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59 Good

About Jvalor

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    American sports, hunting, firearms, airsoft, southern women, music, motorcycles and gaming.

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    "That's that Apache blood in me. They are lucky I didn't do a flying tomahawk and scalp their ass."
  1. Jvalor

    campaign mode

    Oh nein you didn't... Seriously though, I don't see a campaign working for this game. And besides, that would be WAY down the line. I can't even think that far ahead...
  2. Jvalor

    Zombies are too hard (defending my opinion)

    Seriously guys, it's not hard at all to fight zombies in this game. Strafe left or right while facing the zombie and don't stop moving/punching. You won't get hit. Don't strafe left and then right, just pick left or right and continue to move in that direction. If you start trying to dodge and weave back and forth like a boxer and you will get hit. Left or right..that simple. If you do that the ONLY way you will ever die while fighting a zombie is if another player pops around the corner while you are fighting the zombie and kills you while you are occupied. Try it out, go run through Cherno or any city and try and get like 3 zombies on you at one time and use the strafe technique and see how easy it is to kill 3 zombies at a time, without getting hit.
  3. Jvalor


    Yeah, I definitely did enjoy State of Decay for quite awhile. It has the whole open-world exploration thing too and has a story, albeit lacking a bit. But yeah, great game, wasn't talking bad about the game just pointing out to that guy that there are other games where he can stash his loot. DayZ just isn't that game.
  4. Jvalor

    What Broke You?

    Yeah, that is the worst. Like when I am trying to go all axe-murderer on a couple zombies and before I can kill them both I see another player run around the corner. Just can't swap weapons fast enough... Or, the always favorite - get into a gunfight and try to reload your magazine and for some God awful reason you drop your weapon and take the magazine into your hands.
  5. Jvalor


    There is a zombie survival game on PC and Xbox called State of Decay. It's got the perma-death thing going for it too, but you can stash all your precious loot at these handy dandy storage containers. Sounds like your cup of tea. DayZ seems too rough for ya'.
  6. Jvalor


    I really don't know how you are struggling unless you are stopping at some point. As long as you strafe in circles around them and don't stop moving, it's very hard for them to hit you because when they go to attack, they attack where you just were so if you are constantly strafing in circles around them, they will miss pretty much every time. The only way they hit you is if you are not moving or if you are in front of them. As far as outrunning them...I don't know, I usually just kill them but I find running zig-zag works pretty decent. Sometimes they will stop sprinting and start shambling and you can create some distance.
  7. Jvalor

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    No, that would be an Arc Cannon. Try again.
  8. Jvalor

    Dear Bambi Slayer 9000

    THAT WAS YOU!? Just joking. Good job. I now appoint you Sheriff of Dolina. You best go get you a pristine cowboy hat now.
  9. Jvalor


    This is what you do. Once you aggro a zombie, pull out your melee weapon, wait for it to get within range and then strafe left or right around it in circles without stopping and aim a little over their head and hack away. I guarantee if you do this exactly how I explained you will not get hit by a zombie again unless you get stuck on an object or have a lag spike. Try it out. I ran through Cherno for awhile and killed about 15 zombies and didn't get hit once or fire one round. And I even took on 3 at a time a couple times.
  10. Jvalor

    Hello Everyone!

    I'd shake your hand, but...I have yet to find any toilet paper in Chernarus...
  11. Jvalor

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    All I have to say is, I read the first page of this thread and facepalmed a few times. Some people really have no clue what a bolt action rifle is...
  12. Jvalor

    Weapon animation

    That's really on the top of your "DayZ Wishlist"? Haha.
  13. Jvalor

    Survivor journals

    Is it just me or have more people came across pieces of paper lying around or on bodies that actually have been written on by other players? And I don't mean the "funny har-har" notes that say shit like, "I farted...", but actually like RP shit. Just today I was passing by Dubrovka(sp?) and decided to search the area just for shits and giggles, even though I didn't really need anything. I found a dead body in the road. I searched his pack just to see what he had on him, but it looked like he had been killed pretty recently and whoever killed him took pretty much everything except his clothes and his backpack. He did however, have a piece of paper on him so I read the note just thinking it was blank, but no. This guy was obviously RPing or something because he wrote like a whole journal entry on it. Now I am not into the whole RP scene, but I will be damned if I didn't start reading this note and was actually getting into it. But it was so long that most of it was cut out and I guess there is no way to scroll down to read more when looking at a note? So I couldn't read the rest, but I could tell there was more to it. Anyway, I posted this in the Suggestions board because I am sure it has been discussed before, but I think it would be pretty cool to be able to have your own personal journal or find a notebook or something and you could choose to write in it or not. I mean, I would never sit there and type out something like that, but it was pretty cool to find that in-game. So has anyone else came across a legit note written by an RP player?
  14. Jvalor

    Lack of squad combat- Discuss

    I'm pretty sure it's because most of the spawn points are on the eastern portion of the map at the moment. Not 100% sure, but most of my spawns have been on or near the east coast. That's why when I want to gear up without dealing with the bandits in Berezino or Svetlojarsk, I just make the trip to Balota, Cherno or NWAF. I've only came across like 4 people total in those areas in the last 3 days playing. And that is on servers with minimum 20 people on at any given time. Western Chernarus is quite nice this time of year...
  15. Jvalor

    Sometimes cannot eat/drink

    That happened to me twice last night. It was right after I ate some canned spaghetti. I just relog. But yeah, it is annoying.