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Everything posted by Frytek

  1. Frytek

    People who KOS should have better aim than this (fixed)

    Erm...he sucked. But you arent that good either. If not his shitty skills and your luck, you would be dead in first 30 secs of the vid. And that annoying comment at the end of the clip.
  2. Frytek

    22 hour day.

    Nicely thought out. I would like it in SA so much. But nights shouldnt be pitch black then. About playing on different server...If it is a public hive, time for whole Europe is different from the US. People wouldnt hop, because time would be same on European ones and the ping would scare them off from US ones.
  3. Frytek

    Zombie speed?

    No idea who told you that man. Who told you that Z stands for zombies? You say CatZ and DogZ are also zombie games? Also, why would zombies not run. The idea for dayz is that they are infected humans, not undead meat. You should think more before you post. And if you didnt know, standalone wont be on ArmA 3 engine. And why the fuck zombies wouldnt run? Explain to me. Because movies said so? (If movies are true, all girls from my school should be sluts, fucking with everybody).//irritation by the post above off The speed variation is good idea.
  4. Frytek

    Fix the zombie spawn

    That is no CoD. If you want to snipe, be prepared for zombies and other events. Since you can carry a melee, whats the problem? And as far as Im concerned, the zeds spawning in the field have worse senses. Not a big deal unless you are handicapped with anything below 300 meters. Sniping is fun so dont rage bout it peoples! As you said its survival game, which contains surviving other people. So no bathert about it.
  5. What if thats a troll thread?
  6. Frytek

    Vehicle Suggestion.

    Wuell, I want some small and big trucks added. Driving dat shit would be amazing. And... maybe a glider? There could be like ultra rare old car from 1940-1950's? Also chariots (after adding horses). Oh and a...erm...manually operated rail vehicle (no idea what its called).
  7. Frytek

    Favorite roadtrip music

    I alwaya play Fortunate Son, when I fly a chopper. Cool climate gives listening to some Jackson music, while driving at night. I get quite a lag then, so I do it mostly when I am a passenger.
  8. Frytek

    Bows in Standalone

    Yes, and muskets too, please.
  9. Frytek

    Melee Weapons Ideas (Megathread) Post your ideas

    Chainsaw would get stopped from cutting, because the tissue and clothes would make the mechanism stuck. Also the faster you would swing that shit, less damage would be dealt. Probably all of you who want chainsaw, didnt even operate a chainsaw. So cheinsou doesnt fit dayz, as it is some kind of simulator. I would like to have a two handed sword though :)
  10. Potato sense tickling. That was supposed to sound epic, but it didnt OP. You cant do it on 1 forum. People play dayz outside the forums. And they want to have fun. Maybe they dont feel like doing friendly crap? NOTHING WILL STOP THIS EVIL! MUAHAHAGHAHA
  11. I checked in arma firing range, and it turns out that CZ has slightly slower projectile. The cartridge is bigger on CZ, so it should deal bigger damage. Scope is not that bad on Cz, you can actually find range on it with the side stripes (video on youtube showing how). The damage on both farther than 600 meters, simply suck.
  12. Frytek

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    Bleeeeeeeeeeeeh... another KOS discussion. People wont change. Neva eva. I say to encourage interactions, not do something against bandits, KoS , heroes. I smell a graveyard for this thread though. And dont change dayz into some melee zlombie fighting simulator. You would be eaten easily with max 2 zombies from dayz, in real life situation. Try to stop a charging maniac with a melee weapon other than 6 meter, macedonian pike. You cant. And a short joke (hungry for beans) Where goes a talban after stepping onto a mine? Everywhere.
  13. Frytek

    Humanity loss - Self Defence

    The humanity will be broken, as it originates from ArmA 2 'friendly fire' stuff (if you kill 2 friendlies in arma you are shot on sight) , the same thing with dayz, but expanded to the hero status. Now I have to crush your feelings: It will never, ever be repaired in the mod! Muahahaha! Also, self defence 'murderer' is not a murderer, but killing in self defence. Problem solved for you.
  14. Frytek

    Mk17 sd Sniper

    Yup, the damage at close range is same as other 7.62x51 (dmr, m 24) akm is different calliber (7.62x39) and deals less damage. And SD makes the bullet slow as hell and less damage over range, so its good for quite close range. *Breaths deeply*
  15. Name: Piotr (Peter) Age:17 Location:Poland Headset and microphone?:yes Speak English?:Probably strange accent but yes How long have you been playing. Dayz?:1 year In-game Name?:Frytek Playing style:- Bandit/Hero/Survivor:bandit Other games you play/interested in playing?:Arma 2, Rome 2. Anything else you would like to add?:Thats all.
  16. Ladies and gentlemen, please have a sit. Today, I wanted to discuss, what will happen to this forum, after DayZ Standalone is released. Share your thoughts, or information(mods especially). I personally think it will slowly become deserted. Ofcourse if there will be official Dayz SA forum. Just a stupid topic, but I want to know what do you think. If there was a topic like this already, then Im sorry, dig this thread a grave so it lies peacfully there.
  17. Frytek


    Wrong section. Creative and ambitious name though...
  18. Frytek

    General Survivor/Bandit Tips for Beginners

    Backpacks spaces are incorrect. The server you are putting in is not good for fresh players. They should learn from public hives (they arent that haxxy anymore). If you wanted to play crapload of loot and vehicles pvp then go play wasteland. I know you are advertising your server but chillout with that a bit. If you will get annoying, noone will come.
  19. Frytek

    All out war

    Go play wasteland.
  20. Frytek

    Bandit Questions

    Erm... experience and personal pick. Use your brain to create a trap. If you cant, then you shouldnt be a bandit...Anyways that smells of old potatoes...
  21. Frytek

    The mentality of KoS

    Nice story. KoS not as bad as they say lol. Being complete asshole bandit is bad, being achievement seeking hero is bad also. I like to be a bandit that doesnt kill everybody on spot. If I my potato sense tickles, telling me that dude is threat or has nice gear, I shoot. But if I feel empathy, I dont. Play your own style no matter what. Never betray once you made 'talking a bit' contact, cause that is biggest assholement IMO. Hope you succed with CFG whatever that is.
  22. Too many brits to beat in this poll. Next time... Edit Add North Pole too...