun (M1911) improved FPS the new zombie animations (creepy as fucking hell!)
  5. Feedback: Nighttime is awesome now. May want to add so e kind of low range halo to the flashlight so it works better i buildings. Zombie aggro is great now. Needs adjustment and learning on the part of the PLAYERS, not the mod. New terrain related auditory and visual balancing rocks. Seems to match what you hear over your speakers now, very nice. Zombie audio volumes are still a little off,but seem to have improved. Met a crawler that was silent at night, only heard it crawling - scary! No weapon spawn gave me the most intense 30 minutes of nighttime play so far. Keep it!
  6. ran very very well for me so far. Sometimes the Zombies act confused, Reported to devheaven. Nighttime with only a flaslight was a blast (difficult to play in buildings... protip: use a chemlight indoors)
  7. Again - because server admins are not updating their SERVER SIDE files. Suggestion: De-whitelist all servers that aren't running the current alpha test build. Also, whatever makes the faint 'your client is running the wrong version of the mod' messge appear, make that stronger again (to actually keep people from playing anyway on an outdated server) anf change the check from >= to == when it come to the version comparison.
  8. Feedback: I love the new audio stealth nerf. It's pretty playable with the flashlight at night (just died to a few zeds and respawned for the first time since 1.7.0). Not sure if this is a tone mapping server (I dont think so, I died on one where night was like in a WW2 movie - grey and bright; then I respawned on one that was MUCH darker)
  9. Picking up a map and a compass caused me to drop my G17 and Makarov mags I held in addition to my revolver mags (Revolver equipped)
  10. thygrrr

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Yeah but so many people post as if what they're playing right now is *eyerolls*
  11. thygrrr

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Is that a rhetorical question? No. is still pending, right?!
  12. thygrrr

    Chain of common Doom

    Bullshit. It means somewhere YOUR avatar stands still and is gobbling point-blank headshots. It also means you can't pick up any loot.
  13. thygrrr

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    With all those people reporting bugs for it... Is this hotfix even OUT yet?!?!?
  14. That's a pretty awesome price. :) Considering... Can you set your own timezone & 3DP / CH rules? Is this "managed", i.e. who does the updating and who holds the Arma 2 and Windows license for the server?
  15. thygrrr

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I found two gray crashed hueys yesterday (first two I ever found). Never seen a repairable helo.
  16. What's the hive component written in, Python? (the serverside daemon, hiveauth etc, and the backend?) Just curious, I read about it needing some Python stuff but I'm not sure
  17. thygrrr

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    This is a feature, direct comms has a range of 80 meters only. No global mind telepathy. the other channels are closed for that reason.
  18. thygrrr

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    1.7.1.x needs a little sound tweak: some of the new zombie sounds and the old sounds don't seem normalized well against each other, which makes it difficult to accurately judge distance from sound alone; something that when crawling constitutes a core game play mechanic. Fix: re-normalize all the zombie sounds so they all leave the same amount of headroom.