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Everything posted by Frytek

  1. Frytek

    [SA] Endgame

    Didnt knew that ammo is currency... And I think youve gone too far with kings and princes. If they were one community playing on the server, then there would be no sense running around the map looting. And how do you even see all people join that. Many like to play lonewolf. Its just too much what you are thinkibg of bro. Cant say though, that it wasnt original. It got a bit chaotic in the middle.
  2. Frytek

    Infection benefits

    Hello No. Because what the man above said. Rgrds Frytek
  3. Frytek

    DayZ SA Weather/Snow ?

  4. Why would you even advertise a server that is no different from others? And it looks like players there will be a pussies fest...
  5. Frytek

    DayZ LAN Server

    You launch dayz through something. Escape from lobby. You go to multiplayer. Click new, set LAN, and there you have it. Then choose mission ( I think you need server files for that, that contents mission file), you put the mission file in MPMissions in your Arma directory( do it at the beginning). And thats all I think. Tell me if it works, never tried it.
  6. Frytek

    Bandit Stealth Style

    Wat. Da. Fak.
  7. AHAHAH... I know your plan for this thread, mods, I know it. You want all the people rant and throw shit at each other in one thread. Clever. But shhhh... or they hear...
  8. Items stay untill server restart. Cars respawn once destroyed completaly. Tents dissapear after a week if not interacted with. Damn, I didnt get such a welcoming ;_;
  9. Frytek

    A post about the mod

    M4a3 cco, enfield, hatchet, M 24, ak 74, akm, revolver.
  10. This discussion should have ended on page 20. There is nothing new in any next post. Its all about arguing, that get us to...nowhere. Try to make a fresh topic.
  11. Frytek

    Horses in DayZ?

    Been talked over heckload of times. Yippe kayey mutha threada! :murder:
  12. Maybe your settings are too high? Try changing them on lower.
  13. Thread. Why. Dont. U. Die. Already.
  14. Frytek

    Character's Traits Improve As They Get Older

    Not liking tge idea. As some stated above, you would rather get weaker in a survival situation. Now, I leave my character in the woods for a month, while I play some other game. I get back and I have a hulking tank. Its kind of leveling though. And what if I dont want to play the way you do? Why do I have to be punished, by having (obviously) worse stats. Everyone would be sitting in the woods. Fortuneteller Frytella says its a bud idea to include that idea.
  15. So today boys and girls, I wanted to ask, how many people do you plan on having in SA? Or maybe you want to play lonewolf? Share your numbers and organization of the group here. I plan on having approximately 5-6 people in my group. Everyone will have a different job to do. 2 teams for looting and stuff. A group of close approach - they loot, interact with players, and that kind of things. Camel/zombie killer - has biggest backpack and a melee weapon. 1 - 2 close gun support for looter (medic included). Also help with loot. Cover/sniper team. Provides cover, eliminates targets for first group. Gunner/Sniper - no need to explain Spotter - well...spots and eventually supports with fire. There will be shifts on jobs, so we dont get bored by doing same crap whole the time.
  16. I would like it to be set in a similar climate as Namalsk, you know, getting cold easily, snowish, strange shit going on like in Russia :). Somewhere around Ural mountains I guess. And a river or two bros.
  17. Frytek

    [SA] Multiple Characters

    That would become one big ExploitZ. Thousands of ways to sneak from death, avenge myself, loot, switching gear. One char only.
  18. Frytek

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Cpu: intel dual core E 6300 2.8 ghz (overclocked to 3.0 ghz). Graphics card: Nvidia geforce gt 440, Overclocked to the limit of not crashing. Screen resolution:1440x990 RAM: 4 gb DDR 2. No SSD. So I wanted to ask what (cheap) components could increase fps count. Now it lags on Chernarus, playing medium-low settings.
  19. Frytek

    Something To Make People Team Up

    I WUNNA SEE PACKZ OF YETIZ AND VIKINGS WITH AK'S AND UNICORNS VOMITING WITH RAINBOW!!!!??!!???!!! Nothing that includes loot or anything like that STOP Only more crying over pvp STOP There is no way to do it in Dayz, without breaking the sandbox FULL STOP
  20. Frytek

    I've given up Banditry.

    Good luck on the new way of life. The one that started shitstorm of murderers. Stop being rude and calling players around faggots. There is no scenario you have to follow in dayz, so they dont ruin anybodys game. Would you even play the game, where you have to worry only about zombies, as players wont shoot eachother because its ruining game. No guns needed, only hatchets. Game needs both heros and bandits. I wanted to give a try a Robin Hood way. The guy told me to better shoot him, when I asked him to drop a bandage and painkillers I needed. The other day I was told to go fuck myself. Sorrry bros but dayz players arent the same as people on this forum. (Dont try to tell me I didnt gave them a chance). When I walk to Electro, this is what I see. Everybody starts shooting at me. I got Enfield in my hands and I aint afraid to show it! Im bandit and I know it.
  21. Frytek

    [Suggestion] Optional anti-theft system

    Just pls no.
  22. Frytek

    Hackers Dayz?

    Breaking Point anti hack seems to work the best from my experience.
  23. No pain Rocky, no pain for killing anonymous people. Gun - threat, no gun - he can get a gun - threat. Unless you have nothing to lose, you shouldnt interact in 'friendly' way with people. You will feel like a douchebag sometimes, but after another 'friendly' trial, you dont feel a douchebag for a while again. I hate the posts like "hurr durr, your ruining everyones day". Seriously, you die - you have to live with it :). If not killers, there would be no threat and fun in Dayz. Also, the ones that say so,would kill, because of getting scared to lose their gear. I personally find few hours on the coast, the most intense moment in one living session. To kill or to die are your most of choices.
  24. Frytek

    Has anyone ever mentioned spears ?

    RESSURECTION!! ARISE THE FORGOTTEN THREAD, SO PEOPLE CAN SEE! Yeah I want spears in SA. I also would like to have sarissa. And personal bambi phalanx.
  25. Frytek

    Please improve 9mm damage.

    Pistols and ak 74 too small damage now. But as the advanced body damage system and advanced medical treatment are added to dayz SA, it should be good.