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Everything posted by BrendanP123

  1. BrendanP123

    [SF] Clan Recruitment !!!

    -Age: 16 -times in which you play: Anytime someone wants to play plus depends on what time in the day it is -country: UK -Bandit/hero: Both :D -what makes you you?: I like killing stuff building bases and basically likes cooperating with other people -Steam name: BrendanP12345 -What you are good at: Sniper But I'll always carry a Assault rifle :D - Brendan :D
  2. BrendanP123

    Making decent team of players [14+]

    If you guys wanna team up add me on skype or steam I'm happy to play with you guys :D Skype: Brendan.elite.porter Steam: BrendanP12345
  3. BrendanP123

    Making decent team of players [14+]

    Nickname: Brendan Age: 16 Steam: BrendanP12345 Do you have Teamspeak or ?: Yes I also have skype :D Your skills (Assault, Sniper, SMG, LMG): Sniper But I will always carry a Assault weapon :D Why do you want to join?: Because Im tired of playing the lone wolf its boring you get me?
  4. BrendanP123

    Making a team for decent players [14+]

    Nickname: Brendan Age: 16 Steam: BrendanP12345 Do you have Teamspeak or ?: Yeah I also have skype :D Your skills (Assault, Sniper, SMG, LMG): I will use a sniper but I'll always carry a Assault weapon :D (M4A3 CCO SD or something better) Why do you want to join?: Im tired of being alone. Being alone Is not fun but with A group you get more Action. :D Hopefully we can all group up and kick some ass. I got a question for you guys Do you guys play any other maps(Panthera, Taviana, Namalsk)?
  5. BrendanP123

    Sloviki, A New DayZ Map

    I like the idea of the world being flooded when is this based in, is it based in the future or the past?
  6. May I join you guys I'm only 16 my skype is brendan.elite.porter