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Everything posted by Stehwahn

  1. Hello there, I play dayZ for a little while now when today i wanted to explore the world of Chernarus at night - suddenly a strange guy appeared and asked if i wanted some NV goggles - hey, what a nice guy! After i got those he asked if i wanted a gun - when i replied that i first need a bigger backpack, HIS packpack (alice pack) changed it's appearance and he put the new backpack back on the ground: it has become an assault pack. - The guy: "I give it to you". So, since I know that everyone can only have one backpack (or can you put one in your backpack?) and this guy wasn't an admin who can spawn items out of thin air, I suppose he had some little hacks to spawn those... I didn't take the backpack as i knew it was an illegal dub - but what about the NV goggles? Are there any consequences (because of BattleEye, for example) for owning dubbed items, even if you were unaware they are dubs?
  2. Thank you for your quick answer. Maybe i should try to contact an Admin so that guy will get banned... Well, at least it was a friendly hacker and didn't let me dance in front of zombies ^_^