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Land Squid

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Everything posted by Land Squid

  1. Land Squid

    Flare Gun

    Oh small note regarding the current 40mm flares: They drop way too fast. They're supposed to be parachute retarded and provide illumination for 30-40 seconds, instead we get about 5-10 seconds. It would be very helpful if this was corrected (and then maybe these would see more use in the game too). Here's a pdf regarding the M583A1 white star parachute round: www.mlmintl.com/40mmM583A1.pdfSimilar
  2. Land Squid

    More reasons to go in-land...

    Meh' date=' I find those sorts of people to be annoying more than anything else. Not because I'm dying, but because it takes me over half an hour to hike inland again. :P I may be one of the exceptions, but I have almost that exact setup you described and I spend by far the majority of my time acting as advanced scout/force recon helping out other players, be they friends I regularly roll with or even new players fresh off the beach (generally then only if I have a sufficiently large enough group of my friends that I feel safe picking up a couple new guys, one time it was 6 of us regulars and we picked up a couple new guys off the beach and let them tag along with us all the way to NWAF, the two new guys wound up joining our group on a more permanent basis too). Just last night one of my friends got killed so I walked all the way back down to the beach, found him, and lead him up to Stary and the NWAF using my binocs+NVG's to make sure the areas were clear and then my M4 SD to quickly cut a path through the zombies without alerting the horde. In less than two hours I had got him requiped from Mak and Beans to DMR+M9SD and Steak. While I do genuinely enjoy helping other players in the game here's something for the loners to consider: Doing this is a form of buying health insurance. The more well-equiped friendly people you have with you, the less likely you're going to get ganked by those guys described by Sin and end up back on the coast fighting in the bean wars. The last time I did die, I had enough of these good friends around that I was able to recover ALL of my gear. Some of them didn't have NVG's or silenced weapons yet but because they knew I would help them out in any situation, they not only guarded my body for the half hour it took me to hike back, but they returned [i']all of my gear to me. That's the kind of teamwork that makes it all worth it.
  3. Land Squid

    Flare Gun

    Would it be possible to get pen-flares in the game implimented in a manner similar to the road flares? I'm just curious if a projectile type flare can function without replacing the primary or secondary weapons. Pen Flares: http://www.americanspecialtyammo.com/Pen_Flare_guns.html And if replacement of the secondary weapon is unavoidable: http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/cb.aspx?a=406463
  4. Yeah, this is a low-priority idea, but I was just curious if other chemlight colors could be implimented in the game: yellow, white and infrared. IR chemlights can only be seen my NVG's and are generally used as markers.
  5. Land Squid

    Ultimate Loot

    Does this count? :ANGEL:
  6. I love the increased number of zeds with the last patch but I think the respawn rate and minimum distance needs a bit of a tweak. My friends and I were clearing a town carefully and methodically, but with the current spawn times (only a couple of minutes) we had the zeds magically reappearing right behind us as we moved through the town. Additionally with the minimum distance involved we had zeds appearing out of thin air at touching distance from the players. One of the other problems with the current spawn rates was the instance in which you accidentally aggro'd an entire town. Standard protocol was to hole up in a defensible location and hope you had enough ammo to mow them all down. However with the exceedingly quick respawn more were appearing before we had managed to kill the previous spawns resulting in never ending zombie wave attacks. My suggestion is to push respawn times for zeds out to about 30-45 minutes, and minimum distance from players out to 75-100 meters. This way players have a chance to actually clear and secure towns/areas and then have time to scavenge for supplies before moving on. Given these extended spawn times I would even go for a further increase (say 20%) over the current zed population. Simultaneously I would also recommend the same minimum distance/minimum time for spawning items to keep players from camping a location, preventing zombies from repopulating (due to player presence) and just farming equipment with impunity.
  7. Land Squid

    New Food Ideas

    As someone mentioned, Russian area, so on a serious note you should be finding lots of buckwheat items. Take a look at Russian MRE's sometime, they've got buckwheat everything.
  8. Land Squid

    Red Bull (Energy Drink)

    Brawndo. It's got what plants survivors crave.
  9. Land Squid

    Enlarging the map

    Can the servers handle that much acreage in a single map? It be pretty awesome if as we hiked north or west or something the terrain transitioned from forested hills into barran desert giving players double the exploration posibilities and making vehicles a necessity for more advanced exploration. My only concern is what such an huge map would do to the computers that have to run it.
  10. I've been hearing more stories about bandits hiding a players body right after killing them to deny any equipment recovery and then immediately logging out to avoid dying themselves. This has even happened to myself once when I had an M240, NVG's and full kit. My simple suggestion: Put a 15-30 minute lock on player corpses to prevent the immediate hiding of bodies and bringing a halt to this griefing method.
  11. Land Squid

