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About Ncdeltaforce

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ncdeltaforce

    Origins team 1-4 people needed

    Okay well whats your ingame name or how do you want to add me so we can play together?
  2. Ncdeltaforce

    Origins team 1-4 people needed

    My skype is Ncdeltaforce
  3. Ncdeltaforce

    A friend or two to play with.

    I'd like to join you I'm 17 and my skype is ncdeltaforce.
  4. Ncdeltaforce

    Origins team 1-4 people needed

    Hey man do you have skype I'm currently download origins right now. I've never played origins before but I'm willing to learn and I hate playing dayz by myself. I'm 17 btw in case that matters.