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About ispudgun

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  1. I definitely think this is one of the better suggestions. My only suggestion would be... Don't make it too easy to get infected. I would rather play the mod as a survivor than a zombie and would seriously be put off the mod if there was a high chance that I could become a zombie (Even if it was after 5-6 hours gameplay) It would still annoy me having the negative effects of being infected. Just some food for thought.
  2. ispudgun

    guns dont have enough power

    50 Cent didn't think so :P But in all honesty, I think if you play on a closure server to you with lower ping then you'll be fine. I'm just assuming here but how far away is the server from you?
  3. ispudgun

    killer patch hitted DayZ.

    @Dass1337. I agree with you on everything but from what i remember reading... Is that the loot system is dependent on the Object(I.e. house, firestation etc etc). The reason is due to porting, it'll make the game easier to transfer over to Arma 3 when it comes out. Don't get me wrong, i'm not disagreeing with you just stating a fact (at least that's what I remember reading.
  4. I agree with the above guy 100%, good job.
  5. ispudgun


    No... Just no...
  6. ispudgun

    Ideas to Create an Authentic Endgame

    Agree with everything except for trading posts (They really do need to be player created) :P Well done, some really decent ideas there!
  7. ispudgun

    Forget direction, get dynamic!

    Quite a nice idea, I really like it. Though I suggest maybe having a maximum amount of zombies for each town/city as they differ in sizes.
  8. ispudgun

    Hacker report feature

    It is open to abuse if it were implemented with no repercussions. My idea suggests that the player who calls for the vote is held responsible for any actions of abuse/exploitation of such a feature. Players would think twice before initiating a vote because he/her could get banned/temp banned for initiating such an option.
  9. ispudgun

    Hacker report feature

    Hey guys, Well as you can see i'm not much of a forum goer. ---> ^ But I think i may have a temporary idea that could help the community out a bit with hackers (At least until Rocket and co sort them out for good :) ). So i've noticed that with the fame of DayZ the amount of hackers have increased. So my solution; having a report feature for hacking. This is then reviewed by an admin/someone appointed the duty of reviewing the server logs and then handing out a ban if said player is exploiting such hacks. Pros: - A more enjoyable game. Cons: You need to make whoever is submitting the report responsible for their actions. I.E. if the person that submitted the report and nothing in the server logs indicate any form of hacking. Then the played who submitted the report is then warned/temp banned/banned. (3 Strike System) Obviously if a player was found exploiting/hacking then that player would be banned from the game. Idk, it's just an idea. Tell me what you think guys, as forum feedback is the best kind (as long as it is positive)
  10. YES As long as it takes a few seconds until you can hear their heart.
  11. YES As long as it isn't too hard to shake a zombie, maybe incorporate a punch into the game that has the ability to knockdown/daze the zombie.