    Time lock on hiding player corpses

    No worries. In this instance I was killed, and the bandit hid my corpse and quit out in a matter of seconds before my seven (yeah, we had a whole damned posse for this expedition) friends could hose him.
  12. Land Squid

    Time lock on hiding player corpses

    Actually' date=' I think I like this a lot more than time locking the hide command! Thanks guys. :huh: The bandit was mad because he didn't have time to loot my body and so if he couldn't have it, no one could? As for destroying stuff, yeah I think that would be an interesting addition. So, you see a guy with NVG's that you want, so you snipe him in the head with a CZ. Congrats, you just destroyed the NVG's when your bullet went through his noggin and into the NOD. Kill someone with a frag? Probably trashed his rifle, pack and most of the goods contained there-in.
  13. Boobytraps + IED's http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1729 Campsite Items http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3491
  14. Land Squid

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    Eh. I'm kind of ambivilant to the gamma thing right now, but if the devs really did want to ensure that players without NVG's were limited in some manner they could just cause the server to invoke a 200 meter visibility distance via fog or somesuch. They probably have more important stuff to work on currently though.
  15. Land Squid

    Time lock on hiding player corpses

    Where's the realism in being able to sink a body straight down into the ground and vanishing into hammer space all in under 10 seconds? You don't want a time lock on corpses, okay, instead lets make it take the bandit half an hour to dig a hole and bury the body in it, oh and require him to have an entrenching tool to do so, and while we're at it why don't we completely disable alt-f4 and server disconnecting so they can't just disappear into thin air when your friends are about to ventilate him with a belt-fed. That's more realistic, right?
  16. Land Squid

    Red Bull (Energy Drink)

    BrownCow. :P
  17. Land Squid

    Enlarging the map

  18. Land Squid

    Server Time in Server List

    From what I understand the devs are pretty keen on keeping a "realistic" day/night cycle, but here's a thought for all those folks who can really only play at one particular time of the day: Why not have the game running a 23 or 25 hour day? The result of it is that through-out the month the day/night cycle on the server will slowly progress or regress, fully reversing day/night approximately every 2 weeks. That way players who can only ever play at X time of day will slowly see a change in the playing conditions on their preferred server as the days pass (lets face it, playing on a server on the other side of the world just to get some daylight doesn't really work ala latency).
  19. Land Squid

    Enlarging the map

    I wouldn't mind seeing a derelict LHD floating out on the water somewhere (not marked on the map of course). Would be interesting to see what kind of gear you'd find. It'd definately be a group effort to get a huey working and fly out to it, perhaps it'll be over-run with zombie sailors still making it a very dangerous loot expedition. As for the no-man's lands along the north and west borders I expect to see player built settlements popping up out there if more player placeable items make it into the game.
  20. Land Squid


    Interesting thought. A roll of colored ribbon to tie around a tree trunk. Could have like 30-40 uses (similar to chemlights and flares) and just spawn an appropriately colored model of a bow-tied ribbon around of the tree trunk you're messing with. Be useful for marking a trail through the backwoods for the rest of your team (or some bandits?) to follow, or for marking an area showing that you are near your cache.
  21. Land Squid

    Non-lethal weapons and traps.

    +1 Beanbag rounds for the M1014/Remington 870 might actually make those desirable. Have one guy in your group carrying the "master key" also be designated with putting down any unknown survivors you come across until you can determine if they are friendly or not. How long should the stun last for? 5 minutes? You guys might need some time to determine if they're okay, plus you can always epipen them to get them back up quick like. Another downside though is that you can't really "talk" to someone when they are stunned. Doesn't let you open the chat window to say anything so how do you find out their intentions? *shrug* You could still stun them though, take their guns (or just their ammo, primaries are a bit of a space hog) and then let them get back up and interogate them.
  22. Land Squid


    Now that we've got a proper horde to contend with, lets talk zombie decoys. Smokes and flares are nice for social distance but lets talk larger scale here. Some ideas... Loud Speakers: Rig some of these up on a light pole with a remote activation, blares people talking, music, etc. RC Car with an Ipod duct taped to it. Could also be enhanced by taping on a blood bad and pricking it with a needle so it slowly leaks. You've now got motion, sound and smell to attract the zeds and hopefully lure them away from the place you want to loot.
  23. Land Squid


    Damn. Guess this wasn't that popular an idea. Nevermind then. :P