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Everything posted by ryanh

  1. ryanh

    How many grenades is too many?

    Its not a Garenetee, But for example when me and my team are taking a prison miliitary building, well toss in a dud grenade first (in a hostile siutation). Because if it works, great it's cleared, if not, well no big deal. just toss another or rush in.
  2. ryanh

    How many grenades is too many?

    they have a low chance of going off. most are duds Especially flashbangs, He grenades seem to work more offten but still less when damaged or less
  3. ryanh

    Trading Post

    confirming finding a dead server takes time, but trade went off without a Hitch thanks again Mookie
  4. ryanh

    Private Shards

    Thats correct i also remeber the Dev Blog, However what ive noticed over the past months, is the more acurate a timeframe the devs give us, the less likey it is to happen. So I'd expect end october, but i do remeber that blog stating end sepember as well as a few other things due around then too. But heh, whatever progress is progress
  5. ryanh

    How many grenades is too many?

    though has nothing to do with how many grenades is too much at all :P Also i carry around 6 grenades, 3 worn/pristine flash, and 3 M67 i sometimes play in small teams and am the Mp5-k door buster with those. when solo its saved me once or twice too.
  6. Still cant interact with objects with the latelest patch ladders, doors etc, any ideas what the issue is? Last version of the exp the invtet system sometimes wouldent load up when hitting tab.
  7. Anyone having isssue with using "f" or middle mouse to open doors. cant climb ladders or open doors
  8. How to test it is for you're brain to figure out, Even though this 0.50 is very challenging, took me 9 tries to not starve, but now im fishing for food, drinking from the same water source for a mountain backpack (barracks all were looted, and nothing respawning due to people not looting nearby towns (likey because they dident live long enough to make it to for example Vybor. I have found thanks to the naked and afraid in Vybor spawn. that Vybor military base has some decent loot due to freshies looting Vybor.
  9. To put it simple, You're battery was Dead You can only kill about 4-6 zombies, 10-12 hits before dead battery. Do a little research on the Weapons you are using first before blaming the zombies
  10. ryanh

    Trading Post

    Sent you a Pm Mookie got killed by a server restart thorwing me off a cliff, So alot of my stock is gone Lucky for me my mate managed to save some of it. (hard to find a body thrown off a cliff at 100kph)
  11. It no longer spawns with the gun and because its just like the AK101's plastic buttstock it only comes into the game from the gun itself. Hope the devs caught this one. anyone else notice this?
  12. ryanh

    MP5 OEM Buttstock Gone?

    the buttstock used to come with the gun like M4's/Ak's and so on. it was the only way to aquire it, with that method lost, so is the item afaik
  13. Hello everyone. So recently I found 2 tents went to a persistance enabled server Checked it work (droped gun bags on floor restarted happned) all gear was still there. I set up a tent filled it 100% full, took attachments off my weapons and logged off. Next day tent is still there, but i can't see the gear, i can't swap my primary into the tent to pull out my other gun. Any ideas what im doing wrong? EDIT: Also How long does a Tent and the gear inside Last on a server if untouched?
  14. ryanh

    Requirements to make Tents work

    Thanks sammi, I guess the reason i kept asking was because My tent which is in a rock with a crack if it turns you can no longer get back inside it :P But I'm going to try it anyway because if i dont it's lost anyway haha Thanks for the information it's been golden will post after i try it
  15. ryanh

    Requirements to make Tents work

    Quick question Will the position change be permenent? or will it eventully go back to where it was placed? reason i ask is because it's suck in a rock, if it were to flip sideways i would no longer be able to get in. And i learned that logging out in a tent also moves the tent
  16. ryanh

    Where can I find a press vest these days?

    No I'm really not, this guy i was replying too was talking about the Anti Stab Vest which is what i was talking about as well.
  17. ryanh

    Requirements to make Tents work

    So i confirmed my tent is full i cant place anything inside it but it is all invisable. is there anyhting i can do about this?
  18. ryanh

    Requirements to make Tents work

    as i said in the Op i tried that trick, i was told to always fill up tents because of the item shuffling like in backpacks, Apparently i was wrong. But good feedback thanks guys
  19. ryanh

    The golden Triangle

    Tell me about your experiences in the Golden triangle of Chernarus, do you enjoy it there as much as I do? please, share : ) Been living since the patch fully geared, tent bla bla and then i logged in near the mountain of your triganle, and due to somekind of server restarting it threw me off the cliff and i died haha, was the worst way to lose a geared toon is to a bug..and not combat
  20. I'm not fan bot, but I am a fan of facts and not fiction. This game has been in Alpha for just about a year not 'YEARS' dont make it sound longer to make a point valid because your point becomes ruined when you base it off a wrong fact.
  21. ryanh

    Where can I find a press vest these days?

    WRONG, they provide less protection than a T-Shirt see WOOBOs vids for proof. Anti Stab vest is horrible
  22. ryanh

    The new tent spawn

    Any Tent hunters interested in trading with say, a heli crash hunter for gear? PM me if interested ive got a huge list of stuff here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172229-trading-post/page-27#entry2128289
  23. good job, finding the m4, I also spent like 40-50 crashes before i found mine, shame you had to get him afk, a good gunfight woulda always been better, or Dialog :p though that would end with bloodshed anyway haha
  24. ryanh

    The DayZ Trade Center - Status report 2

    Looks great would love to do some trading and make the survival world a little more friendly with some gunshots non the less :D