DayZ appealed to me since I like the post apocalyptic setting, I read book like The Road and Metro 2033 and watch TV series like The Walking Dead, Jericho, and semi-frequent r/collapse on reddit (probably because I secretly suspect that the world is going to shit, aaany day now..). The Crime & Punishment and Bandit Campfire subforums occasionally offer some nice reads, eventhough the stories mostly consist of neckbeards' wet dreams with plotholes you could drive a truck through. Theme Parks and sandboxes, EVE and DayZ being sandboxes. The thing is that EVE isn't as sandboxy as it seems, it has mining, ratting, mission running, plexes, scanning, trading, hauling, POS operation, R&D and whatnot. As it seems, DayZ only offers looting, shooting and repairing vehicles.