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Everything posted by Jvalor

  1. I just wish I could've been a fly on the wall inside the police station and witnessed it all first hand because that can't be an easy feat. Killing two armed bandits that chased you into a building and all you have is a machete. Unless he got extremely lucky and found a gun and matching ammo as soon as he got in there...
  2. Jvalor

    I should have known better

    I guess I got lucky today. I ran to Elektro and made my way inside the fire station, hoping to find some 7.62x39mm ammo. I made it to the second level of the tower and someone knocked on the door. I didn't think it would take too long so I just laid prone and went to answer the door. Well, it was my landlord and he wanted to talk about the repairs on the house(blah blah). We talked for like 20 minutes. When I came back I was still alive, laying prone, but there was a body next to me who hadn't been there when I left. I immediately ran down the stairs and saw 2 more dead bodies inside the garage. I don't know who killed those guys and decided to spare me, but I felt pretty lucky. Got some pretty cool gear off the bodies too.
  3. Jvalor

    Your first kill

    My first kill came on my first official day of playing Day Z, which was yesterday. I was northeast in Svetlojarsk(?) and was sneaking around in the city, being very cautious of the zombies(because I did my research and heard about them running through walls) so I wouldn't aggro one. I hear a zombie growl nearby, so I panic and just start running. I turn the corner and see the zombie in the middle of the street, getting his face smashed in by some guy wearing a cowboy hat, wielding a crowbar. He kills the zombie and I turns and looks at me. Since this was my first player encounter in Day Z standalone, I wave and approach him slowly. He still has his crowbar raised so I stay back a little and ask if he needs anything. He just typed, "No" and ran off. I ask if he wants to team up and he says, "No, I am waiting on a friend." So we part ways and I walk into an apartment complex and start looting the place. I get to the very top and realize none of the doors open so I am about to head down when I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. It's that same guy with the cowboy hat and he has me backed against a wall and he is coming at me with a crowbar. So I pull out my crowbar and we proceed to have the LONGEST crowbar fight in this small, blocked off area at the top of the steps in an apartment building. I swear we hit each other like 30 times with our crowbars. I finally get the winning strike and he falls over, but I don't think he was dead. Pissed off, I just continue to bash his face in with the crowbar until I am certain he is dead. I search his body and he had a loaded Magnum and a few cans of food. No idea why he challenged me with a crowbar when he had a loaded Magnum on him. Oh well, I got a cowboy hat and a loaded Magnum out of it.,
  4. The craziest thing I witnessed through binoculars was a fresh spawn(he only had what looked like a machete), run into the police station while getting shot at. He closed the doors behind him and I see two fully geared bandits run up to the police station, stand outside for a few minutes and then rush in. I hear a crap load of shots go off in the police station so I assume he was dead. Well, a few minutes later, one guy comes running out and it looks like the fresh spawn(with an M4 and a backpack). He just goes on his way, like nothing happened, disappearing into another building and I never see him again. So of course, I eventually make my way down to the police station and I see 2 dead bodies inside, which I presume were the bandits. So yeah, I don't know how, but I am pretty sure a fresh spawn, armed with only a machete, killed two bandits who were armed with guns. Hats off to that guy....whoever that was..
  5. Jvalor

    No servers listed

    Thanks Energetic. That's all it was for me. Tons of servers to choose from today :) I'm still learning all this stuff...
  6. Jvalor

