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About Kilwan

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  1. Kilwan


    Im pretty sure if a hacker cant steal your cars they will definitely blow it up, so i dont see the meaning of your post.. I was more talking about the fact that the poster I replied to was being a dick without realising what is currently happening in game.
  2. Evenin folks. Quick question. A few mates and I have been playing this for a while now, and yes. we're dirty meta gamers that use skype as a voice chat. The problem however, is that there's about 7 of us. And as we all know, when one person talks, everyone WILL talk at the Exact. Same. Time. -_- I ask you ladies and gentlemen, if any of you know of a voice chat program, that allows you to join separate channels, then use hotkeys to speak to each channel individually. I know ACE uses something along those lines, but I heard the mod isnt compatible with DayZ or something? Anyway, thankyou for your time.
  3. Kilwan

    I just cant FIND IT!!!!

    Feedin' dem trolls.
  4. Kilwan

    Wait a minute.... WHAT?!

    That was probably mine. Find that today? If so, it was cause I'm not online during the night much, and I replaced it with a Fal with iron sights instead.
  5. Kilwan

    AK74 Kobra or M14 AIM?

    Coming from experience, the M14 is a cannon. Both in power and loudness. It attracts Zeds from miles away. The kobra works better for mid to short engagements. So only choose the M14 if you want to snipe, but havent found anything better.
  6. Kilwan

    Mk 17 Sniper SD

    It's a hacked in rifle I believe, so best just to dump it.
  7. Kilwan

    Raw Meat

    This happens to me plenty of times. Best way to deal with it, is while your lighting the fire, scroll your mousewheel so you have the menu up. For about a second, the "Cook Food" or whatever it is will pop up, and regardless if the fire is still burning or not, you'll cook all your food.
  8. Date/Time: Whenever I go close to one. What happened: In towns, where there are road blocks, some will appear to be red walls, same shape as normal roadblocks. If I get close to them, or look at them through binoculars, game will crash. Where you were: Any town that seems to have a certain barricade model, a good example is Olsha. Has 2 in close proximity. What you were doing:I'll just be walking around town, or going into a building. I don't need to be able to see it, just be near it, as I crashed several times while in a shop, and I needed to run back the way I came to get away from it. *Current installed version: Since Ive started playing, which has been about 1.7 ish. *Server(s) you were on: Doesnt seem to be server dependant, as none of my friends see it, only myself. *Your system specs: Dell XPS L702X Intel Core i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHZ 6GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M *Timeline of events before/after error: I'll be walking around minding my own buisness, when the game will freeze for about a second, continue running for about a second or two, then freeze completely. When I Alt Tab, it says Arma has stopped responding.
  9. This has been happening, regardless of patch or beta build. It also doesnt happen to any of my mates. Pretty commonly, when going through a town or city, I will come across a barricade across a road, that is completely red. If I get close to it, or use binoculars to look at it, the game will crash. It only seems to happen when Im about 50 meters away from it. The problem is, that sometimes, I wont know there is one around, as for example, currently stuck in a shop where i NEED food, but if I look around, the game will constantly crash as the barricade must be on the other side of a wall that I havent seen. =/ Anyone else have this problem?
  10. Kilwan

    Spawning in hilly area

    Above sounds exactly whats happened to me. My character was outside of Green Mountain before the patch. Nothing I do is saved, so I respawn. Dumps me back where I logged in to begin with, with all my items. Change server, respawn, put on the Debug plains. No matter how many bullets and grenades I use, I respawn to find it all back again. No Debug Moniter, and no degrading health.
  11. Kilwan

    Green Mountain

    Myself and a group of my friends went up there, against better judgement...and since my mates arent the most tactically minded (told them to split up with the sniper watching our flanks only to glance round when spotting a glance of another survivor to see both of them up my ass.) we got flanked and destroyed. Losing an AKS 74u and a bunch of ammo for it along with all the tools, I rage quit thinking all of us had died. One of us hadn't. He had disconnected due to internet problems he had been having all day, but he had come back. He championed our cause, taking out two of them who had been looting our bodies and holding off the sniper who was cowering up in the tower. One of my friends and I logged back in determined to get our Beanz back. Sprinting from cherno, I made my way there. (Friend had spawned in Komavo) Komavo friend got there first and helped hero friend but the sniper was holding them off. It was then, when I was running along side the road that enters into green mountain from the South East that I head a low rumble... Some players were driving a Blue Hippy van right up the middle of the road towards the tower. Screaming down the mic for my friends to hit the dirt, the van drove past them, and the occupants got out and started making their way towards the tower...completely ignoring the fact that there was a graveyard of about 5 well equipped corpses to their left and two quite living players hiding in the tree. I sprinted up to my body, grabbed my AK, and let loose a burst (first time I fired the gun) at the guy back peddelling to the van, as his friend had pulled a bunch of zombies, who had gotten the attention of the sniper. Yelling at my mates, we all piled in the van, slammed it into reverse, and drove back down the hill. We hid it, went and got all our stuff back, and now we drive around in a hippy van which had been taken in the most epic moment in our play times history so far. But yeah...in regards to OP's question. Nothing up there.