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Everything posted by trappa

  1. Hello everybody: the freezing problems and fps problems occurs during texture failures. Me and my friends can play after doing following steps: 1. go into video options and disable texture filter 2. log in to a empty server (or server with only some players) and go directly in yout inventory, search for objects, that looks strange, drop them and run away. (You have to take a look in boxes and kits too. After doing this we played some ours yesterday, without problems Maybe this helps for you too.
  2. Hello guys, after setting the textures to very low and textures filtering disabled the game is running good, very good. We tried this and remove all boxes (yellow one) out of our inventory. So now we can play http://i62.tinypic.com/wi6d1e.jpg Try this please
  3. i got a geforce gtx 760 i will try the tip above
  4. its unplayable at the moment, wehn u getting started it will lagging and get frozen after a few seconds. i tried yesterday an it was perfect, but now its unplayable. When it starts to rain, u have to log out fast, if u can.
  5. the same to me; You are dead on every Server , no respawn function. Whats wrong there?
  6. trappa

    Duping fix not working?

    hello, ive got the sam issue i think; When User want to abort and wait that the timer is gone, they can wait some sconds after the timer is gone. Then appers another timer. After this, they abort and come back to game. So they have duplicted thw whole body. I implemented the script above (link from MaldorLevr) in the server_onplayerDisconnect, but it seems not to work. Can anyone help me?