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About Dublinpato

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    On the Coast
  1. Hey everyone i just wan't to start of and say i have not been able to play DayZ online for month's i tried everything on nearly every forum i could find and for the life of me i could not find a solution and i know why because just like everyone else i was looking for a problem with DayZ when DayZ wasn't the problem at all it was my network manager that came with my MSI Z87 G-45 mobo and i feel this need's to be put out there because people that use killer network manager like myself will just think it's a DayZ problem so here it is. This post is for those of you that are having problems joining server's and getting connection failed with theQualcomm/Killer Network Manager. If you have the Qualcomm/Killer Network Manager. Please do the follow. Windows 7/Vista Please Click on Start and where it says search for programs and files please type in cmd . When the Command Prompt appears under Programs please Right Click on it, select 'Run as Administrator'. Then once your command prompt opens up please type in the following. netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt (then press enter) should go through the following Reseting Interface, OK! Resetting Global, OK! Restart the computer to complete this action. Then I want you to type in netsh winsock reset (then press enter) should go through the following Sucessfully reset the Winsock Catalog. You must restart the computer in order to complete the reset. Then go ahead and restart your computer. Upon restart, you now should see the QUALCOMM/Killer Network Manager popup and display The layered service provider is not mapped correctly, do you want to remap? You going to want to click 'no'. The next step for this issue is to go ahead and disable the startup of the program. You can do this by the following Click on Start, where it says 'search for programs and files' type in msconfig Once msconfig loads on the top of the program your going to want to click 'startup' Go through the list until you see QUALCOMM Network Manager and uncheck the box. Then select 'apply' and 'okay'. Now go ahead and restart your computer. Your issue should now be solved and you shouldn't have anymore problems connecting to server's.
  2. Dublinpato

    Connecting Failed

    GUYS!!!!! i have found a solution it may work for you or it may not i don't know but let me tell you i have tried everything in this thread and nothing until i came across this beauty, i have the MSI G45 mobo too and i could not wrap my head around why my new PC that i spent allot of money on and is by far better than my last why i could not play dayz i kept getting connection failed and then i would be left on a black screen when i try to exit and i was only able to play on origins servers which is better than nothing but still anyways it turns out it was killer network manager all this time so this is what i did i hope it helps you. Windows 7/Vista Please Click on Start and where it says search for programs and files please type in cmd . When the Command Prompt appears under Programs please Right Click on it, select 'Run as Administrator'. Then once your command prompt opens up please type in the following. netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt (then press enter) should go through the following Reseting Interface, OK! Resetting Global, OK! Restart the computer to complete this action. Then I want you to type in netsh winsock reset (then press enter) should go through the following Sucessfully reset the Winsock Catalog. You must restart the computer in order to complete the reset. Then go ahead and restart your computer. Upon restart, you now should see the QUALCOMM/Killer Network Manager popup and display The layered service provider is not mapped correctly, do you want to remap? You going to want to click 'no'. The next step for this issue is to go ahead and disable the startup of the program. You can do this by the following Click on Start, where it says 'search for programs and files' type in msconfig Once msconfig loads on the top of the program your going to want to click 'startup' Go through the list until you see QUALCOMM Network Manager and uncheck the box. Then select 'apply' and 'okay'. Now go ahead and restart your computer. and the funny thing is i found this on a Xbox forum LOL so all credit go's to this guy http://forums.xbox.com/gfw/technical_support/f/265/t/297709.aspx