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Everything posted by Frytek

  1. If there was a topic like that, then Im sorry. Probably didnt search to well. So I was thinking about adding random nature phenomenons. Hail: Suddenly balls of ice start falling from the sky, breaking glasses in vehicles or even a chance of stunning you. Tornado:not much to explain I think. Appears, travels certain distance doing what tornados do, and then dissapears. You could hide underground or in the buildings. Flood: if there was a river on the map, that would have more sense. So in say, period of 2 hours, certain area gets covered in water. Impossible to get loot there, vehicles get destroyed. Earth quake:ground shaking, cracking buildings, roads. These are just misty ideas, all to change, open for suggestions. So, what do you think? Edit: of course every one of them would have different levels of intensity i.e. small hail balls and huge hail balls
  2. Frytek


    You tried to make it like frankie video, though you failed. Strange is that you shoot on sight, then you are friendly and shoot another guy, and then hope that guys shooting at ATC, are friendly. Also Im getting pissed by everyome sprinting around whole the time. It tires, yo then cant shoot anyone, and run slower than single "w". Man, these greengrasses.
  3. Frytek

    Random dangerous nature phenomenons

    I live in eastern europe and we get tornados destroying houses, ripping roofs off. So all apart from earthquakes happen in eastern europe. So yeah, earthquakes maybe too much.
  4. Frytek

    My first kill

    First kill, betrayal kill. Bad boys, bad boys... But I kind of understand you if he was lieing to you.Buuut...still bad to betray people you decided to play with, at least for my standards.
  5. Find it yourself! Muahaahaha (master of evil) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/141571-rolling-changelog/ Fine, there you go Edit: crap,we got ninja replier
  6. Frytek

    Help - How do I increase my aim?

    Play wasteland AND some ACE maybe i.e. some insurgency on some nice server. I also advise playing vanilla single player armory with challenges enabled.Aaaand... Practice.
  7. You have my rotten beans. Like the idea with shooting out of cars, a lot.
  8. Frytek

    Servers to play on as starter

    ''Proper community''. I didnt see any player encounter in the video... People didnt yell you back that they are friendly, did they? Pro tip:trust no one. I see your friend is green aswell. Plus you wont find exactly the community you want. Plus that is old version of dayz on the video. Plus I tell you that starting all over again with nothing makes you feel the emotions youre getting while playing this game. I repeat, I recommend playing vanilla dayz, get frustrated, get rammed in the ass untill you learn to play the style you like. The servers you are talking about are all about pvp as there is nothing to do for ppl instead of shooting eachother out. The server he is playing on is EMPTY. If he has 800 zombies killed and only 4 murders. And his videdos are scripted. So you shouldnt get suggested by his videos. Really.
  9. Frytek

    Servers to play on as starter

    First of all dayz is about planning on getting everything. Secondly, is this server even a public hive? Cause it looks like a 2623236223 vehicles and 766785757 guns server. Dayz is not about gearing up in 1 hour. If you want that, go play Wasteland mission on vanilla Arma 2. If you want to find yourself a server, use Dayzcommander and get to work by trying out every server that has things you want in name. But I recommend all the dayz harshness at public hive at first.
  10. The idea is kind of a suggestion for levels. Plus the teaching thingie would be exploitet as hell. And who knows, maybe it would encourage KoS even more if people would be thinking of losing their skills. So at the way you presented idea here...I have to say no.
  11. Maybe he and his friends were playing NKWD? Man I was struggling not to turn it off. You must be still fresh. 1. Aim sucks many cocks 2. Sprinting whole the goddamn time, making your dude tired and eventually running even slower than single 'w' press, then cant even aim at the bandit with a pistol. Aaand running around Cherno with weapon down. 3.Standing in the middle of a crossrad, by the car, then standing up on the roof of a hospital. You were so damn lucky not to get shot then. You lay down and look with 3rd person if someones down there, stand up, shoot, lay down again. 4. Shooting a gun at zombies in a city. You never do that. You have to fight them? Ok, take hatchet out. Easier, faster, quieter. 5.Sigh. There were no executions in these movies actually. He was wasting approx. about half an enfield clip for one guy, whick sucks. 6. Annd that statement at the beginning. Sth like: we are not fresh anymoar. You are. Edit: Wrong forum section.
  12. I now have burned out text in my eyes but I read it. The problem is, people would have to change all at once. I mean I can stop the killing thing I do, but that would only drown into this heckload of other players and noone would even notice it.
  13. Frytek

