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66 Good

About Howzer

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Howzer

    SA Survivor Travels

  2. Howzer

    Starting a DayZ clan looking for UK players!

    i'm up for joining :) Added you on skype. My skype is howzerquin
  3. Howzer

    DayZ Memes

    Farting in 1.7.1
  4. Found a deerstand and saw about 5 zeds patrolling around. So I prone and start my slow crawl towards it while constantly checking my surrounding with the alt key. It took about 30minutes of dodging and rolling and waiting, 1 zed really came up close, my heart was pounding. I finally make it up to only find a few empty tin cans, well whatever, now I just need to get out. Repeat the same process, after 10 minutes of crawling I thought I was scot-free, look around - not a zed in sight. I stand up and start jogging in the open field, suddenly a zed spawns right infront of me, so I just hit the deck and freeze. But of course the bastard starts going full retard and begins running towards me and the whole bloody town that I spent nearly an hour pain stakingly avoiding decides to join the party. Frustrating to say the least.
  5. Howzer

    DayZ Memes

  6. Howzer

    DayZ Memes
