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  1. Ip- Features - Manned Trading Post At Devils - Sarge AI/NPC - Heli Lift/Towing - Self Bloodbag - Auto Refuel - 24/7 Day - 6 Hour Restart - Extra Military Camps - Extra Military Loot What Our Server Is About Our server will provide you with a great DayZ experience. We have very active and fun admins who will never abuse their power and our always active. We always will add addons and plugins to our server based on popular demand. You suggest and we think its good, it will be added! So please spend a few minutes and come check out our server! Rules 1. No Racism 2. Respect All Players 3. No Hacking/Scripting 4. No Whining 5. No Killing Fresh Spawns Thanks For Reading, Sincerely, ROYALDANISH
  2. Features - Manned Trading Post At Devils Castle - Advanced NPC's - Towing/Heli Lift - Auto Refuel - Self Bloodbag - Extra Military Loot - Extra Military Camps - Lot's Of Vehicles Website danishsden.enjin.com IP Address
  3. Features - Base Building - Bandit, Soldier, and Survivor NPC's (AI) - Auto Refuel - On or Off Debug - Towing/Heli Lift
  4. Hi guys, I was trying to add a debug script, North East military camp script (Working), and a Devils Castle outpost script. For some reason only the North east military camp script is working. This is a screenshot of my init.sqf and I was wondering if I put the execute commands in correctly. Thanks!
  5. Come Play On Features (Will Be Added Within The Next Day) - Base Building - Bandit, Soldier, and Survivor NPC's (AI) - Auto Refuel - On or Off Debug - Towing/Heli Lift