    No servers listed

    Same thing is happening for me. I can't get any servers to pop up. When I first installed the game, a couple servers were there on the list, but were full. I waited and kept trying to get into one and eventually I made it in. Within 5 minutes I was kicked out and then since then, zero servers on the list. Bummed.
  7. To start off, I did a search and the threads I did see were pretty outdated by atleast a few months so instead of necroing an old one I just figured I would start a new one. What is your personal, funniest moment in DayZ. I'm sure a lot of you have a ton, but just choose one that stood out the most and literally made you laugh out loud. I haven't been playing all that long so I am sure I will have many more moments to come, but the funniest so far for me was shortly after I spawned east of Elektro. I ran into the first town and killed a few zombies and grabbed a pepsi and as I was leaving I saw a car parked next to a house so I ran up to check what condition it was in. I heard flies and checked and sure enough there was a dead body and the car was in perfect condition. It had half a tank of gas left so I hopped in and headed for Elektro. As soon as I drive into Elektro, I get out and try to loot a body in the middle of the road. I saw that he had a Lee Enfield so as I was just about to take it I hear a car behind me and I turn around to see this white car swerving in to hit me. I was able to move out of the way in time and fire off a couple 'fuck you' shots at him as he sped away. Anyway, I got back in my car and start driving and there I see him again, parked outside the hospital. So I say, "Fuck it" and ram the shit out of him, turn on voice chat and yell, "Dickhead", and start driving off. Well I hear this squeeky ass voice fading in the background as I am driving away from Elektro and I look behind me and he is driving after me, screaming and cursing with his high pitched squeeky voice telling me to pull over. Obviously at this point I am already laughing pretty hard, but he doesn't give up. So we have a high speed car chase into Cherno and I am hard turning into streets and shit trying to lose this guy. He is still yelling and telling me to pull over and clearly sounds pissed because I rammed his car. Anyway, one of the turns he took it too fast I guess cause he turned and slammed right into a wall. So I immediately stop, and back up into his car a couple times, while laughing over voice chat and I drive away. All I hear as I am driving off is that damn squeeky, high pitched, angry voice yelling, "Get the fuck back here, you motherfucker!!!". I'm dying laughing at this point. Maybe it was one of those things you had to witness to actually find the humor in it, but it was downright hilarious. A few minutes later, he types in side chat, "Where is that fucking asshole that rammed my car? Come back to Cherno you POS! You broke my car!" Anyway, I got a good laugh out of it. I wasn't aware some people get that angry over someone ramming their car.
  8. Ok, so I'm new to this game, just started playing yesterday. I'm looking for someone to play with, no homo. I would actually prefer to find someone relatively new to this game as well, that is still learning. I'm not against veteran players or anything, but since I am new and still prone to 'bambi mistakes' as some of you may call it, I think having someone relatively inexperienced as well would make it easier on both of us as we won't be disappointing eachother in game. I'm not completely clueless. I can read the map, use the compass and navigate usually with no problem. It's the mechanics, controls and experience I am lacking. I consider myself above average, in terms of PvP and taking on bandits, as I have already killed a fair share of them, while only getting killed a few times. Obviously, with that said, I don't have the bandit mentality of KoS, unless of course, you are a bandit. If that's the case, I enjoy giving you a taste of your own medicine and taking your shit. Other than that, I am all for helping out other players by donating equipment, bloodbaggin', and giving backup in PvP. So anyway, if you have the same mentality or play style, then hit me up. Like I said, I still have a lot to learn as far as game mechanics so if you are an elitist, and I say that in the nicest way possible, then I'd probably just frustrate you more than anything. Anyway, this sounds like a damn dating ad so I will stop here. Any other questions you can ask me. My steam ID is Jvalor. Oh, and I'm in the US, west coast. California to be exact.
  9. Jvalor

    Bandit Help Needed

    That suit is black, not. KoS, what server do you play on? Not a bandit, but would love to read your words of wisdom in side chat. :)
  10. Jvalor

    Your Base Setup

    I'd tell you, but somebody might go on a random server and search all these places to see if they get lucky. I don't want my campsite being an option. ;) We can just say that I am confident in my sites and the security of my valuables.
  11. Jvalor

    What's Your Character's Background?

    I can get in to character on some runs, but I don't have a backstory for my character? I guess it doesn't make sense, but eh well. I usually just treat it as if it was me in that situation, but with the janky ass, unrealistic player encounters, it's usually impossible to get into character.
  12. Jvalor

    The search for a companion

    I will definitely hit you two up on skype or steam in a couple days. My graphics card took a dump on me so I can't play for a couple days until I pay rent and then go pick up a good graphics card.
  13. Any of the airfields, but if I have a camping tent, then Elektro or Cherno. Because I can set up a campsite a few miles away, stash valuables and keep making stealth runs into the cities for supplies and gear, and you wouldn't guess how often I go into Cherno or Elektro looking for meds or food and run into countless corpses and find awesome military grade weapons. Easy loot, plus stealthing through the city with no good weapons or ammo is a rush because if you do get spotted, I only have my pistol to protect me, unless I just looted a rifle or LMG off some dead dude.
  14. Jvalor

    How Did You First Become a Bandit?

    I'm not a bandit and I never play as one, but I do have a bandit skin on one server and it's only because me and like 5 other guys had a battle at Balora with our G17s that we spawned with. We kept getting lucky and spawning close to Balora and just had some good fun. I was on a kill streak and then randomly switched into a bandit skin. So that's how I became a bandit, on that server. I then left Balora, found a Lee Enfield and spotted another bandit crawling through some grass past a warehouse. I ran up behind him and shot him in the ass. Fun times..
  15. Jvalor

    This is how bandits should be.

