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Everything posted by Frytek

  1. Frytek

    Making a DayZ Trailer

    Is it supposed to be serious or more funny type? Im pretty good with the current trailer though. But you could include night time stuff, starting with nothing, gearing up, getting killed. Some heroic stuff like saving a survivor from zeds, dragging his body out and healing him. Bandit robbing a guy, stealing his car and leaving him knocked out for the zeds. Some camp scene by the fireplace. And some slow, quiet, saddening music.
  2. Frytek

    [SA] Driving Style

    I think it will be rated for adults. Anyways this game isnt supposed to be easy. Its supposed to be hard and learning should be the hard way.
  3. Frytek

    November Round-up

    Ouch. That hurt.
  4. Breaking point or Overwatch as far as Im concerned.
  5. Frytek

    November Round-up

    Ill meet you in on the field then.
  6. Frytek

    November Round-up

    It feels to me like Dayz community and developers are like a big family. They care to tell us about the stuff they do and treat us not as clients but friends they are doing a favor to. I never experienced that closeness between players and devs. And it feels cool.
  7. Frytek

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    Cool dayz series. Keep them coming, dont let me down Soviet comrade! And someone needs to pull a broomstick out of his ass...
  8. Wrong section. Go find yourself where you should post it.
  9. Frytek

    Character skin

    You have terrible vest texture because you dont have Private military company DLC.
  10. Frytek

    [SA] Mark someone as a 'threat'

    It isnt bottlefield. Too much abuse. How can a machine tell if you see him proning in the grass, behind a bush or not. It should be kept simple.
  11. I wouldnt want it to be like your character dies because your internet connection is unstable. Creeper you know what. Many people here are butthurt because noone does holds up, robs or whatever. You are one of these reasons for me to dont bother playing banditry. I wanted to try it again not so long ago. I said drop your gear. And he said:just kill me. Shoot me in the head. So I shot him...and it was really saddening experience.
  12. Frytek

    What do you call such an admin?

    Luckily not but that story sucks badly. I got pissed on one server when I was one shot killed with a sniper rifle through the bottom of my AN 2, teleports and admins admitting to some hacky shit. It was enjoyable untill getting killed numerous times for fishy reasons.
  13. Frytek

    Auto-run button.

    Ozelot, people like you are impractical. Youd probably be dead in nazi germany (Wolfensteinsaurus, where are you when I need you >:( ). You dont let anybody to speak their arguments showing your lack of mental abilities. You should be making posts in graveyard as there is no way to discuss with you. Sorry to say but... I dont really like gay cats... EDIT for the guy below me. That was utterly stupid and hypocritical commentary my friend.(I tak nie poruchasz :) )
  14. Frytek

    November Round-up

    #Itshabbening #yolo #release #hypetrain #dayz #rocket. I want that game badly. I really do. But I will be strong...I will... I trust you Rocket. Dont let me down or Ill have to appoint a meeting of your forehead with my shovel...
  15. Frytek

    Dayz: Your Favourite moments

    Made a trap. PKM and me. Ural was coming. YATATATATATATA(amazing shootout). Five kills and Ural full of stuff.
  16. You know, writing would lead to this 8====D or (. Y .) Or many more artistic stuff. There are things you shouldnt add in the game. But small notes with penises wouldnt be a problem. Imagine painting your gun as a dick spraying bullets :)
  17. Frytek

    Please help me

    Read well what Inception typed. It is a modification for Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead military simulator game. Go find a tutorial on youtube how to install it. You cant play it if you have the game bought on torrents.
  18. Frytek

    November Round-up

    Did they confirm zombies? I always wanted them in the mod...
  19. Im afraid everybody would shoot a bandit whether he is wanted or not. Though a scarf or whatever over your face to conceal your white skin would be cool.
  20. To the guy above. Hero skin can be obtained by farming it with friends so I wouldnt call skin something you can rely on very well.
  21. Frytek

    Craftable body armor

    Dont think Kevlar behaves like steel...
  22. Dont try to mess with Arma physics. Ever. Or they will mess you up. Dont underestimate the zeds. They tend to break your legs, get you infected, in pain or bleeding with first hit. And get aggroed unfairly. And blocking your way out. Never shoot at zeds. Run or take out a hatchet. You just get them aggroed more and more. Shoot only if you have completaly no other choice. Dont be naive.
  23. Frytek

    Returning after a year.

    No .50 cals, no l 85 AWS, lpts of bugs repaired, few guns added (SA 58 for example), zombies fixed a bit but deadly. Simple crafting system, journal instead of debug monitor, new backpacks, AN 2 plane, Little Bird and MI 17 added. Thats only what I remember that changed. Read the changelogs for further info.
  24. Frytek

    Standalone: Foreign Weaponry

    Someone said the eastern weapons have no variety. Play ACE and put a box of russian weapons. You have a shittone of different systems that are maybe not that common, but exist. And cut the bullshit with westernization. We are stuffed by crap murica doesnt need or is too old. M 4 only in anti terrorist or special forces. So, you know Russian weapon systems arent that boring! And as we aim for authencity not realism, we could have some GROZA's around. Aaand maybe slight, just little little Beryl spawning on the heli crash?
  25. Frytek

    More FPS on Dayz

    Processor will do the trick. Easy and safe stuff (and free) to overclock the GPU is called MSI Afterburner. You choose what the values you want it to be and just launch it every time you want to play or whatever. You will need to check the setting with MSI Kombustor which is included with the afterburner. It will be fail and trial but once you set it at the point its not crashing, you will be good.