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    What do you say about adding these, one shot-server kill rifles?
  14. Frytek

    Don't trust heroes

    Ok, one hero gunned down all three of you. Pretty nice shooter he is. KoS is right, you trust NO ONE, not even heroes. I dont know why people think that heroes are some kind of knights with no sin. Oh, and I like getting attached to my gear :P .
  15. Frytek

    Emotional death

    I dislike switching to the third person view when you die. I actually find myself sitting in the You are dead screen for about 30 secs, thinking what I ve done wrong, so for me its nice as it is. However it could be like slowly blacking out after being deadly wounded, with the heartbeat slowing down for example.
  16. Frytek

    Dayz walking simulator.

    I think that pink scooters fit perfectly. I actually like running in dayz, dont know why. Bikes are cool aswell. More types of bikes maybe? http://www.google.com/imgres?q=skladak&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=554&tbm=isch&tbnid=q3wnHvM8eb4H4M:&imgrefurl=http://photo.bikestats.eu/zdjecie,7655,wyciagniety-lancuch-skladak.html&docid=fKKfFn3TXKrDzM&imgurl=http://images.photo.bikestats.eu/zdjecie,600,7655,20071209,wyciagniety-lancuch-skladak.jpg&w=533&h=400&ei=uWgSUsruH8aNtAaj7IHYCg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:2,s:0,i:87&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=187&tbnw=255&start=0&ndsp=10&tx=198&ty=102 Some home made one: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=skladak&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=554&tbm=isch&tbnid=UcFwU2voC7dAzM:&imgrefurl=http://www.obrazki.jeja.pl/679,rower-skladak.html&docid=RZlxcgNcrxyZqM&imgurl=http://pobierak.jeja.pl/images/e/a/c/679_rower-skladak.jpg&w=470&h=350&ei=uWgSUsruH8aNtAaj7IHYCg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:4,s:0,i:93&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=187&tbnw=256&start=0&ndsp=10&tx=172&ty=82 http://www.google.com/imgres?q=ukraina+rower&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=554&tbm=isch&tbnid=cbhK3OiQRxqV7M:&imgrefurl=http://mlodelata.pl/eksponat/1919/rower_ukraina&docid=cGVXrY9A4XRI_M&imgurl=http://mlodelata.pl/img/exhibits/big/1919.jpg&w=478&h=358&ei=N2kSUvTuKsfbtAaN14CgBg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:1,s:0,i:82&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=185&tbnw=245&start=0&ndsp=10&tx=186&ty=84 http://www.google.com/imgres?q=rower+g%C3%B3rski&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=554&tbm=isch&tbnid=ZaWAww0WMSvYWM:&imgrefurl=http://wieliczka.olx.pl/rower-gorski-kross-sfx300-stan-idealny-iid-33377538&docid=j-8SQ9prIalnbM&imgurl=http://images01.olx.pl/ui/2/83/38/33377538_1.jpg&w=625&h=469&ei=W2kSUqn5PI7ZsgbtlYH4BA&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:2,s:0,i:85&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=150&tbnw=180&start=0&ndsp=10&tx=134&ty=73
  17. Frytek

    Fire Axes on walls

    I hope you fart to death after eating my beans.
  18. For the beginning my favourite guns are:revolver, hatchet, enfield. Favouite sniper rifles:M 24, M 107(well used to be ;_;, DMR I liked AK 74 a while ago but I have a feeling they nerfed the recoil on it. I like AKM for the damage, AND love M4A3 CCO for everything :) I really hate M16A2 M203 the iron sight suck. Thats all.