    I have yet to be held up and robbed by a bandit, which strangely enough, is a disappointment. It's either me just being sniped, er, I mean sprayed and prayed until they hit and kill me, or I get rolled up on by a damn posse. I wish there were more legit bandits that just held people up and took what they wanted and then broke a leg and left. But no, they don't bother with it because KoS is quicker and less of a chore. Most of these 'bandits' would fuck up a robbery and blow it out their ass and look stupid. They don't want to risk looking dumb and laughed at so they don't bother.
  16. Jvalor

    Water sources?

    Hey guys, I'm new to this game. Just started playing yesterday in fact, but I've followed the game for a long time. I just got tired of waiting for standalone so I bought Arma 2 : Combined Ops and installed DayZ. I've been doing fairly well, despite a few rookie mistakes here and there and trusting someone who called out as 'friendly', only to shoot me in the head right after I gave him a coke. Anyway, my question is, once you find a canteen and drink from it, where exactly can I refill the water? I don't recall coming across any sources of water that looked remotely healthy to drink. I've seen legends on the maps that indicate Wells and what have you, but I haven't seen any wells in the cities. Maybe I am just overlooking it, but any help would be appreciated.
  17. Jvalor

    Play dead animation

    Good thing there isn't a 'piss' animation. Can you imagine how fucked up it would be to watch a bandit kill some fresh spawn and piss on his corpse?
  18. Jvalor

    ArmA 2 DayZ or ArmA 3 zoombies?

    Wtf is a zoombie? No, I'm serious...
  19. You act surprised. Was this your first death or something?
  20. Jvalor

    Am I old enough.

    Ah, the days of saying, "I am 12 but I am almost 13. I'm 12 and 3/4, actually!" Now, I'm almost to the point where I have to claim to be younger than I am. Anyway, on-topic, hundreds other 12 year olds play this game, so why shouldn't you be able to? Just don't be one of those kids that follows a player nice enough to not shoot you on sight and constantly ask him for guns and gear and you won't be messed with.
  21. Jvalor

    Is it fun to survive?

    I've only met two people that haven't immediately started shooting at me right when we seen eachother. The first one was on my first day of playing which was nice. He showed me the ropes and gave me some tips. He even gave me an M24 and watched my back while I looted buildings. Was having a great time, but then of course a car comes zooming down the road, spots me, and two bandits get out and start going full-auto on me and have me pinned down. I guess they didn't see the guy that was with me because he shot both of them in the back of the head. Then, like a pal, he comes over to bandage my wound and I hear a loud crack and he falls over dead. No idea where it came from, but obviously I hightailed it out of there. Never saw that guy again and I was too paranoid to go back and loot his body or the dead bandits. The second one was on Origins, inside the hotel near the beach at Seven. He scared the piss out of me because he came running around the corner with a Mossberg and I barely was able to hit Caps and call out as friendly. Anyway, he apparently was with a group and they were making a video for youtube or something. He told me to tag along so I did for a bit until they hid in some bushes to go for a smoke break and I got tired of waiting and left. Other than that, I get shot at every single time. Unless of course, I spot them first and ask if they are friendly, but I don't expose myself and we usually just avoid eachother and go our seperate ways. Edit : Just realized that was borderline off-topic, but as far as surviving...I am currently on a server where I have a camp site set up deep in the woods a few miles from Elektro. I doubt anyone will come across it, but I have been offloading my shit into my tent and making runs into Elektro for supplies. I got a couple nice guns I found off some dead bodies at the hospital and a nice supply of sodas and canned food and lots of cooked meat from this cow I killed. It's pretty fun having a little campsite and making supply runs back and forth, but yeah, tents are fucking rare so it would suck without my lovely tent.
  22. I don't know, because I have no imagination when it comes to usernames? J is for the first initial of my name and valor was my squad's callsign in Afghanistan. Valor 4, to be exact.
  23. Yeah, I don't see the reason the Kill Feed is in DayZ other than it allows players to know if and when the guy they shot, died, and for bragging rights. And the latter is one of the biggest reasons why there is so much KoS. People want everyone else on the server to know they killed poor Bob because they think the more that people see that, the more popular they will become on the server. ^ Yeah, I know. Fucking stupid, huh? Some people will do whatever it takes to get noticed. It's the "Hey, look at me! I am special and cooler than you!" mentality that a lot of people have. Especially over the internet and gaming. Anyway, my vote goes to no Kill Feed. If I don't see it happen, I don't give a shit.
  24. Jvalor

    Idea for KoS

    Rewards and/or penalties of any kind will not stop KoS players or even nudge it by a cunt hair. Most bandits and KoS players kill just for the shits, giggles and chubbies.
  25. Jvalor

    Lone wolf tips?

    Or just run around with direct communication permanently on and yell "I Am Friend!" every 30 seconds or so, like MaximusBlack does.