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Posts posted by drateers

  1. Hey guys i recently upped a server and i haven't had any problems with adding scripts or anything untill now, i cant find any mission scripts to put onto the server, im looking for something to spawn like random heli crashes with boxes of guns that ai guard or Humvee crashes or a bandit patrol party, anything along those lines, if anyone could give me some help or even a link to something that could help i would appreciate it :)

  2. This is a new dayz server. All the guns of overwatch with the trader citys of epoch.




    Any questions just go talk to not a Bandit or not a hero on Fat-Bastards TS


    mods include


    custom loot table

    no overburden

    fullmoon nights

    tanks, jets and, helis

    invincible bases

    building on roads


    sarge ai

    More to come!



  3. This is a new dayz server. All the guns of overwatch with the trader citys of epoch.




    Any questions just go talk to not a Bandit or not a hero on Fat-Bastards TS


    mods include


    custom loot table

    no overburden

    fullmoon nights

    tanks, jets and, helis

    invincible bases

    building on roads


    sarge ai

    More to come!



  4. Hey guys me and my friend have started a new clan and server if you are interested in joining the clan skype me @mateo.foster1997 or if you wanna just play on our server the ip is since our server is relatively new we are doing a promotion, if you join within the next hour I (Lieutenant_Dan) Will give you a gun of your choice (within reason) I hope to see you on!!! Sorry for the boring text im not too good with this shit

  5. Hey guys i am a co-leader of a new clan me and my two friends just created. We are called Reign of Terror or (RoT) we are looking for some members! we would like you to be 16 or older for i me and the other leader are both 16 years of age. We are some pretty cool guys so far it is me and 2 others we would like you to fill out an application it takes like four seconds. Thanks and for the application message me on skype @ mateo.foster1997 





    Hey guys check out our website we just got it up and running we so far only have two member since we are a new and upcoming clan please check it out!  :) thanks! 


     just post on the forums and let us know you are interested!

    ALSO skype me @mateo.foster1997



  6. Hey guys check out our website we just got it up and running we so far only have two member since we are a new and upcoming clan please check it out! :) thanks! 


     just post on the forums and let us know you are interested!

    or skype me @mateo.foster1997

  7. Hey guys i am a co-leader of a new clan me and my two friends just created. We are called Reign of Terror or (RoT) we are looking for some members! we would like you to be 16 or older for i me and the other leader are both 16 years of age. We are some pretty cool guys so far it is me and 2 others we would like you to fill out an application it takes like four seconds. Thanks and for the application message me on skype @ mateo.foster1997 


    • Like 1

  8. Hey dude im a sixteen year old ive been playing dayz for a little over a year i have a job so im just a casual but i would love to get on and play with you! my skype is mateo.foster1997 i hope to see a request from you!

    *        *            *         *               *             *

    added after edit

    I didnt see the why you would like to join part but i would like to join because right now i dont have many friends who play the game so its just kind of boring being out there all alone im looking for some team players to hang out with

  9. hey guys im looking for a dayz team semi-experienced players would be nice i havnt played in a long time so i might not fit in with the "experienced guys" but if you guys are looking for someone to play with casualy i am your guy i use skype mostly but can use teamspeak. if you guys are down to play add me on skype @mateo.foster1997
